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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. 11 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    The base there is tasked with providing security for Suwannabumi Airport and Laem Chabang port I read recently. The rest of the APC's are to quell dissent in Bangkok if needed. There are no enemies elsewhere.

    At least this purchase makes a little more sense than buying submarines..!!

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  2. 18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    There are two points for going through red lights, driving the wrong way and driving under the influence of alcohol (non-severe cases). 


    In cases where drivers are very drunk or injuries are caused three or even four points can be taken away. 


    Losing all 12 points means a 90 day suspension. Repeat offenders who lose their next 12 points will be banned for a year. 

    The above is still not any form of a deterrent, loosing two points for what is considered a major offence in most developed countries is a joke. Loosing all 12 points should be a six month as an absolute minimum and if DUI involved 12 month ban, not that any of this will matter to Thai's as they will still continue as normal as the police are so short sighted when Thai people are driving about flaunting the law.

  3. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    The closing time for pubs and bars is 2am.


    Phiphat said he believed that if closing is extended to 4 am, tourists will spend 25 per cent more on eating and drinking.

    Talk about a chicken with it's head cut off this government cannot make it's mind up on anything, it was recently in the news that all bars (Farang only of course) must adhere to the closing hours or else, now anything goes no wonder the Thai people are confused of the various laws....!!! This new recommendation of course takes safety into account - NOT...!!

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  4. 4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    I rarely miss an opportunity to ridicule silly stuff here, but this idea actually represents some progress. 


    Barriers, whether rubberized or not, are a step (of hundreds) in the right direction. 

    I really do hope you are joking, if it is Steel, Plastic or Rubber if the structure has to support the impact of a vehicle hitting it at 120KPH then one will be just as dead..!!

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