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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. 2 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

    A year or so ago they held a competition in London to find the best beef, I think Wagyu finished top in some categories.


    As I said in my other comment, what some people believe to be the "best" is often just a result of aggressive/good/successful marketing.


    There was a bit of an ad campaign in Thailand a few years ago promoting Australian beef as the best (no doubt it is very good), almost certainly funded by the Aussie Beef Federation, or similar.

    My view does not come from any marketing etc. but from actual eating and trying it, including Kobi in Japan where it was 950 USD for five steaks. Tried Beef in the US when I lived there, not impressed.

  2. 2 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    Take Angus beef cattle from Scotland, or Hereford beef cattle from England (maybe Wagyu from Japan also), add growth hormone, mix it all up with great marketing etc, and you have the best "American" beef.??

    Totally agree it knocks the US Beef into a cocked hat any day. Wagyu in Japan is fantastic unfortunately  copies (especially US ones) of it are being sold around the world and nowhere near as good. There are only five producers in Japan registered for Wagyu beef, Kobi being one of them.

  3. 2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Other than walking around the Klongtoey slums (and maybe this is exaggerated), Bangkok is far safer than most western cities, unless you behave like an idiot.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Agreed after over 25 years here Klong Toey is the only area that really makes me feel uncomfortable at night. Otherwise it is like any other city, depends upon what you are doing and expecting, if you are looking for drugs etc. then you have to accept the consequences of your actions. 

    • Like 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    Can you buy an airline ticket / book a hotel room with a debit card?

    Simple answer is Yes, in the last ten plus years I have never had a problem using a Thai Debit Card in Thailand for anything. If you are worried about a 'reserve' then obtain a Overdraft Facility for a given amount, which is what I have done and no problem hiring cars or paying hospital bills. You just have to discipline yourself to not use the facility for everyday expenses.

  5.  A steak house using Thai Beef no way, and a 49 Baht steak Cuckcoo land.  I lived in Bangkok for many years and every Thai street place advertising steak meant either Pork or Chicken steaks. We have a very large organic 'steak' restaurant in Chiang Mai, not a single piece of beef in the place, all Pork. Even at 200 baht there is no guarantee that the meat will be good. 500-600 more like in a restaurant.


    Stick to something like good spare ribs, you cannot go wrong.

    • Haha 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    I dont wish to demean your claims or refute your charges. But isn't this the result of what I will call the emergence of cheap airline travel. Costs are cut to a minimum, fewer workers, no money in the kitty, no long term customer care. There are hidden results of this everywhere in stories of delays, bad attitude and arguments. I was in the tour business for 30 years and at one time flew 7 times in one 3 week trip but mostly with national carriers. When Thai smashed up my suitcase they took responsibility, sent me out to buy another and returned my money on show of the receipt. Yes, we paid more for tickets but we weren't treated like bus passengers which is the case today.

    I totally agree, like you I flew many times on a weekly basis on business so normally used regular airlines. On the two occasions when I used a 'cheapy' well known in Asia  the flights were a disaster, arriving very late and numerous other problems. As they say you get what you paid for and always take out insurance. I have had cases damaged whilst travelling with Thai Airways and they have always repaired or replaced without a problem and at no cost to myself.

    • Like 1
  7. More to this than is reported. The tank did not just explode, it sounds more like it BLEVEed possibly due to being too close to the cooker and a flame impinged upon the cylinder overheating the gas. People forget that the LPG inside the cylinder is in liquid form and any flame hitting the cylinder heats the liquid until in expands and then explodes. Also cylinders must be kept upright when in use, maybe he had it on it's side and instead of vapourising gas coming out it was pure liquid LPG.

    • Like 2
  8. Typical of the press making incorrect statements. The relation between the travel insurance claims and how 'dangerous' it is, is irrelevant and nothing to do with the actual state of affairs. Just an insurance broker trying to make a name for itself, repeat broker not company. 


    Every country in the world has its good and bad areas, if you play with fire then you get burnt. What should happen is that travel insurance should be made compulsory for all tourists, no insurance no admittance.

  9. 14 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Anyone who has lived in Thailand for more than a few months understands how the system works here.

    There are people above the law, and you can always buy your way out of trouble. There is no real justice system , it a corrupt system from top to bottom.

    The accepted wisdom from many on TVF is that it's all the RTP. I would argue the corruption goes much much deeper.

    The Thai apologists can, and will slam you for any criticism of Thailand, but in their heart they know it's true, often the fanatic harbors true doubt.

    Not being British, I know nothing about the Daily Mail, above what I read on here. But, I suspect that they are actually real journalists unhindered by the restrictions of Thai LM or defamation laws.

    I accept you are not "English' but please if you are going to use abbreviations then at least explain what they mean as there are many like you who do not understand them. When writing in English then there should be at least one reference to their full meaning, basic 101.

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