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Posts posted by theslime

  1. 23 years ago, 1st timer, blind drunk, lost, empty wallet(drank it empty) 3 days on the piss then down to Trat. In all that time since, Ive been hassled by Thais once and Tourists a couple of times. The police have been very polite and even their grass is far superior than the bars.

  2. Struth, some are ok some are not. <deleted> me, the amount of times Iv,e seen Poms/Aussies getting all worked up because they can,t be understood in a foreign country. As for standing in aisles/ pushing in line speak up, and push through,or be left behind. Go to India and see how good ya got it here. Up in CM we dont have the problems of Pattaya and if Pattaya is getting to ya, move. To all the posters who dont like Russians, please grow a brain.

  3. BTW the Economist article on k. Thaksin getting a bit desperate seems to have caught the attention of Robert A. and the PPT. Robert A. phrases it as 'PPT Rips the Economist for its Myopic Coverage of Thailand'. Just check out on http://robertamsterdam.com/thailand/


    Interesting how for years the usual suspects insisted the Economist was not to be trusted, indeed ( no kidding) was in the pay of Thaksin.Now that the Economist has published a piece that the usual suspects find favourable,do we hear an apology for their traducement in the past of an internationally respected journal? We do not - just the telling silence of the intellectually dishonest.

    When it comes to opinion pieces in papers or magazines, i don't think expressing either agreement or disagreement with one from a certain publication, ties you into continuing to agree or disagree with all future opinion pieces, lest you be guilty of contradicting yourself. We hear often enough do we not what propaganda filled rubbish The Nation is, but doesn't stop the same people quoting from this publication when it suits their needs. BP might be off limits but plenty of other sources one can draw from if one is so fundamentally opposed to The Nation.

    Anyway, as you imply in yourself a level of trust and faith held for certain publications that you maintain no matter whether you agree or not with their most current musings, am i to take it that this Economist article to which you refer carries your full endorsement?

    The Economist is a leading publication with a tremendous reputation and a very specific view of the world, sometimes irritatingly opinionated I agree but always thoughtful and well researched.Its line on Thailand has been entirely consistent as far as I can see.I have no idea what you mean by giving my full endorsement.I read, I sometimes agree or I sometimes disagree.The article under discussion was perfectly fair in my viewIt would not for a second however occur to me to say certain parties had paid to secure the magazine's line - and that is exactly what the usual suspects have argued in the past.

    You are presumably having a little joke in invoking The Nation.I don't wish to be disrespectful so will just say I have seen better newspapers.

    The Economist told the Irish to eat grass in the great famine.
  4. Personally I don't see any courage in the stand taken by Abhisit and his charming sidekick Suthep.They will never be arrested and will never spend a day in prison.They know that and it rather demolishes the bravery aspect.It's just part of the Thai version of Game of Thrones.

    I rather think were it your own neck on the line, and with the likes of Chalerm currently carrying a lot of political clout and having a say, direct or otherwise, in your fate, you might be somewhat less flippant about it all.

    You think that the judicial system has been bent against Thaksin, yet you dismiss the idea of it being bent against Abhisit as a ridiculously implausible joke. In the scheme of things, doesn't sound at all far-fetched to me.

    And it all goes on and on,pressure on the judges by Politicians. Red, Yellow, Third Hand or Green hand
  5. I think all these people falling from balconies have been murdered!

    It is murder

    German: Selbstmort

    Dutch: zelfmoord

    Or self inflicted murder, a much more clear word then suicide.

    A cowardly act that leave family and friends with many questions, no matter how many laters are left behind.

    I used to think your way, but now I think you,d have to be very brave to take a leap to Oblivion. Cowardly is a cruel word.
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  6. I have made my views very clear on what I think of those scum who bomb and murder people because they are not of their religion or ethnicity. These crimes are committed by terrorists. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to with these appalling acts. To say all muslims are terrorists and have no right to live here is bigotry.

    Good on ya mate. You have made it abundantly clear, that you dont like minorities trying to be heard through violence. Leave the violence to the State.and all will come good. glad George Washington didn,t think like you.

