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Posts posted by theslime

  1. Geeze Wiz, I must be Paranoid into thinking that the New Police version, of the deaths at Din Daeng isn,t correct. Correct me if I,m wrong please. The Police, due to Media evidence changed their story, while a day later, suddenly announce that they have a shell casing , that surely would have been shouted from the roof tops days ago, when the clean up at gate 3 occurred. Maybe they where waiting to tell someone first, who know,s. That the Police Chiefs have a sympathetic heart for the loss of their fellow officer killed in the line of duty, but narry a word about the Officer hit by sports car on Suk, dragged by the car down the street, spat out said vehicle as driver raced away, maybe could of survived if the driver didn,t try to flee, who know,s. Maybe those stories about covert/overt tactics I,ve read in many a book is just in my imagination, but something smells Fishy, or I,m Paranoid.

  2. After last weeks lies and with Thaksin's cousin as head who can trust CAPO?

    No one.

    Why would you trust either side? As I say above, you go with the evidence. And Surapong didn't say anything about this case, that I can remember did he? I can't really remember too many egregious lies coming from him in the past few weeks, tbh. No doubt there have been some porkies. But nothing that stands out as much as, say, insisting that 200,000 or so people are actually 6 million and that this has been proven by 'academics'. Chalerm on the other hand has come out with loads of his typical nonsensical drivel, yes, but he isn't CAPO.

    The statement CAPO initially made about the case was just plain dumb though. I'm not saying Adun necessarily more honest than the rest, although it certainly appears that way. Even Veera in the Post has praised his honesty. But regardless he's definitely smarter than the other people who've spoken from the Government side. He waited until they'd compiled evidence before making a statement. Took journalists up to the roof of the Labour Ministry building to prove that police couldn't have shot and killed Narong from up there. And admitted that police did in fact break the van windows. It was obviously them and Adun must've realized it did nothing for police credibility to deny the obvious. Top marks to Adun, shame about the rest of them...

    This btw is right in the direction that police firing from the Labour Ministry would've had to fire from:


    Compare with the map:


    The building on the left in the first picture is the white building to the right of the Labour Ministry building police were stationed in on the map. As you can see, it's actually higher than the top of the Labour Ministry building (three storey) and blocks the direction they would've had to fire in.

    Anyone who still believes police could've done it from there is... well... too far gone to see reason.

    So what is your point,? that the Police could have done it from the Gate then . Do you recall what happened to Pornthip the forensic scientist, pushed out for showing the truth about lots of Government lies? Funny about coincidences that this comes out after the Cops got caught red faced again telling Porkies thumbsup.gif

  3. Yet another delusional, borderline hysterical piece from The Nation. Will they ever stop with the gross exaggerations, half-truths, deceit, obfuscation, manipulation? This is meant to be a newspaper with some reasonable sense of balance and proportion, even in an op-ed piece, rather than a full on rant giving a very lop-sided view of the situation. Not worth the paper its written on. God forbid that anyone would actually ever buy the rag.

    I thought it was very well written, perhaps because of not finding too many truthful press stories over the decades. What by the way do find wrong with the article, it clearly notes the bullshit amnesty bill to allow convicted and pending corruption figures to be freed. also the fact that the then ruling party tried to manipulate the senate and then spat the dummy. Please again enlighten me if I,ve missed anything and I,m not talking about Tax evasion, Murder of innocents,land grabs
    Well written it is bias naive and it is absurd for a news paper a disgrace of journalism no facts only personnel opinion that what this is.

    By the way the amnesty bill would have benefitted both sides and may be could be a good start for reconciliation, only had to exclude TS from it. Wait after the democrats will get the power or any other government as puppets on the string will take over a new amnesty will be drafted and tabled to release Suthep from the hook.

    I thought it was well written clearly given an unbiased account, say what you like I always thought the Nation was rightwing Rag. Then you write about it would be alright, good start to reconciliation, What, just go on as Normal is it ? After given Thaksin the flick . Then out with Your crystal ball and predict the future but, sounding quite like a personnel opinion to me. That a new amnesty bill will be on the Dems table so nah nah.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  4. If the uprising is so powerful, why don't they just win the elections?

    Have you been following any of the multitude of articles/opinion pieces et al spelling out for you why this is so?huh.png Or do you simply come on to TV and give your uneducated opinion after a night of gabbing with the chaps down Soi Cowboy? cowboy.gif

    I do not have any opinion. I just asked a simple question and got insulted by you.

    Well you seem to have an opinion on sleights, I think you should do some research as to why all this is happening before writing, Why dont they just win elections, have you not heard of the slave like mentality, that makes them believe in the Pu Yai words. 100 years ago they were nearly all slaves so its not surprising that they believe Thaksins words without knowing its costing them an arm and a leg.

