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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. There's that word yet again SHOULD. Why is it not mandatory that all entertainment venues have the necessary plans or certification in place before being allowed to open ..................???
  2. So the government DO make things up as they go along, one would think operational procedures would be cast in stone ..........................LOL
  3. What do the building codes stipulate ..................LOL
  4. Just in case you didn't get the message, Safety regulations are made for a reason - Once again Thailand fail on their safety ...............
  5. How about having the fire chief or his nominated fire inspector visit the night clubs to correctly check required fire fighting aids and evacuation procedures.
  6. According to Somchai, a former election commissioner, not only those splinter parties but the largest coalition partner, allegedly referring to Palang Pracharath Party, could possibly be dissolved at the orders of the Constitutional Court if finally proven guilty as alleged. This would definitely put the cat amongst the pigeons ......................LOL
  7. No excuse, both parties should drive in accordance to weather & road conditions ........
  8. I'm sure uncle Cha Cha will find a way around this one - Well pouted Thai Airforce .................????????????
  9. Thailand - The Hub of injustice ................!!!
  10. Ha Ha Ha You win obviously we shop in different markets ...............LOL
  11. Care to explain how you came to this ridiculous conclusion??
  12. The lowest common denominator in these cases appears to Phuket ......................LOL
  13. Protect him more than the police or injustice people are doing at the moment?? Anyone connected to the justice system should hang their head in shame, I believed that Thai people did not like loosing face but obviously the justice system does not care how much face they loose, plus there should not be any statute of limitations on any associated crime when the overall outcome is death of another person.
  14. Thai Rak Thai or so we are informed ...........................LOL
  15. This is what many people have been saying for a long time only the MP's are not listening and neither is the PM .........................LOL
  16. Could you please explain how this will actually work??? Everyone knows if people want to do something they will do it, the above statement means exactly nothing.......
  17. It appears to me from this information he probably did catch it in Thailand therefore it stands to reason he is Not the only case of monkeypox in Thailand - QED
  18. This is what you get when you try to educate the population using scare tactics ...........................LOL
  19. What's the point? the powers that be know the problems and what is required to solve them and if they don't care nothing will happen.
  20. This is plain and simply Not Good Enough of a deterrent, with either of these offences could easily result in fatalities
  21. Interesting start to your comment "Let's Choose" I would imagine a very high percentage of people have at some point tried some form of drugs & alcohol, but everyone who tries either do not become addicts to either drugs or alcohol, and progress to lead normal lives - The Choice in life is there as are life's many possible pitfalls so choose wisely. QED
  22. At least they are not fighting or shooting each other .....................LOL
  23. On the few roads or streets that do have footpaths most are unusable due to vendors encroaching onto the footpaths , alternatively sign posts or street lamps positioned in the most inappropriate places preventing full use of the footpath, one does have to feel sorry for any families coming here with small children who require a pushchair.
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