    And you believe terroism by minorities is OK just because they are a minority.

    George Washington was not a terroist he was a revelutionist. He fought in the open. Any particular reason you are trying to justify terrroism?

    If the State is being Murderous dont come crying Terroist when the people fight back. Also do you think Bombing from 30,000 feet is okay because you are not a Minority, therefore you are not a Terroist. The first part of your post has me confused.
  7. I hope Abhisit and Suthep are true to their word on this. I do worry though if this case was really followed through and pushed forward and they had their day in court, whether when push came to shove and it looked like incredibly they might end up in gaol whether the goal posts would be shifted.

    Its a worrying sign that seemingly every 'impartial' agency has done a complete about turn since the new Government came in, and I suspect that this would run through the judicial system as well. I have no doubt that although Thaksin was/is as guilty as hell on his charges, there was a political element to the prosecution as well- I just hope that the judicial system do their job fairly and on the merits of the cases whatever the outcome may be. I am sure we are not party to much of the evidence they may have at their disposal so really there is no choice but to put your trust in them, however worrying that may be.

    Impartiality is like a YOYO in all Society,s
  8. Waters too warm, but the 10 months i stayed was very enjoyable met plenty of great characters. One very rich Dutchy was so pissed and need ed to go for a crap, he wandered off into the darkness. next thing he walks into the main lamai strip with no pants on jibbering away. The locals rang his GF who took him home. On waking he couldn,t remember much, but GF about 3 days later put 2 and 2 together. She retraced his steps and found in a vacant lot his Trousers with wallet next to his dump. Adrian R.I.P. an English Rock Guitarist recieved a letter at Nakorn which was empty, what a laugh watching him trying to explain why anyone would send him empty envelope, as his brother had sent money not an empty envelope.

  9. I have made my views very clear on what I think of those scum who bomb and murder people because they are not of their religion or ethnicity. These crimes are committed by terrorists. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to with these appalling acts. To say all muslims are terrorists and have no right to live here is bigotry.

    Good on ya mate. You have made it abundantly clear, that you dont like minorities trying to be heard through violence. Leave the violence to the State.and all will come good. glad George Washington didn,t think like you.
  10. A separatist (Islamic or not) who plants bombs that murder and maim indiscriminately, executes teachers, monks or anyone they don't like is a terrorist. That or scum, either term is applicable.

    They use bombs becaue they are not powerful enough to take on the state. The state kills them with impunity and it is know wonder they try and figh back. If the Buddist state kills them then killing buddists/ snitches/ would be one avenue of revenge. Personnally I am surprised they haven,t gone after the Western Tourists. That would also be a way to screw the state big time.

    They are killed because they use violence to further their political and / or religious views. They choose to kill and maim indiscriminently and attack unarmed innocent people becasue they have a different view. Then, like most terrorists, they screem about human rights and being treated fairly if attacked themselves.

    Anyone who takes to terrorism relinquishes the right to being treated as a human.

    Where do you get that twaddle from? Did you not see men thrown in the back of Army trucks, piled on top of each other like sardines in a can, suffocating to death, slaughtered at Tak Bai and Krue sa. the disappeared, the Lawyer killed by the police,convicted ,then let go. I.m from Irish stock and our freedom fighters fought the most powerful nation of the time, better to die on your feet than be a slave.
  11. A separatist (Islamic or not) who plants bombs that murder and maim indiscriminately, executes teachers, monks or anyone they don't like is a terrorist. That or scum, either term is applicable.

    They use bombs becaue they are not powerful enough to take on the state. The state kills them with impunity and it is know wonder they try and figh back. If the Buddist state kills them then killing buddists/ snitches/ would be one avenue of revenge. Personnally I am surprised they haven,t gone after the Western Tourists. That would also be a way to screw the state big time.
  12. Nice Photo,s, I Have driven up and want to go back. Looking towards Myanmar from the top gave me a feeling of being in some Lost World. Took what seemed like minutes to descend compared to the crawl up. The Taxis at the Highway junction all warned that the road was very dangerous but it was no problem. Rather me driving than someone I dont know driving up in a clapped out Taxi.

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