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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. All they have to do now is get do shut down & don't shut down in the correct order ................................LOL
  2. If they are going to go down this road they will have heaps of work ahead of them, the footpaths here in Pattaya are a joke, uneven, trees & sign posts in them, electrical power boxes, and quite a few roads don't even have footpaths ...................LOL
  3. Is it that time of year already, we must have gone full circle and now back to brake failure for the excuse ...................LOL
  4. Anyone still think China makes a good partner? they are only looking after themselves and could not give a dam about others
  5. I hope they have also included the travel agents in this memo ....................LOL
  6. Shouldn't this kind of survey have been completed before building Bang Sue ...............???
  7. Not at all, this means there will be more room on the tarmac for all the private jets .........................LOL
  8. Typical, it wasn't us !!! 446.8 kilos of heroin is quite a lot to know nothing about when they are partners in the Khok Yai Company wood export business, the Laotian man may have arranged the paperwork but who purchased the goods.
  9. I wonder if he will be personally heeding this advice .........................LOL
  10. sa·cré bleu !!! Tell me this isn't true, how can people be so crafty He is correct, it should be served in a bottle or glass and not in cups .....................................LOL
  11. What an absolute joke ???????????? ......................LOL
  12. Nothing to do with it's the only place where things are more or less back to normal due to their privilege's that have not been given to other places, one could almost say a captive audience.
  13. Please remember, high earners are not always big spenders ........................LOL
  14. Can the police not take a hint - "This place wants to open and do business" Not that hard to understand ...................LOL
  15. Will these trains fit in with the proposed Hi-So Thailand revamp .......................LOL
  16. I agree with you Richard, but as you well know - Where are we .............????????????
  17. I wonder if it was a Hi-So container? I bet it wasn't ............................LOL
  18. Absolutely correct, but the powers that be in BKK would not like it for an Issan girl to win - All about face ..................LOL
  19. At last there is a blink in the eye of the Thai farmers realising they have been sold down the river ..................
  20. Good luck with this one, IMO the last time something like this happened was when three wise men were following a star ............................LOL
  21. In your mind I suppose you think you are correct, in my mind these methods have been going on here for years to no avail, it needs a more direct approach and that is my final conclusion.
  22. Why? have the Hi-So's invested too much money into related businesses and land deals .....................
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