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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. 17 hours ago, dimitriv said:

    It’s easy to blame the baht as the butt of the problem for a decline in European arrivals to Thailand. The issues are wider and deeper than just currency appreciation.

    What a load of rubbish, of course it is the hight value of the baht that makes holidays expensive in Thailand change the exchange rate then do the math for the price of rooms....LOL

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  2. 12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Rodchomphu have submitted a draft for a revised Conscription Act calling for military service to be voluntary except in dire circumstances.

    Normally I would agree with this concept, however, in a country like Thailand where discipline is in short supply and the feelings of others abused it could result in even a wider spread of lawlessness throughout the country.

    • Sad 1
  3. 14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The main factors influencing a tourist’s buying decision usually include room price, competitiveness, and marketing strategies such as plane ticket prices, said Bungsrithong, adding that the cost of air travel to Chiang Mai would rise in line with increasing number of visitors to the province. 

    And the common denominator is the high strength of the Baht.......QED 

  4. 13 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    How on earth do you not understand that a "wheel failure" could be caused by a seized wheel bearing, metal fatigue causing cracks around the wheel nuts area, a broken track rod and I'm sure there are other causes.


    "...it had a puncture of the wheel fell off..."

    What on earth do you mean by "a puncture of the wheel fell off" [sic]?

    Bearings & track rods are not part of the wheel and cracks around the nuts must be a 1 in 1000,000,000 chance of the wheel coming off unless all of the nuts fail at the same time, highly improbable

    • Haha 1
  5. 17 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Stung by criticism earlier in the week that Pattaya is a rubbish infested dump the mayor has demanded immediate action. 

    Well the rats appear to like it, take a walk down Pattaya beach road early morning and you will appreciate what I mean, there must be hundreds of them scurrying about and they are not afraid of humans although the cats appear to be frightened of the rats....LOL

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