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Shah Jahan

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Posts posted by Shah Jahan

  1. The Pai police chief is being transferred out and is currently awaiting his replacement. No idea whether the transfer is routine or related to the crime.

    Somebody with more knowledge can correct me, but I seem to remember the current police chief coming in November 2006 - and since police chiefs have 2 year cycles- that means his routine transfer would be November 2008 - any transfer before that would be for extra-ordinary circumstances.

  2. FYI - maybe you have seen this already..........






    ..........good thing.

    The officer in question can sometimes still be seen on the streets of Pai, still drunk and still carrying a gun. He very recently said to a friend of mine 'Either I take your passport or you let me take your girlfriend home'. His gun was seen at his waist at the time. Apparently he also threatened to shoot someone the same evening in a separate conversation.

    When the tourist police were told the reply was something along the lines of 'Well, we don't want to make a problem'.


    I can confirm this story from a direct observer

    The police officer in question showed up drunk at Be-bop last week with 2 guns strapped under his jacket. he then approached a Thai woman from Bangkok who arrived with a Falang tourist and began talking to her - apparently he knew her or her family or something.

    He then went to the falang and told him that he has the choice of giving him his passport and being taken to the police station for arrest or he lets the officer go home with his girlfriend.

    the falang in question just stood their speechless. the girl then berated the officer publicly and he left. Later that night the same officer was seen at the bamboo bar in plain clothes very drunk and brandishing his pistols.

    Great job Pai Police force.

    Are you the direct observer? If not it's just more second-hand info. Better to have the observer post or better yet file a report with the provincial authorities, Thai and English newspapers, and so on.

    Agree with photojourn that lots of folks here are making calls from the sidelines without making any personal effort to do anything for the case. 'Great job Pai police force' doesn't help much.

    are you just trying to stir up sh@t or do you have anything positive to add? I relayed the information I know - would it be better if I didnt say anything? those are the only two options. And incidentally - the person in question did go to the tourist police box the next day and they laughed and told him to go away that they didnt want to stir up any trouble. I am sure the incident got reported back though the police channels but no reports filed. i wouldn't be surprised if the accused police officer is on a shorter leash at the moment.

  3. i 2nd to goto chiang mai

    bangkok is a beast and to really do anything there and will devour huge amounts of cash

    (example - entrance to Q-Bar = 700baht - entrance to spicy = free)

    chaing mai is like an overgrown village that has become a city - it has everything you can ever need - but you can still get around on a motorbike

  4. Someone can correct me, but I remember hearing that recently Singapore requires declaration of importation of cash over 20k USD or something of the sorts. Hong Kong does not have anything like this

    anyways - to your original question - HSBC on Orchard Road will do the trick - ignore the people downstairs who will probably tell you to go away if you ask - and go straight for the stairs for the international department. bring a copy of proof of address - ie...electric bill or something.

  5. Well thanks for all the replies really given me somthing to think about on the journey there. I guess i need to try out a few of the bars, sit back and watch how you guys do it before blundering in!

    Having been out of the dating game for many years and not being able to speak Thai should make it an interesting experience.

    Thanks again


    if you goto a bar, you are going to fall in love with the first girl who gives you a rim job/ lost cause already.

    bar-girls aside - a quick summation of the difference between east and west is that with thai women is that they are aware that males have penises and like to use them - meaning that it is ok to acknowldge that you have a penis ans exual needs. they know the drill from their thai hubbies.

    if you want a decent partner - this is the rule

    - if you chase her - she is shy - she is good

    - if she chase you - she is bold - she is bad

    some exceptions - but simply enough to follow

  6. your best bet (and its not that great) is to goto a CAT office and buy a little USB dongle - will cost you 10-14k and will get realistically somewhere between 200-800kps with crappy upload

    and it wont work in Bangkok. cost 800bht a month+equipment

  7. FYI - maybe you have seen this already..........




    ..........good thing.

    The officer in question can sometimes still be seen on the streets of Pai, still drunk and still carrying a gun. He very recently said to a friend of mine 'Either I take your passport or you let me take your girlfriend home'. His gun was seen at his waist at the time. Apparently he also threatened to shoot someone the same evening in a separate conversation.

    When the tourist police were told the reply was something along the lines of 'Well, we don't want to make a problem'.


    I can confirm this story from a direct observer

    The police officer in question showed up drunk at Be-bop last week with 2 guns strapped under his jacket. he then approached a Thai woman from Bangkok who arrived with a Falang tourist and began talking to her - apparently he knew her or her family or something.

    He then went to the falang and told him that he has the choice of giving him his passport and being taken to the police station for arrest or he lets the officer go home with his girlfriend.

    the falang in question just stood their speechless. the girl then berated the officer publicly and he left. Later that night the same officer was seen at the bamboo bar in plain clothes very drunk and brandishing his pistols.

    Great job Pai Police force.

  8. just tell them the truth and make sure your wife does the same

    you may have to give her a quick boot camp in the falang concept of honesty

    because thats what the officer will be looking for


    Q: When did you meet?

    A: Last year

    Q: But your husband said you met 2 years and 3 months ago. LIAR - REJECTED.

    that is a typical situation .

    make sure she knows the full name and address of your parents (or sponsors) as well

    not speaking English shouldn't be a problem - it wasn't with mine.

