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Posts posted by theslime

  1. It's anarchy in Thailand.Mr. Suthep is now already responsible and accountable for 10 deaths and more than 500 injured people. He should be arrested. That is what would happen with rebels in any country all over the world. He refuses to talk, negotiate, look for solutions. He only frustrates the democratic process. This guy does not deserve any respect, as he has not respect for the life of any fellow Thai. This is sickening. I've seen the pictures that soldiers and/or policemen watch smiling while the democratic process is obstructed. Pure ANARCHY!

    If you can blame Suthep for all the deaths, why not take the high road and blame the Arms Manufacturers or try the Buddist way, and their past Karma as being the prime reason. Or you could blame Thaksin and his Past Life that got the 10 killed. Up To You. Try some Gavescon for that sickening,frustrating feelings you have. Pure Anarchy,you must live somewhere like Singapore or Switzeland.

  2. Taking into consideration Thaksin's gleeful unleashing of the "police" in February 2003 to wantonly murder "drug dealers" -- that is, 2,500-or so suspected or accused or disliked....

    You removed Thaksin in 2006, you had a coup, you 'reformed' the constitution. Then you rewrote history to make your actions looks good. The technical term is cognitive dissonance. It's a mental process that creates a false picture in your head to make you believe you are the good guys so you can live with your bad choices.

    So even as you're ripping down democracy, corrupting the bodies of state, the Electoral process, the Judiciary, the government, even as you're destroying the economy, closing schools, turning Thailand back into a third world country. Even then, your cognitive dissonance makes you think you are the good guys.

    And to drown out opposing voices you do your chants, 'ear medicine', 'fugitive in Dubai', 'out shopping', the same droning chant used by cults like the moonies to indoctrinate their believers. Over and over and over again until you can no longer rationally reason for yourself.


    Cognitive Dissonance, or the Truth. Think I,ll stick with the Truth, instead of believing in a, Mental Process that creates a false Picture, maybe your falling into your own Trap. Fugitive in Dubai is an Oldie, but you have me stumped with the other two, droning, on the Web, like a cult. Indeed.

  3. Taking into consideration Thaksin's gleeful unleashing of the "police" in February 2003 to wantonly murder "drug dealers" -- that is, 2,500-or so suspected or accused or disliked or simply unlucky small-scale alleged retailers (and the children, friends, and relatives who happened to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time) -- plus the reign of terror his bought-and-paid-for Black Shirts unleashed upon Bangkok in April-May 2010, it should be obvious to the dopey farang running-dogs-of-the-Reds that REMOVING THAKSIN FROM POLITICS IS A NECESSARY, THOUGH NOT SUFFICIENT, PRECONDITION FOR DEMOCRACY. That is to say, for all those fools who, astonishingly -- against all the evidence -- try to portray the violent, megalomaniacal Thaksin as some great hero of democracy, here's a clue: You will never see democracy again in Thailand if that blood-on-his-hands fugitive were ever allowed to return to this country and entrench his power. Thaksin stated on many occasions prior to the Sept. 2006 coup that democracy was not his goal; he wanted to run Thailand like a CEO; that is, like a big boss whose word is law. He wanted to discipline Thai society, like the angry, tunnel-visioned cop he was trained to be. Thaksin set as an objective to dis-empower the poor by cultivating their dependence on his financial largesse (acquired not by Steve Jobs-like entrepreneurial hard work but instead through paying kickbacks to get contracts to computerize the "police" force in the 1980s). Simply sitting back and allowing Thaksin to win this decades-long struggle -- let alone to help him in his cause by incessantly circulating propaganda, like stupid running-dogs -- would mean the utter impossibility of democracy ever reappearing for a generation or more, and the ruination of the Thai economy through wild, hare-brained schemes like the rice-pledging scam. In opposition, using occasionally non-democratic (but also, normally, non-violent) methods to prevent Thaksin's gluttonous lust for power from being realized is a small price to pay considering the alternative would be that Thaksin would crush all hope of democracy for 30 years or more. Everyone with a brain, a capacity for reason, and a willingness to study Thailand objectively -- not letting their own shame at being born into a lower class in some farang country where class prejudice is so strong that it distorts mental judgment and makes the self-loathing farang burn with envy and rage -- understands all of this to be demonstrably true. The formula is simple: Thaksin winning = no democracy for decades. Thaksin losing = a ray of hope that democracy can take root, though it will take a long, long time to undo all the damage that the power-mad man-in-the-sand and his mindless mobs of red- and black-shirted goons have caused to the political culture.

    Very good post, where have you been all these monthswai2.gif

  4. That's because of Global Warming!

    Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

    You must get your information from the Thai Variety Shows, Their has been over 2,500 Scientific Studies Published in Journals supporting the Case that Global Warming is helped by Mankind,and none or one to say its a Crock of <deleted>. Apart fron Shock Jocks and the Big Polluters with their Promotion of Clean and Green Cars for example. Look up CFC,s and the Ozone.

  5. 19 000 likes. What a popular movement. Meanwhile Thaksin has 1.7 million likes.

    "Likes" can be bought, and you are not taking into account the age of an account.

    If you paid me, I could add 1,000,000+ likes in 48 hours to any account, it's not difficult.

    My "Like" for Thaksin is a genuine Like.

    I can confirm you that I clicked Like, and intended to do so, totally for free rolleyes.gif

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I just can,t believe you, how could you LIKE a land scammer,murderer,Tax Evader. I think you are trolling or in need of help.

