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Posts posted by theslime

  1. Lets summarise this.

    This woman was attacked, by attackers unknown.

    She has had some part in glorifying herself in the recent protests.

    Most posters seem to think that the events are related.


    She may be a cattle rustler or loan shark for all we know.

    My wifes cousin was murdered some years ago as some thug mistook him for someone who stole a motorbike from someone. He wasn't involved in anything remotely connected to any Government protest. Chopped him around the neck and he bled to death.

    Take off the blinkers people.

    I stand by my post, show me the proof and I will apologise to all.

    You highlight that we know nothing about her but you said in quote 20 she doesnt look honest, which way is it ,or is your dream confusing you?

    • Like 1
  2. just wonder did you look at a map of thailand

    the ones(we) I have have the roads well marked

    just a thought

    Yes, and the roads are made of road making materials. There are white lines,sometimes yellow. I must be lucky, as incredible as it may seem ,I drove this very route , using the Posted Sign Posts.biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  3. Their stinking rotten criminal's who intended to cheat and lie to get to another country, like Australia, to bludge off the generosity of the new country all the while claiming to be refugees.

    I really hope Thailand sends em back to China.

    Your stinking rotten post points to the fact that you lack compassion, Where are your facts on the Women and Children being Criminals and not genuine Refugees.. Oh thats right you don,t have any, just a sad racist slur. You really hope they get sent back to China, and you call them criminal.

  4. I,ve read all the replies and must say ,most posters are talking nonsense, Kill all, burn all. Lets get rid of those pesky Mooslims who by the way aren,t killing and burning all, but that doesn,t matter because my way is better than theirs. Lets get rid of hate filled retards that have infestered this OP. with their intolerance and idiotic solutions.

  5. Not a lot of condemnation for sending the Rohingya back to Burma. Just more political maneuvering I guess.

    Thailand Sends 1,300 Rohingya Back to Hell http://time.com/7335/thailand-sends-1300-rohingya-back-to-hell/

    It's just not "fair".

    U can volunteer to take a dozen to your home and take care of them. That would be "fair"

    I thought Fair is meant to be taken as white skinned, as against dark skinned minorities that lack empathy in the western white world.

    • Like 2
  6. Seems most of these bloggers just don't get the big picture. Too busy trying to be Jerry Seinfeld. Moslems are colonizing all over the world. shipping their poor, dumb uneducated moslems robots out to set up mosques and them be taken over by the wahabi salafist brain trust. they have been at it for over 1400 years and most people are just too stupid to know history repeats itself. Only ones more patient are the Han Chinese.

    What happens if these Muslims aren,t Sunni, your bit on Wahabi is out the Window. Muslims Colonising, could you give me any example of Muslims colonising A country in the last 100 years.

    • Like 1
  7. Is this the idiot doctor who said Yingluck should get vaginal surgery and a host of other shameful suggestions ?

    Is it possible for you to sink any lower in your attempts to demonize the anti-government side?

    Unfortunately, I suspect you will show us.

    Shooting policemen dead, shooting and beating people trying to vote, storming and occupying government buildings and threatening the occupants,, throwing grenades at unarmed policemen, threatening to kidnap the PM and sew up her vagina.

    Who needs to demonise this lot? Fascist filth!

    I thought you were talking about the Red Shinawista,s , up till the bit about the Vag. I missed the report about sewing it up, but did see the red Thugs attacking the PM,s car in Pattaya a few years ago. which is a lot more evil than talking about sewing.

  8. He's a "Belgian"? Then why does he look - dare I say it? - Thai? Something doesn't add up here, Dr. Watson.

    Well the aborigines get rare in Europe.....tell me the most common name given to babies in Germany, Austria, UK (most probably also France):


    In France and Austria the extreme right wing seem to win the EU parliament elections...

    Clearly his name is not Mohammed

    Sorry but your statement that "aborigines" get rare in Europe is a xenophobic lie , unless you believe 90% of the population equals "rare". Do call 90% of the population "a minority"?