    • Like 1
  5. "or an average of $ 657 per tonne"

    Yeah sure the world is lining up to buy Thai rotten and rat-infested rice at $ 657, when both India and Vietnam are selling prime-grade at below $ 500!!

    The truth (goggle it Mr Surasak!) is probably closer to $ 300 in bartertrades, with the payment in worthless Chinese junk!!coffee1.gif

    The good news Mr Surasak! I found just the right job for you. TAT is looking to recruit a new prognosismaker!


    I read the other day that Australian Rice was $280 a tonne, import into Thailand as part of freetrade, and bobs ya uncle.

    This website shows the global prices:


    Sorry I could have explained better, the Oz Rice farmer is getting A$280 so between that price and the 15,000bt Thai farmers price, there,s big money to be had in free trade,or is thai rice protected?

  6. since when does the police have to justify where they where stationed and when to observe / teargas violent protestors storming government properties?

    The rooftop group are clearly identifiable as riot police - only the alcoholic / brainless Chalerm was the one who denied they where there - he probably did not even know what day it was and in which country this was happening!

    Same for the police chief - as always in Thailand the "managers" are never around and have no clue what is happening!

    Then again just another "The Nation" story!

    Duh, when people are murdered from roof tops. Suppose you have by now seen the post of heavily armed roof top police, what,s ya take on that?

  7. If the uprising is so powerful, why don't they just win the elections?

    Because of the vote buying.

    Any election is vote buying in some sense. Why don't Sutheps buy the votes if they are so smart and clever?

    He does. The Dems gave my wife's family a donation last time for their vote. The Family gladly accepted the money and then voted the way they wanted to. Paying people doesn't guarantee they are going to vote for you.

    News to me, most Thai people I,ve met wouldn,t vote any other way if they accepted someones pay off,I think your being a tad too cynical

    • Like 1
  8. "or an average of $ 657 per tonne"

    Yeah sure the world is lining up to buy Thai rotten and rat-infested rice at $ 657, when both India and Vietnam are selling prime-grade at below $ 500!!

    The truth (goggle it Mr Surasak!) is probably closer to $ 300 in bartertrades, with the payment in worthless Chinese junk!!coffee1.gif

    The good news Mr Surasak! I found just the right job for you. TAT is looking to recruit a new prognosismaker!


    I read the other day that Australian Rice was $280 a tonne, import into Thailand as part of freetrade, and bobs ya uncle.

  9. I don't think we are in the position to judge Thais or anyone else. Just google the name Michael Hastings. He was a brave man who was only doing his job and wanted to inform the American public about certain dodgy things. Unfortunately, he died in the 'car accident'. That's the way we do things.

    Or the Australian Accountant Micheal Wansley shot dead in Nakon Sawan in 1999, only doing his job but some thais didn.t like it

  10. Money, money, money.....the old goat is afraid the buffalo mob will stop drinking swill.

    Good for the daughter, she has gumption to stand up for her King and Country.

    you jest?

    she is standing up "Lady Astor" style in support of an attempted coup against a democratically elected government and she suggests the 'rural poor' are second class citizens you support THIS? and try to clothe it as loyal to HM and country?

    You suggest she said second class, the OP says uneducated about Democracy.

    • Like 1
  11. She's a bigot and a snob. She is also fundamentally wrong that rural people *are different* to other people in that they don't know who they are voting for. Nobody in the US, Europe, Africa, M.E., S.America etc.etc has a clue about the real personality of the people they are voting for, or the puppet-strings that are making those politicians dance like marionettes. The rabbit hole is incredibly deep and if you traced all the main power players in politics globally, you'd get back to the same European semi-royal banking families, who have power globally in a supernational resource grid. But 99.9% of people in the US, EU, etc. don't know Obama is controlled by these offshore families, who also control the IMF UN etc and even have members on China's executive committee. And they control all the main politicians globally. The lady in the OP doesn't know any of that, but I would be a bigot and a snob if I said that made her too stupid to have the vote.


    I agree with some of what you say, but not knowing or caring about History would doom oneself to perpetually repeat the same mistakes, If there is a global cartel, surely there has to be a few polititions who will stand up and get the news out

  12. 20 million young Thai males, 4 each ????? That will long term stop the pregnancies JOKE...... Give the girls free pills better.

    free pills help against pregnancy, but there are much worse things than pregnancy (HIV) and there is no pill against that.

    Yes Hiv is on the rise, and now with a more virulent type in Russia it will get here soon enough, The russian,s are having a hard time trying to get funding for research.

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