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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. The 37 year old from Gillingham in Kent,
  2. Now this appears to be the best solution ..............LOL
  3. How about adjusting the cost of wines to bring the price of a bottle of wine in line with other countries.
  4. This must mean her father is also on the list ................LOL
  5. When are authorities going to realise that running a red light IS a serious offence and treat it as such.
  6. Greed is a wonderful cloak to conceal all these con-artists
  7. Thailand is definitely NOT the HUB of safety, recent events of items falling or crashing plainly show this beyond any doubt .....LOL
  8. This comment is so rich, how can he of all people not understand some people are truly sick (Maybe a little sarcastic) ...............LOL 😂🤣😎
  9. Thailand, the HUB of Scams ................LOL
  10. In some respects, I agree in principle to some of the arguments for restricting the power of the military, if only there was a trustworthy government in place to carry this through. ...................🙄😎
  11. Maybe what they mean is how can people have happy families if everyone is wearing condoms 🙄🙄 ..............LOL
  12. I was always of the opinion that it was the driver who loses control of the vehicle which in turn causes the vehicle to crash .....😎😎😎
  13. The obvious answer to the above statement is NO! - Reform procedures need to be put in place.
  14. In some respects, I agree in principle to some of the arguments for restricting the power of the military, if only there was a trustworthy government to carry this through.
  15. Yea right ....................LOL
  16. Allegedly, there is no prostitution in Pattaya either .........LOL
  17. What a horrible way to go - one can only imagine what it could have been like R.I.P gentlemen
  18. There are way too many massage establishments employing untrained people, some people do not realise the damage that can be done to someone's nervous system through improper manipulation of the neck & spinal joints. Addition training & certification is definitely required IMO.
  19. Just what a world class family resort needs ..................LOL
  20. Now this really does make a change, it appears the brakes do sometimes work even when not required .................LOL
  21. Excellent work, now fine & deport the lot of them
  22. Nice to see the "Banksman" had his finger on the pulse ............LOL - Hope the crane driver recovers
  23. Ohh well boys will be boys I suppose ...............LOL
  24. Maybe they were moored on a hill & the fishing boat slid down a little as the parking brake was not engaged - OK maybe I was being a little facetious ..................LOL
  25. Well who would have thought it ..........LOL 🤣😂😇
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