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Posts posted by theslime

  1. Yep...

    9 month's into Thaksin's regime and already carrying out his usual trademark extra judicial summary executions that he became so famous for.

    I hope he gets brought before the international criminal court for mass murder including all cases of drug users / dealers and Muslims in the south.

    The guy is nothing more than a terrorist.

    More like a murdering cur supported by the majority

  2. at one time in my life i was living with 3 afghan refugees that where trying to get anywhere, they told me that the singapore un guy asked for a bribe, anyway they got sent to canada from bali. one guy had a misshapen head and i was told that a rocket hit his house killing all his family and nearly him. some posters think, what, that they all come from Iran.the reason we are going to send refugees to PNG is the racist redneck voters have spoken, no charity here m8 son*(expletive deleted out)*and let our good conservative Gov keep winning elections. as our pm is a catholic i declare that i recind my catholic education and will try and study bod as the Charitable way forward.

  3. Oh, Australia has a "think tank" ? It must be 80 proof.................

    Well we are not the U.S or Europe but Yep we do have the capacity to think. The world is quite welcome to come and join us and you will be amazed by the things we have given you.

    Fosters,Black box flight recorder, hills hoist,ute,stump jump plough,hoges,andy thomas, the word struth,ironman comp,ozzie rules and the lowry inst.

  4. In over 23 years coming and going the BIB have been very friendly, where else can you pay an instant little fine for no rego, insurance,license.One time i was stopped and the policeman noticed car had no current rego, after his boss got involved I explained that car had rego but I was still waiting for it to be sent from Chiang Mai to Khanchan. he just smiled and so ok you can go. Where I live in the boondocks now they couldn,t be nicer.certainly a lot nicer than some westerners.

    • Like 1
  5. Excuse us.

    Is English not your first language?

    To be lynched is to be hung by the neck until dead, without due process of law.

    According to your description of events, this is not what happened at all.

    This was not a lynching.

    Your title is very misleading.

    Russian Tourist get Crap Beat out Of them In Pattaya Again Last Night

    Would be an honest,more correct title.

    Attached is a photo of a lynching.attachicon.gifimages (2).jpg

    being an english speaker from Australia I understood straight away that lynching in this context meant having the shit beat out of them. If the op said massacred by a gang of thais I,d still reason that they had a terrible beating but not ending up dead as you would be at a massacre.Over to you, mister dictionary

    • Like 2
  6. Why is everybody cutting the farang slack after he killed a guy, injured 14 others and damaged countless cars and bikes? Oh I know, because this is ThaiVisa! You would be furious if it happened in your home countries. Poor guy.

    Maybe some are cutting the slack because of COMPASSION, not liking an Old age Pensioner getting a belt . I for one have to laugh when I read that its all his fault, when surely its his parents/parents/parents etc fault for having children which resulted in him being alive today.

  7. This article is as usual very poorly written and devoid of any substantive information. Apart from the fact that another female passenger was seen talking with the children, there is nothing to suggest subterfuge or harmful intent

    However, what really amazes me is creativity of the TV members who can come up with such assumptions, often based on their own errors on reading the content. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

    TV members aren,t Newspaper Eds, the media jumped on this BS story as they knew the headline would grab all.

  8. This story was on the Australia Network last night, shown across the asia/pacific region.


    Probably the worst report I have ever viewed. The lady - Gill Dalley - is a heroine for what she's been through and continues to do. Good luck to her and her husband.

    However, I still believe legalising, controlling and monitoring the trade is the way to go.

    Where I live, Dog meat is eaten regularly and a black dog is especially prized. I,ve eaten it a few times and thought I was eating Pork Curry.

  9. What a surprise TVF 'experts' condemning this. Is this the same President who was invited to the US a few years ago and gave a talk at one of the Ivy League universities. Is there anything that people on here wont complain about? God knows why people even stay living in Thailand. (If at all they do)

    You aren't really telling the whole story. This president has a lot in common with those "Ivy League" universities. They are politically "progressive" thinkers that hate America.

    Funny m8, thats got to be Irony. Now the Water issue needs people from Iran as ,being a very old Civilisation they have thousands of years experience in moving water.

    Yes they have found that if they put it in their mouth it will eventually come out. They may have had thousands of years of civilization but after Genghis Khan got done with them they had to start over again. That has to be one of the silliest reasons for claiming they have expertise.

    Was Israel there. They have a lot of practical up to date experiance with water management.

    To his credit Thaksin had them come in and make recommendations. The problem was that they did not recommend mega money projects so his brother in law discarded the recommendations and went looking for mega money projects. He left the party to early to carry through on them.

    You say my quote has got to be one of the silliest reasons for claimimg they have expertise in water management, Thousands of years of water management and you dont reckon they have anything worthwhile to contribute, hhmmm, good thing we have people like you on here to set us straight. thank you.

  10. What a surprise TVF 'experts' condemning this. Is this the same President who was invited to the US a few years ago and gave a talk at one of the Ivy League universities. Is there anything that people on here wont complain about? God knows why people even stay living in Thailand. (If at all they do)

    You aren't really telling the whole story. This president has a lot in common with those "Ivy League" universities. They are politically "progressive" thinkers that hate America.

    Funny m8, thats got to be Irony. Now the Water issue needs people from Iran as ,being a very old Civilisation they have thousands of years experience in moving water.

  11. Came through Poipet last week and noticed a lot or Russians coming through dressed as backpackers. They didn't have that look that backpackers have, shorts too neat and tidy, spotless T shirts and shoes that looked quite expensive and most definately well out of their twenties. Didn't look right in my eyes anyway.

    Hmmm A lot of Russians coming through dressed as backpackers but didn,t have the Backpacker look. How then would one come to the conclusion that they where backpackers or not.? I use a backpack which is 25 years old, sometimes I,m very neat, especially ,doing visa runs. But like to let my hair down and wear unironed shorts, and tee,s sometimes. If I wear my suit and lug my Rucksack where would I stand in your view? fellow traveller,poor, rich. I have travelled in Russia, does that mean you could tell if you saw me a Poipet, maybe, if I had a fur hat on.

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