  6. "....there is the risk of all of us being misinformed or harmed via social media.... Remember to be careful when reading and posting on social media. It doesn't hurt to be sceptical...."

    So how is this different from the mainstream media?..........To answer my own question.... ".It is not"...What supports this point-of-view?...let me count the ways...

    1. It is not by accident that a huge number of Farangs are anti-UDD/RS/PTP. The English Language mainstream media is the only source for Farangs over their coffee at Starbucks or elsewhere...Most times their views mirror that source word-for-word.
    2. It is not by accident that a huge number of Farangs are an extension of the demonization campaign of the 2006 coupists. Demonizing those they coup'ed, in order to justify themselves.
    3. It is not by accident that a huge number of Farangs are Thaksin-haters as a result of this coup-justification denigration campaign waged through the Elitist sourced mainstream media.
    4. It is not by accident that the audience of the mainstream media, especially TV stations, are by-and-large the Elitists and their side of the political divide. In most UDD/RS/PTP leaning households, the mainstream TV channels are scorned, because their agenda's are so pervasive.

    This article is absolutely correct though, when referencing this 'cyber war' via social media......it is not only via its' primary outlet via Facebook, but also Wikipedia...Just reference any politically oriented aricle in this online encyclopedia, and see the one-sidedness.

    Wow, your Crystal ball is working overtime. AS I dont have Coffee with Suthep or YL, I must get my information from some type of English Media.and not by accident. Its not by accident that Thaksin has a very bad profile even for non Bloggers, letting his Generals stack people into the back of trucks to suffocate comes to mind by no accident, deliberately. I think you use the term Elitist too liberally as most newspapers just aren,t that elite.


    At last the army's bluff has been called. The generals now have to decide between backing democracy or backing a wanted traitor and his gang of terrorists.

    The first problem would be deciding which is which. And it may not be the way that you would choose.


    Well let's see now. One is a dodgy businessman wanted for corruption. The other is a swivel eyed loon, an enemy of elections wanted on charges of murder and treason. Ever heard the saying " The lesser of two evils" ?

    Not such a big problem deciding after all, is it?

      Your Dodgy Business man had 2500 people murdered or haven,t you heard?
    • Like 1
  8. What's wrong with speculating? is it harming anyone? Do you watch such programs as CSI series, and speculate as to who the perp was?

    I don't believe for one minute you have never watched a crime thriller, and based on what you've seen, made deductions (speculated) as to the outcome??

    It's not harming anyone I could see your point if this was being discussed with a couple of REAL Detectives, but it's not, it's a bunch of guys analysing a video, and making their observations known, For example I don't see any towel, I see a flag , I don't see anything bounce and hit the vehicle either, so people see things very differently, does it matter who's right and who's wrong? No, will it make a difference to the investigation? .No, is it harming you in any way ? NO..

    Have a nice day!!

    People certainly do see the same thing differently, Long ago in England, a Judge swore he saw a Lawyer whom he knew, and would stake his name on it, only to discover the Man was nowhere near the Judge and had the witnesses to prove it. The English Law was then changed to allow for doubt by an Eye Witness.

    • Like 1
  9. Stop blaming Thaksin and the reds etc as nobody knows right now. I am not Red or Yellow etc as I am just a foreigner but I know one thing........I HATE SEEING PEOPLE DYING over political unrest.

    Suthep doesn't want the present government in ok fair enough but there are other ways of going about it rather then starting an ilegal rally after the King as aready declared a new election on Feb 2nd. Best off he starts with his Campaign rather then leading a bloodshed rally no?

    It's simple really: Call the protest off then nobody else gets hurt then go to the negotiation commitee that has now been set up and hope you win the election too.

    It really doesn't matter who has commited these cowardly acts. What does matter is when can they stop.


    Stop and just carry on, with all the corrupt systems in place. And allow Tahksin to stuff the Police and Army with his corrupt Buddies. Maybe Stop the BLOOD SHED THAKSIN and NEPOTISM and AMNESTY for the CROOKS

    • Like 2
  10. Here we go again, hasn't Suthep had enough of murdering his own people for some cheap publicity?

    Yep, and Thaksin's hands are bloody from his murderous deeds against his 2010 mob that shutdown Bangkok as well.

    Also the 2500 murdered on the War, for political game, on Drugs. The thousands, killed in the south because of his policies.

    • Like 2
  11. All I see is Som Tam, Rice and Pork, Rice and Fish, Rice and Chicken,maybe some weeds also, very little amount. Okay some slices of Cucumber. As Rice is a Carb, doesn,t it turn to sugar in the body, which would explain why Diabeties is on the rise. As all the kids get lollies or sweet drinks every single day, plus the Rice Carbohydrates which is more sugar.

    • Like 2
  12. I still think it's Bangkok citizens and youth gangs doing most of this. The citizens are fed up with the protest and the youth gangs have nothing better to do. Very little proven it is Red Shirts, but it may be Bangkok citizens who lean towards the Reds. Another group would be rogue military or police.

    " Bangkok citizens and youth gangs"

    Ummmm. Do you see military grenades and guns at your local 7/11?

    I thought not

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So your answering for me now? It's stupid to think that these items can not be gotten on the streets. Next time answer for yourself not for me.

    OK - so back up your mouth - where we can buy ping pong bombs? i dont see on the street and I live here in Bangkok much longer than you probably! Or maybe "Si Daeng/11 sell!!!!!!!facepalm.gif

    Very easy to make blot bombs with match heads,chlorin and brake fluid and pressure and KA BOOM.
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