  9. there are other situations where land is given to villagers for agricultural use only and they are not allowed to sell or transfer or build on that land.

    land like this is commonly sold/transfered and usually includes village headmen signing off and photo graphs of money changing hands etc.....

    why dont you just go and hire a cop to sort this out? thats what the police are here for :o

  10. A friend was tapped on the shoulder in the arrivals area last Monday, he was carrying 5 cartons purchased in Dubai on a stopover. He along with another carrying 2 NoteBook computers were transported to Bangkok and he was fined a total of 400 UK Pounds (He had no Baht, they accepted Sterling). That works out to about 5000 Baht per carton and the lot was confiscated. BE WARNED!

    The other guy was heaverly fined and lost both NoteBooks.

    this seems like a silly question, but in light of the country we are discussing - are you sure they were the real customs officers - and just some guys who flashed badges and shuffled you into a car? sounds like it could be a wind up.

    look at this here


  11. TOT in the north - Mae hon song/Pai has been almost unusable the last few months

    the service will constantly cut out and come back again all day long.

    it was fine for years before this started happening.

    not sure what to do - a call to the local guys just leaves them scratching their heads. and a call to the office has them verify that it is working at that moment- but the problems still occur.

    any thoughtS?

  12. Suprised to find a rusty 10 baht coin in my garden today, should I pocket it or is that stealing ?

    Quite sure it is not mine because its old and I recently moved in. Doubt the real owner will claim it. What should I do with it ?

    To preempt any silly comments, for those who will say its just ten baht so get over it, its the buddhist principle behind it im interested in knowing about.

    rather than silly comments, yer question deserves another question in return.

    1 - what if it was 1000 baht note?

    2 - what if it was a suitcase with 10 million baht?

    answer those questions correctly and tell us why and you will have yer answers

  13. My wife, bless her, has decided sex is something done for procreation only... (I guess that is her thinking). "Her words were something like, I don't want to have sex with you, & I have absolutely no desire too."

    wife not wanting to have sex is fine - you should love her no less- and for those recommending divorce and legal means, go back to new york

    but however that means

    you can demand a burmese maid and start shaggin her in the guest room - no loss of face and little income leak and you wife gets to control her

    it just may save your marriage and will probably wake up your wives libido as well. :o

  14. I don't really think that they have INTERNATIONAL staff in mind.

    In the outside world (outside the realm) one can make (if you are any good at all) a minimum of 10 - 12 million baht a year. Do you think that a person able to command that sort of dosh is gonna come here and work for beer money. :o

    well actually i have found that beer money plus a set of nice legs will do the trick for most. :D

  15. Stick to auto, tourism, rice growing and prostituion

    :D :D :D

    but really - who would work in this Kon Kean IT hub?

    we can import some Bangladeshi's or you could create an artificial ocean there and declare that all forgineers with IT experience have to move to Kon kean or risk getting deported


    a few weeks ago I met a girl from Thamasat university - nice white skin and long legs - she said she was studying cumputer programming

    when I asked her what language's she worked in - she proudly replied English and a little French. (after a little digging I found out that she was learning mySQL)

    I have seen the computer programming work of thai workers first hand and I have to admit some are very creative and talented when it comes to graphic design -

    but coding.... :o

    next thing that are tell us is that thailand is going to be an international call center hub. :D

  16. As a dear friend of mine once said.....

    "There's more than enough for any man at home - It's just some guys can't reach it"

    that reminds me of a awful joke I once heard

    "How do you know the Cambodian girl is a virgin?

    She can outrun her oldest brother" :o

    this is going to the gutter

    but to answer the OP

    if a man has either guilt or pride in what he does, then he has already failed and will deserve the wrath that he attains

    if one is to strike, then it must be done with impunity

  17. I dont know about Trat, but for about 1 1/2 months in Pai, Mae hon song the TOT connection has been almost unusable at times

    it started when they 'changed' their IP addresses around.

    now the service constantly cuts on and off at random points in the day and night.

    I doubt that anything is actually being done about this so I am looking at other alternatives.

  18. I got my girlie an iphone last month at Fortune 18k 8 gig

    she was the first girl on the block to get something other than a nokia Nwhatever

    most of the girlies were ohhinh and ahhing - as before the rumor on the street was that iphones were too complicated and hard to use for the likes. now all the girls dont understand why they(or sponsor) paid the same for the nokia, but the iphone is much more fun and obviously more expensive and bigger face.

    she uses it to browse sanook, and take pictures and email to me and listen to music. and they all love the rotating photos, but I have forbid her from allowing any of her friends to plug it into the computer to add more music because I am sure then would accidentally update and lock it. which means that the task is left to me now.

    the one question I have is where to get the 3rd party app that lets it record video?

    also how to make ringtones from mp3's? - non-tech answer please.

  19. TG BKK-LAX

    %10 was almost 20k for the infant ticket. my ticket was 35k (lucky low internet price)

    would have been the same price or less to buy a child ticket (2-11) and get an extra seat

    TG CNX-BKK - the %10 comes to about 1k baht

    Nok air lets infants fly for free.

    maybe other international airlines have different infant polices but TG and their %10 is a joke.

  20. I don't think you can just remove it... it has to be moved somewhere. I wasn't on our registration here because I never lived here until I was 21. So I think my way would only work for inter-Thais or luk krungs who spent their lives abroad until after draft age.


    would most likely be moved to the central database...

    my mothers name was moved there after living in OZ for 40 odd years.

    So to ask again since there has not been a clear answer!!

    If I just go down to the Amphur and ask them to remove (move or whatever) the boys name from the house book - just say he is going to US,

    then will he be off the rolls?

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