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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. One of the major problems in Thailand appears to be little or no forward planning - Instead the norm is wait until it happens then see what can be done without it costing too much...!!! The government have known and acknowledged that there are too many black smoke belching commercial vehicles on the roads many of which should not even be close to a public road never mind on them.


    Unfortunately the problem does not end there, the police are too soft with their approach to road safety and the judicial system does not hand out penalties that form any sort of deterrent which results in the Thai people not being too concerned about breaking the law as everyone can plainly see and regularly comment on.


    Planning appears to be the main problem together with constructive action, it will be interesting to see what action is taken with regard to the impending water shortage and what steps are taken to protect the population instead of how much money can be made from tourists......!!!!

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