    The fact that the most common name for newborns in certain European countries is Mohammed is not because they form the numeric majority, but simple because half of them call their son Mohammed, while the "aborigines" as you call them give much more diverse names (and actually do not want their kid to have the same name as the other kids).

    So you got the islamic immigrant kids named Mohammed, and the locals named a thousand different names. Not difficult to see that Mohammed becomes the most used name if its just 5% of the kids. To pretend that they have become the majority is far from the truth, just typical xeno propaganda talk.

    Europe has a declining birth rate, the new Immigrants, have only to have about 1 and a bit babies and sooner, than later ,will be in the Majority. So start to get used to Mohammed 1, Mohammed 2 etc. This will be nightmare for Teachers and Islamophobes .

    • Like 1
  9. He backed the wrong horse.

    Followers of the Fallen One will all regret it eventually, including the eccentric ultraclass ruling elite families who have been exposed having rituals in worship of the diabolic. Some people go as far as to say that many of our problems globally are due to the fascination with and worship of the 'ancient enemy', and those powerful people are making decisions that affect huge numbers of people around the world and basing those decisions on the corrupt and poisonous nature of the evil side.

    They will ultimately lose, because God is love and love is the only true power. Love is the only thing that can create and construct, so it will always come out on top in the evolutionary process.

    U write just as much rubbish as him

    All the religions that practice what you preach Aldo fight wars and kill under the same name

    Any person with reasonable intelligence in this day and she who is not on denial knows there

    Is no god and no devil only science

    The physical evidence to did prove a religion is allot stronger than any claimed miracle from thousands of years ago and most super natural thing can be explained some cannot be bit we as humans are still developing

    As for this man going to hell he shall join a few million religious people who fight and kill In the name of god that's if such a place exists

    From a super intelligent being the thought of a Jevon in the sky would be as due full as telling the child about the tooth fairy or Santa Claus

    A way to push people into falling in line

    My advise is to not worry about religion and just do as you are programmed to do or you shall waist your life

    Rip to the victim to this incident further more my best wishes to the families involved

    Totally agree , My Daughters first Tooth has recently fallen out, she knew about the Tooth Fairy,and I went along with it. She was thrilled to get a Gold $1 Coin under her Pillow. I will bring her up not to believe in the other Imaginary Beings, except Santa.

  10. englishoak post # 67

    Just a thought if these farmers are so poor and skint whos paying for all the fuel ? tractors are not that fuel efficient and its a long way to bangers and back. im no expert on tractor mpg but its got to be pretty awful and expensive on a round trip.

    And why do all the tractors look like they came from exactly the same place or hire firm ?

    And why do all the tractors look like they came from exactly the same place or hire firm ?

    Now suspicion has arisen yet again. If, as you state you actually live in Thailand and in farming country as or rather we do in Anmphur Sangkha in Changwat Surin you would be well acquainted with the fact that the tractors you see are all sold with the front dozer blades and driver shades the stock colour is red, the trailers are locally produced to a standard pattern too. Standard equipment at the point of sale.

    It would seem perhaps that your information is sadly lacking as to the reality of rural life here in Thailand. Perhaps due to not actually living where you say and relying on hearsay ?

    ummm we dont get a lot of tractors in bangkok, show me where I have ever said i live in or among a farming community ? I asked a simple question .. two actually . Cheap to run are they or buy ? funny because the little i do know is A there is usually a choice even in tractors and B they cost a fair old bit... far more than most poor thai farmers ive come to know can afford .. in fact i cant think of one i do know thats had one but like i say im not a farmer or know many which is why i asked.

    I assume there is a lease system for most if they use them which is why i mentioned a hire firm... be nice if people didnt jump down others throats when a simple viable question or two is asked Mr poleeeman whistling.gif

    Most villages have the same type of truck that is community owned, used for carting Village needs, Funerals ,Weddings,Parties

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