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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Police are going to enforce this.

    Well thats songkran knackered before it starts, millions go home every year riding on the back of pickups.

    How are they going to get home if police enforce this?

    Absolutely correct, the Thai police will never enforce this rule across the board as someone put it as it goes against everything they themselves do. 

  2. 7 hours ago, thecyclist said:

    Is that a joke?No splashing after midnight.It peters out long before midnight anyway.6 pm would be sensible.They used to do that in Pattaya and surprisingly it actually worked.

    Sent from my ASUS_Z00UD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    This used to be the golden rule, 18-00hrs cut off this way people could enjoy the day then go out of an evening and have a meal without fear of getting soaked, this was when Pattaya was a nice place to live.

  3. I think some are missing the point, we are not trying to obtain the most expensive beverages but trying to get good value for money which by international standards we currently are not, also not interested in what the prices are in other neighboring countries or Europe for that matter, value for money is the key and it is about time the Thai Breweries woke up to this fact, also yes I agree relatively speaking Thai beer is very expensive in comparison to the average cost of living.

  4. 18 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    And this is exactly how a bunch of shysters managed to get rid of Andrew Drummond.

    They piled numerous spurious complaints against him, becasue he was revealing who these con men were, and what they were doing.

    Each rubbish complaint required hundres of thousands of baht in bail, and they kept doing it until he ran out of money and had to leave to stay out of jail.

    The BBC is known for its impartiality and accurate, well researched journalism.

    Thieves do not like being brought into the spotlight, and this is simply an attempt to shut Jonathan up, so they can continue to screw people over.

    I agree that Thailands laws on defamation and Computer crimes are utterly absurd and really only benefit, in their current form, predominantly those the laws are supposed to protect the innocent public from.

    Totally agree with the above statement the one fact the BBC reporter forgot was the TRUTH HURTS plus causes loss of face!!!!

  5. On ‎24‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 7:21 AM, greenchair said:

    I do agree and understand your sentiment.the man deserves some serious prison time.  However, case after case throughout history tells us that people like this have had horrendous lives, where society turned a blind eye to their miserable plight. Nobody is born like this. They are made like this. 

    I believe anyone with a modicum of intelligence would agree with just about everything that has been said, the problem in Thailand is the prisons are overloaded and there appears to be no reasonable check made prior to any early release of these troubled people, the amnesty procedure needs to be completely reviewed and scrutinised for who if any, really does  qualify for any reduction in their sentence.

  6. It would also be excellent if Pattaya followed suit in banning motorcycles from the pavement on the seaward side of beach road, I have noticed more & more motorcycles going up & down beach road on the walkway which is already crowded with Chinese tourists waiting to board speed boats to the island etc. what is more concerning is that the life guards are also going up & down the walkway on motorcycles and therefore do not say anything to the other bike riders, who even ride past the Police station on Soi 9 where I have seen police stopping motorcyclists even when riding with helmets on along beach road but turning a blind eye to the bike riders on the walkway.

  7. I really do wish people would stop Trump bashing before he has had a chance to show what he can do, talk about "Spoilt Brat Syndrome" (It's my bat and ball and if you don't play to my rules we won't play at all) just because he won't cow tail to what the "Old Boys" want, he is not being given a chance; give the man every opportunity before finding him guilty prior to the offence, I personally wish him all the best of luck and hope he really does well also kicks the establishment's ass..!!!

  8. I love it how the vehicle at fault always becomes the subject of a verb in the active voice in these articles.

    It absolves the human participants of any blame in the chain of events.

    Ha! ha! ha! nicely put, on the serious side the question is why are they using a chain to tow something as large & heavy as a bus, surely it should be a solid tow bar with a suspended tow connected to a proper tow truck,- it's called "Safety First".

  9. In some ways it is easy to understand the bad feeling when immigrants who have never contributed to the British economy are receiving more benefits than British people who have become unemployed or retired following a lifetime of contributions; the responsibility for this is the government for allowing them to claim such benefits.

    Surely it is not difficult to see that this type of action will upset the local population, refugees should be looked after, but not to the detriment of locals; after all if they are true refugees they should be issued with a refugee visa which would become invalid once the reason for the people leaving their home country has past, and they can be repatriated to their country of origin. Others who want to stay in the country would then have to apply and only be accepted if they meet the immigrant specifications as laid down in relative government guidelines.

    The government should wake up and realise why people are so upset, but I agree the policing should be carried out by the authorities not vigilante groups, however, if the police fail to respond then this will no doubt lead to further groups being formed.

  10. R.I.P to that poor lady, you can only imagine what the poor girl is going through now. knowing she will never see her mum again, hopefully she has someone to take care of her and doesn't wind up living on the street.

    Ya Ba is a really nasty drug and I really don't know why it is so popular.

    My neighbor's grandson is constantly threatening to kill her, or beat her up, if she don't give him more money so he can buy more Ya Ba

    He is causing more and more problems for the whole family everyday, they have asked for my opinion on how to intervene .

    My reply was " I would call the Police and pay them some tea money with instructions to scare the crap out of the kid to stop threatening the old lady"

    Their reply " Oh no you can't do that, we don't want the police and our community to know our problems and that our son is on Ya Ba".

    So the poor old lady has to live in fear every day now, waiting for when her Grandson to come to visit again.

    How many other Thai Families are in this type of situation? and know of serious crimes committed, yet don't wasn't to loose face by calling the Police.

    Very Sad.

    I agree with what you are saying, unfortunately the people are so used to the norm of Thai thinking, loosing face is one thing but they also know that no severe punishment will be handed down to the perpetrators, and therefore fear retributions once they are back on the streets. This "Ostrich" type of mentality is all too common and one that will not go away quickly.

  11. Let's hope so, the EU has way too much to say about how the British Government should run their country, there will be many business people who have made substantial investments in the EU and they are the ones trying to convince everyone to stay; however for the majority of the population getting out of this cesspit is the correct way to go. Get our country & borders back from people who don't give a hoot about the UK.

  12. It is a shame that Europe does not realise that they are giving in to the Muslim Religion instead of sticking up for Christianity or what ever the countries religion is, the general religion for the UK I believe used to be Christianity, personally I am Agnostic, therefore have no axe to grind for any religion, and believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow; I wish I could say the same for the Muslim religion, who's followers want everyone to become Muslim and adopt their beliefs; unfortunately to look good our politician are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim population happy instead of sticking up for their own citizens & their way of life.

    "believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow" - so let them and admit that your erroneous interpretations are based purely perceptions of race.

    I didn't realise that religion was limited to race, I certainly did not say this anywhere, every country has multiple religions no matter what race, so your comment is baseless.

  13. It is a shame that Europe does not realise that they are giving in to the Muslim Religion instead of sticking up for Christianity or what ever the countries religion is, the general religion for the UK I believe used to be Christianity, personally I am Agnostic, therefore have no axe to grind for any religion, and believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow; I wish I could say the same for the Muslim religion, who's followers want everyone to become Muslim and adopt their beliefs; unfortunately to look good our politician are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim population happy instead of sticking up for their own citizens & their way of life.

    so here's someone with no idea of separation of church and state then?

    What I do know is the state & the church (in UK) for years have been battling for control of the people, to me religion is purely a way of controlling the people, I believe in evolution which is more believable than most of the alternatives, I take it you do not believe the Muslim followers do not want to enslave others into their way of beliefs - Can't win the all

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