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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. If it is possible to hold large mass gatherings for firework displays please explain why it is NOT possible to allow the open air bars to reopen??
  2. How about opening the country up for the local population (Bars, restaurants, entertainment) prior to letting everyone in then many more people may be interested in coming.
  3. Try not changing the goal posts so often then maybe people will be able to keep up with what you are actually thinking ....................LOL
  4. One stumbling block is now people do not trust the government in what they say - once trust has gone it is extremely difficult to re-establish, For example can people be sure of the type of vaccine they are receiving ......
  5. Welcome to "STALAG PHUKET" where we will try to make your stay as uncomfortable comfortable as restrictions allow ...............LOL
  6. A couple of problems with this philosophy, the first being have a good look around, wealthy people have much better places to go to, cleaner & safer. & secondly this kind of thinking does not feed the working class of people, look at the comments from the bar and small restaurant owners in Phuket they saw absolutely nothing from this line of thinking; try considering the population for a change instead of the rich and influential they have enough already.
  7. Ha ha ha!!! Did you never hear the story about the boy who cried wolf too many times ..................LOL
  8. Thailand is open – a travel update from the tourism authority of Thailand False information, Thailand is semi open with restrictive measures in place so you will not enjoy your holiday.
  9. Personally, I hope they keep the ban in place, nothing to do with if they are more healthy than smoking cigarettes but I find the e-smoking devices more obnoxious that cigarette smoke, I am an ex-smoker myself but I would much rather sit next to someone smoking a cigarette than someone smoking one of these e-devices, the amount of smoke they put into the air is terrible they are definitely more anti-social.
  10. Why hasn't preventative maintenance been carried out prior to the rainy season - I know, look where we are
  11. I wonder if he has the pants to go with the top ....................
  12. It is good she was found unharmed but her mother deserves a severe kick up the Ass
  13. It is usually out of the mouths of babes, but at last the truth come out
  14. This is Correct, stop all this segregation and confusion for all prospective tourists - Then grow a pair and OPEN the country this means everything.
  15. What a complete crock of brown sloppy stuff, the only stress is being found out to have been at the end of brown envelope payment trail; everyone knows it is a complete sham and shows what a bunch of corrupt people are in charge of the country.
  16. I agree with it all, why should the heterosexuals be the only ones to suffer ............LOL
  17. After reading other posts maybe they fit Port & Starboard lights on each lane ................LOL
  18. It is how Thailand works - Thailand the hub of corruption ........
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