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Posts posted by theslime

  1. Theslime you definitely are a Republican "13 innocents murdered by the army" 13 terriosts that couldnt do anymore harm you surely meant to say. By the way on bloody Sunday they only did last a nano second. It is about time Republicans got over the past "we want an inquiry for this, we want an inquest for that". The IRA were terriosts and were treated as such. More should have been done to completely wipe them from the earth Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Boy, you should realise that people ,blind like you, are one of the causes of troubles in this world. Demonstrating about injustice is not , nor ever will be Terroism. If you know anything about the Autopsy reports, which I dont think you want to, is a lot killed on that infamous sunday were shot under their armpits, which implies they had their hands in the air, as in dont shoot. You have the gaul to call protesters Terroists, Get over the past is it, we learn from the past, or most do., you excluded of course. still no mention from you and your blind mate about Loyalist murderers, Typical.

  2. Theslime spoken like a true Republican I seem to remember Protestant and Catholics living and working side by side before the Republican movement realized that they could get more and more through terrisom. Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Was that before or after bloody sunday when 13 innocents were murdered by the army, ?what do you expect, lets just all line up and take on the british army like armies are supposed to, yeh and they would have lasted a nano second. what you have to discern is why.

  3. Kun Suthep and Abhisit, how long is it since Thailan has Ben involved in a real war?
    The "temple war" against Cambodia, only being ment as a minor test of power, and this before conducting their real war, and up against a huge majority of their "fellow" country men.

    You dragged up a 2 month old thread just to spout that bullsh!t...... you have chosen any number of current threads on which to have your pointless and inaccurate rant.

    Harsh but true

  4. 5 days left Yingluck before yet another broken promise....

    ...what you gonna do?

    And who's fault would that be? Suthep or Santa Claus? A Caretaker government cant borrow money.... Full stop, so how can they pay the farmers, Suthep is trying to paralyse the country and you seem to be inferring that this is Yinglucks fault. Sorry, but that last time that International Moderators of the last election stated " The PTP have won the elections fairly... Oh I forgot they are wrong too. Winning by a landslide of between 5-6 million votes is no coincedence.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif , maybe you could blame Thaksins Grannies for having sex in China, ergo no vote buying rice scam, no murder of 2500 in vote for me as I,m against drug,s scam, vote for me as I,ll get rid of those Muslim dissenters[Thai] farmers in the south. If you think Thaksin got elected fairly obviously you think rice is worth 15,0000 baht a tonne and its not a buy vote scam, pity the worlds rice buyers dont agree with your assumptions.

    • Like 2
  5. Thailand knows how to run sex and human trafficking trades. No other country in the world has a corner on sex as does Thailand. The sex segment of Thailand's economy will hold its own. As Thailand's financial and export industries continue to downsize and get squeezed by falling confidence, political instability, military force and corruption more and more Thais will enter the sex trade.

    Free lancer bars in hotels and coffee shops will proliferate and Thailand's girls will be holding the foreign cash flow together. Crime will increase. Thailand will evolve into a very very dangerous and lawless place. The Thai south will continue to be a terror zone. But the Thai girls and other sex workers, pimps, children, gangsters, drugs and petty criminals will expand. Hats off to the Thai girls, the real backbone of the Thai economy.

    There are a lot of Cuckoo Heads here Noitom, whom can,t see the tougue in cheek in your post. Keep up the good work as all politics and no fun makes the Slime a dull boy.

    • Like 1
  6. Adul also admitted that the black-clad individuals believed to have fired live bullets into the crowd from the rooftop of the Labour Ministry nearby were police officers.

    Well, "believed" is the operative word here, since there's no evidence they fired live bullets.

    The problem is who to believe? Chalerm has already said the men on the roof of his own ministry building were Suthep's own 'agent provocateurs'! Not a far stretch of the imagination that there was the possibility one was taking potshots at protesters but as far as proof goes I for one doubt the truth will ever emerge.

    Your head is crackedw00t.gif , sutheps followers just causually got on the roof of Chalerms Ministrycheesy.gif , fired shots and calmly walked out, sounds like the twilight zone or maybe they had a transporter, like on the star ship enterprize, thumbsup.gif I doubt the truth will be forthcoming.especially if its from a pollie.

    • Like 1
  7. Chchulainn obviously you are from Northern Ireland cant you see that this is just the same as republican terrorists ganing a foothold in the Northern Ireland government, for years the the terrorists that tried to disrupt the government cost thousands of peoples lives. You should have more sense and know that Suthep is nothing but a terrorist. Sent from my GT-N8000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    These so called Republicans you speak of only grew out of English hatred for the poor catholics, who were treated like 3rd class citizens, denied proper housing, employment, justice and who tried for years to open dialogue that was refused, always. Better to stand up on your feet and fight than to be treated like dogs. If they didnt fight they would have no representation., you should have more sense than to believe this is like Ireland. I notice no mention of Loyalist killers.

  8. i have not seen a single election poster anywhere no has there been any pickups driving around trying to make us deaf from blasting out their rubbish promises etc , makes me think is there really going to be an election ??????

    Where do you live?

    Drive around the Ram Intra area. You'll see Yingluck's PTP poster about every 15 metres.

    On one of our local roads running under the highway intersection there is a very large PTP poster, several of the stooges and the grand master himself!

    please post a photo...

    Chiang Mai...Hang Dong. Zilch here

    Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

    Same here, Zilch from Hang Dong through Sanpatong, Tungseao, Doi lo, Chomtong.

