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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. It is a shame that Europe does not realise that they are giving in to the Muslim Religion instead of sticking up for Christianity or what ever the countries religion is, the general religion for the UK I believe used to be Christianity, personally I am Agnostic, therefore have no axe to grind for any religion, and believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow; I wish I could say the same for the Muslim religion, who's followers want everyone to become Muslim and adopt their beliefs; unfortunately to look good our politician are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim population happy instead of sticking up for their own citizens & their way of life.

  2. Unfortunately it appears to be a waste of time making any kind of comments as the "Loosing Face" or putting the blame where it should be appears to fall on deaf ears, it appears some people are above the law or alternatively have the police in their pockets; either way too many people are involved in the cover-up for true justice to prevail in this case.

    I honestly hope that these two wrongly accused have the opportunity to clear their names, possibly a little too much to hope the guilty are punished!!!!!

  3. This kind of thing is happening all too often these days, it is all too easy to say sorry afterwards but if they were really sorry it would not have happened in the first place; I am increasingly becoming despondent of how the younger generation of Thai's are becoming so abusive and nothing like the older generation where respect and manners played so a big part of Thai culture. Unfortunately this is nothing to be proud of and this kind of attitude can only end badly for Thailand in general.

  4. This is all "Hot Air" from a nearly has been president, who gives a hoot what he thinks by the time the UK has voted and things start to sort themselves out he will be gone, the only thing America is concerned about is loosing the UK's influence in the EU and a secure lifeline of what is actually happening within the EU. If the UK pulls out (I hope it does) the EU is in real danger of falling apart as others who are also disillusioned will also want to leave, then exactly where will the UK be in the line of things...???? Out ahead of the game is the answer..!!!

  5. This is purely a case of business friends across the globe wanting to protect what they have already invested in and not something better for the running of the country, there will no doubt be many problems but nothing that cannot be overcome and in the long run I truly believe that Britain will be much better off & certainly a stronger country for sticking up for itself, I hope also that other countries follow suite and take back their own borders. Remember how we were all going to loose out if we didn't join in the Euro, these people were wrong then and are wrong once again with all the scare mongering which is absolutely a load of crap.

  6. Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

    Possibly this is because Thailand does not publicise it's true figures in order to save face... also the big and more important fact is the punishment for such crimes is much more severe in developed countries instead of a small fine and a slap on the wrist, this also goes for most crimes committed e.g. robberies, snatching valuables from innocent people walking down the street - this is a really bad Thai trait. Stealing motorbikes, cars etc. people can expect jail time and not just a small fine & "don't do it again telling off" - Sorry No glass house here check it out..!!!

  7. Merkel is another poor leader, no backbone and all too willing to roll over just to look good, it appears many of the European countries are tarred with the same brush, who ever is responsible for the tree-huggers to gain so much sway has a lot to answer for; we need to have stronger leaders who are willing to stand up to opposition instead of just wanting to look good to other nations. Time to get back our own nationalities and standards also not be ashamed of our own religions & call Christmas time Christmas, if others don't like it go back to where you came from.

  8. Exactly what difference does it make who manufactured or supplied the weapons, Planes, bullets, guns & Bombs don't kill people, it is purely down to the people that use them, and as has already been stated if America didn't supply them then Russia, China, France or UK etc. would have been ready to step into the breach and supply the items required, after all arms supply is one of the most lucrative markets in the world.

  9. Dilemma for Dutch PM Rutte after voters reject EU-Ukraine partnership deal

    Where is the dilemma ?

    The vote was NO. NO means NO.

    If anyone has a dilemma it is the trough feeders of the EU as their gravy train comes screeching to a halt.

    Couldn't agree more, I just hope the British Government do not revert to some kind of skulduggery and recognise this fact that No means No!!! when the country votes to leave the oppressive EU.......

  10. "Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, to campaign for public awareness of the importance of water" - These are the very people who need to learn this not the population, as stated previously it is about time the government took the initiative and show by example e.g. reduce water supply through the day or forbid throwing of water except on each districts allocated day for celebration.

  11. It will be interesting to hear the official comment once Songkran is over, and the dire requirement to ration water & of course impose a price increase - Obviously everyone will have used more water than expected during the festival, everyone knows the real reason is the Thai government didn't want to publically announce that restrictions should be imposed during the Songkran period otherwise it may put some tourists off from coming to Thailand, lost revenue big problem...!!!

  12. This is an extremely sad situation all round, the young boy obviously has never been taught & tutored correctly for which the parents bear a great responsibility, it is a shame the girls were not able to swim to another location to exit the water,(not even sure if they were able to swim), the parents of the girls will be understandably devastated & the boy certainly faces a very unsure future - No winners here, RIP to the girls & condolences to the families affected by this.

  13. Slow Loris are the only toxic primates in the world. They have poison glands near their elbows that secrete into mouth and the bite can be toxic. Very sick or even possibly death to the recipient of the bite.

    The Slow Loris can put it's elbow in its mouth????

    Possibly better than putting ones foot in it...!! The Slow Loris can be poisonous but not sure exactly where the gland is located on it's arm, but obviously it must be in a position where it can be accessed

  14. “Warayuth Mayer, 39, claimed that he was hired by Rung Nok Satun-Trang Ltd to protect the company's birds’ nest concession on Koh Li Pi,” If employed by Rung Nok Satun-Trang Ltd, why did the captain not approach the company and request they obtain a registered firearm for use in scaring poachers from the island, then he would not have been in this mess..!!!

  15. Trump will not be allowed to win by the big business people on both sides of the great divide as they have too much to loose; on a personal note I would love to see him win as it would give these same people a wake-up call that the American people in general are tired of them giving away their country also it could possibly wake up our own government as to the things they are also doing wrong..!!

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