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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. 35 minutes ago, KittenKong said:

    The people can speak for themselves and, for the most part, are not chained and beaten to make them do things they dont want to do.


    So in that respect I am much more concerned about animal welfare here than I am about human welfare.

    While it is true that people can speak for themselves, what about all the packs of soi dogs on the loose that chase motor vehicles & bikes causing accidents or are a danger due to the number of animals, I am a cyclist and pass many packs of dogs (up to 16 in number) every day whilst out riding it is useless trying to say anything......

  2. 3 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

    A captain losing his job is a major loss of face, not going to happen. Also you are aware of the absolute and manic avoidance of taking responsibility for anything that exists in Asia.

    After residing here for a number of years I am aware of the way some people avoid taking responsibility, however I cannot condone it and until it sinks in that this kind of attitude cannot continue,  to bury my head in the sand and just say this is how it is cannot be an option.

  3. 19 hours ago, attrayant said:


    I didn't see any numbers or data in your post.  Are you "just asking questions"?  There's a term for that: JAQing off:


    "Just asking questions (also known as JAQing off) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable (and hopefully not legally actionable) by framing them as questions rather than statements."

    Anyone with a modicum of intelligence will know the answer to this one

  4. 16 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

    I'm in Pattaya now as a break from Bangkok and it's dirt cheap. 


    Your bar stool analyst buddies did they expand on what is expensive? 


    I'm guessing porn the beer bar girl put her price up from 1000 bath to 1100 because "no hab customer" 

    Try moving out of the backstreet bars then check the price of beers & ladies of the night, also shopping prices, compared to many European countries Thailand is no longer a cheap holiday place as the Baht is way too strong.

  5. 14 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    There should be a limit on how many dogs a person can have in the city (3?), unless they have some sort licensed shelter or similar.

    Of course that would require some zoning laws too. Not much chance.

    Yes the dogs lives are hellish, the lady is in denial.

    As far as I am aware there is a Thai law that states only two (2) dogs or cats per normal household 

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Topdoc said:

    Remember the story about Joy Smith who cured her 'terminal' cancer with cannabis oil?


    Big pharma must be getting worried!

    Too true, and I personally know of others who have cleared their internal cancers with the use of cannabis oil, it is by no means an isolated case.

    • Like 1
  7. According to New Scientist, scientists at Japan’s University of Tsukuba recently discovered that durian makes it much more difficult for the human body to break down alcohol. In a test tube, they combined fresh durian extract with aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), the enzyme that functions as the liver’s main weapon against the toxic byproducts of alcohol metabolism. The durian—probably because of its high sulfur content—nearly knocked out the ALDH enzyme, inhibiting it by up to 70 percent. (Or maybe the enzyme just couldn’t stand the smell, either.)

  8. "When he was 16 he murdered a fellow student but was jailed for just 2 years in Ratchaburi. There were many other cases of assault against him." 


    It just reinforces the point many are making that these token sentences given out to Thai people are a total waste of time, when is the Thai government going to wake up & realise that human life is more important than looking good on the Hi-so scale of things.

  9. 3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    Dead dogs do not spread rabies though and there is not enough vaccine or time to inoculate around 4 million soi dogs. Killing them is the best way to control rabies but they will not do it, we know the main reason why! Meanwhile the spread of this terrible disease will go on causing untold misery.

    This statement is not entirely true, if the infected dogs are buried in a shallow grave the rabies can spread from the body of the animal if it is eaten by other animals, the best method is cremation; Jomtien area is getting more & more dangerous from packs (8 to 16 dogs in each pack) of dogs roaming the back roads.

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