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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. In Thailand the reduction in 'plastic' is something of a joke. A local Supermarket company in Chiang Mai with multiple shops changed their plastic containers for cut fruit into much thinner ones to save on plastic. So what do they do now, wrap each container in multiple layers of PLASTIC cling film in case the thin plastic splits open. Plastic saving NIL. The same supermarket that every Wednesday bans plastic bags and gives you a cardboard box if you do not have your own cloth reusable bags.

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  2. 16 hours ago, bowerboy said:

    This guy is very well known in Bangkok expat circles and has been the savior of several people I know including myself.




    He is arguable the ONLY chiropractor worth seeing in Thailand. When Thai doctors were telling me I needed an operation on my neck (and was wearing a neck brace) someone recommended to try this guy.


    It took several visits over 5 to 6 weeks but he completely fixed my neck problem (as he had for the person that told me about him).


    i have tried many others and can honestly assure you that you are wasting your time...even Dr Pack said he was no Dr Mark and not to expect the same results when I saw him once.


    Trust me on this recommendation...really.

    Totally agree with you, Mark Leoni is an excellent Chiropractor, have known him for some 20 years since he first started in Bangkok. Have tried others but none of them helped.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Understood, but our OP has three extinguishers of the same physical size and indicated weight which have very different A and B ratings. Different active ingredient or something else?


    Yep you got it, different ingredients, which can get very confusing . There are a few good simple guides on the market but if I publish them here I might be in contravention of some regulation unfortunately.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Any idea why seemingly similarly sized units have radically different fire ratings?


    Yes Different sources of ignition require different extinguishing agents. Some products extinguish certain types of fire much easier than others, water on paper, foam on oil, etc. That is why you have to be careful in your selection especially if there are electrical supplies present. Unfortunately the days of using Halon for everything for us mortals has gone, still can be used in satellites etc. though. Although dry chemical powder works well on most things there are some limitations and the clean can be horrendous for a very small fire. There are also many on the market in Thailand that still have an ozone depletion potential and should not be used, they all quote fancy names and numbers which actually means very little, just a sales ploy

  5. Some where you have got confused with the classifications, D for dynamite never happened. What about electrical circuits?? The subject is too large to make any sense here but a few words of advice from a long standing fire engineer. Powder works well but gives major cleanup problems for small fires, particularly on electrical circuits. Also cannot be used in any moving vehicle and anywhere where there is a constant vibration, the vibration causes compaction of the power and then they fail to discharge. CO2 on electrical OK but try on a fat fire and you can blow the ignited oil everywhere spreading the fire. Plain water extinguishers can be fine on some fires and foam on oil and fat fires. As far as size goes buy the largest you  and any ladies or children in the premises can handle, too large and they become too awkward to handle and you need practice to be effective and that can be difficult to obtain.


    The are many publications on the subject and Thailand has some reasonable regulations regarding types and numbers etc.

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  6. Another ignorant visitor with a story of many flaws which does not make sense. The national closing time is 12 midnight, but many places extend that to 2, 3 or 4 am. Just Chiang Mai enforces that with quite some rigor, closing bars if they serve a drink after midnight and get caught. Suggest you give CM a miss, us locals will be quite happy with that.

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