  9. 14 killed in Belfast by Rubber Bullets, mainly Children. Some Bullets are over 150mm in diameter. Non Lethal I think not.

    150mm in diameter? I happen to know that measurement well unfortunately and doubt that anything of that size in diameter, (do you mean lenght), could be fired from any gun with rubber bullet. Maybe I have missed somehting here.

    I searched and searched and I couldn,t find the 150 diameter again,so your probably correct that its the length. 40 mm diameter is the biggest I could see for sale. I,ve seen a round brought to Oz from Northern Ireland and it certainly looked lethal to me.

  10. this has show that the black men in 2010 are police officers too

    Certainly raises some questions.......

    I don't see how it does at all. There were no "men in black" at the Thai-Japanese stadium. They were riot police on the building.

    You must of missed the news, when the national Police Chief admitted that the men in black were police, funny that. He was lauded for being so truthful.

  11. 14 killed in Belfast by Rubber Bullets, mainly Children. Some Bullets are over 150mm in diameter. Non Lethal I think not.

    150mm in diameter? I happen to know that measurement well unfortunately and doubt that anything of that size in diameter, (do you mean lenght), could be fired from any gun with rubber bullet. Maybe I have missed somehting here.

    I found it rather astonishing as well, all I did was Google rubber bullet deaths in Belfast.

    Wow, I just googled tear gas and a lot of deaths reported, many because of being hit by high velocity cannisters. They have even used known carcinegens as the solvent to aerate the solid tear gas compounds. You dont want to be anywhere near the stuff when it gets fired,

  12. 14 killed in Belfast by Rubber Bullets, mainly Children. Some Bullets are over 150mm in diameter. Non Lethal I think not.

    150mm in diameter? I happen to know that measurement well unfortunately and doubt that anything of that size in diameter, (do you mean lenght), could be fired from any gun with rubber bullet. Maybe I have missed somehting here.

    I found it rather astonishing as well, all I did was Google rubber bullet deaths in Belfast.

  13. Hopefully the court judges with a variety of parliamentary requirements to be met in the future, no matter who is in power at the moment.

    Like for all future budgeting processes they make it compulsory for all future governments, that

    - the use of money for project proposals are accurately represented in detail and coherent on the last baht.

    - the use of money for project proposals is described in detail for all people publicly documented and visible

    - Public monthly or quarterly reports on Finance and project progresses.

    - Public invitation for project proposals and at least three competitive compare offers.

    - Project completion reports including all expenses with receipts.

    - a strong supervisory committee composed of members is formed by all parties,

    to control the entire investment process without disabilities and time delay restrictions.

    The results of the process and progress checks are presented to the parliament.

    The members of the supervisory body should rotate so that corruption is impossible or more difficult.

    When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.

    It must be prevented that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.

    Democracy requires transparency and not dubious vote in the middle of the night for the largest credit since the existing of Thailand,

    with a term of 50 years. In fact, affected at least three generations in a row.

    With compound interest, it is then 6 trillion baht.

    This government has no ethics and no morals to society.

    Right, this and former governments has no ethics to society , and will never have, as it is in the Thai culture....

    But the only government that really invested in huge infrastructure in Thailand was and is the Taksin governments, airport(s), highway, airport link, sky trains, all what we see and use of high end infrastructure, so hopeful also high speed rail system.

    During the years of undemocratic government with Abhisit as PM, nothing was build up, only debts.

    Let's wait to what the court comes up with, maybe there is a good financial plan and the payback of the loan could be done by income from the investments, so not to quickly with calculating for tax payers in generations.

    Airport has been on the cards long before Thaksin and did you know one of the runways was substandard when it opened,corruption. not enough toilets were built when it opened,crruption. highways, I seem to recall plenty of highways before Thaksin, same with sky train planning well down the track,airport link, hmm, most international airports have links, but does the link actually go to the Terminals?
  14. Yes, now the cold weather and early morning dampness is going the burning, which began in December , will begin again in earnest and the north will be a huge health hazard to one and all.

    Thinking of your holidays, avoid the north of Thailand - Chiangmai, Chiang Rai, Mae Hongson etc for the next 3 to 4 months,

    How long does the northern haze last? May/June?

    I was thinking of doing a road trip up that way.

    Don,t go until it rains for a week,in rainy season Mae Hon Song has unbelievable pollution, and of course it,s those horrible Myanmar/Lao people doing most of it.
  15. They want to reform the country? OK, they should understand the issues first, so it would be good to require all of them to spend a year in the countryside, working alongside ordinary people, so that their perspective becomes clearer. Maybe the leaders can volunteer.

    You must live in a bubble, spend a year in the countryside so their prospective becomes clearer, when probably 90% of them come from the country or helped on their familys Farms/Orchards when younger.

  16. The final paragraph of this article is very sad.

    When students have worked hard to show their projects

    off and their reward is a cancelled Science Week then the

    powers-that-be have to stand up and do something about it.

    Only the opening ceremony was cancelled. Not having to listen to some boring, idiotic politician seems to be a real bonus to me! They are probably thankful.

    Completely disagree. This could be the only chance these kids get to meet a VIP ( no matter what politics). It's horrible that some crazies decide, NO, the kids can't meet that guy. Absolutely pathetic. Thailand , like everywhere, needs to get kids interested in science. Having bullies interfere with that is lousy, but hardly surprising in this ongoing lunacy.

    Why would a child be impressed by a crooked mp, I shat in the Queen Elizabeths bogger, and I still feel like a VIP, does that count?

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