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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. the French Riviera has quite a reputation for drugs and prostitutes I believe

    Yep... with small differences to Pattaya... drug on the French Riviera is mostly coke... the fat farang are Russian or Armenian or Arabs... girls are long-legged and sun-tanned artificial blond Russian and French girls (and not ladyboys as the long-legged in Thailand)... and the fat farang are REALLY rich and KNOW that they are suggar daddies and the girls don't need to tell them "i love you" all the time... tongue.png

  2. Christmas to happen in Thailand despite all Doomsday efforts

    Zurich / Bangkok (Reuters) – Many pretty desperate calls have been made by Thai women to both Swiss Airlines and Swiss banks in the last days, asking about the impact of Doomsday for Christmas.

    As morning is breaking now in Switzerland, Mr. Paul Meier, spokesman for Swiss Airline said “The Swiss Government has already announced that Switzerland will not join any Doomsday initiatives. Therefore, I can assure all Thai girlfriends and wives, that Swiss Airline is making every effort possible to ensure that all flights out of Switzerland and bound for Bangkok will be on time over the next days” and added “I can also assure all Thai women that the average percentage of old, rich, single, stupid Farang flying to Thailand over these coming holidays is pretty high and their should be no shortage of Swiss men coming to Thailand.”

    Mrs. Rosemarie Bachmann, spokeswoman of the Swiss Bankers Association, added: “The Swiss banks have ensured that all necessary personnel is on duty over these holidays to ensure that the technical availability of the banking and credit card networks will be 100%, thus enabling every Swiss Sugar Daddy to use the ATM’s for cash withdrawal at any time. However,” she added, “we do NOT take any responsibility for the availability of funds on the accounts. Therefore, should Thai women experience that their boyfriends cannot withdraw cash from both debit and credit cards, we would like to advice the Thai women that this would be a good point in time to change the boyfriend, once the Christmas presents have been handed over to you.”

    • Like 1
  3. Bern / Zurich (Switzerland) / SDA: Doomsday efforts were well underway shortly after midnight GMT+2 in Switzerland, as Mrs. Holle (God's envoy for white Christmas) decided to drown the country with huge snowfall.

    However, the Swiss Army and the Swiss Road Safety Agencies, supported by local snowphlough drivers all over Switzerland, did fight the effort of Mrs. Holle and kept the snow off all main highways, railroads and main streets.

    Mr. Peter Mueller, spokesman of the Swiss Federal Government said at 01:00 Swiss time: "As Mrs. Holle had decided to ignore all the democratic structures of Switzerland and neither entered a petition in the Swiss Federal Parliament not did she seek a popular vote for joining Doomsday, the Swiss Government has decided to fight her efforts and has ordered the "best Army of the world" (quote from Mr. Ueli Maurer, Swiss Defense Minister) to do the best to stop Doomsday from happening here."

    It will be well noted around the world, that the Swiss are independent and neutral and will never join Doomsday events, neither today nor in all upcoming events, should the organizers not follow our democratic processes. It will also be noted that all the money being placed in Swiss banks is well safe from any Doomsday efforts from the Gods to be

  4. Well, I would definitely fail on point 9 (and maybe others), as I also have 2 Skype accounts and 3 e-mail accounts and a number of different ID's on different sites...

    That alone does not mean that the girl is a bad choice... that depends on a variety of other issues

    • Like 2
  5. I feel like we're in reruns.

    He's the guy who changed from his Japanes GF to a China girl, then suddenly got involved with a ladyboy... and now looking for a Thai posh...

    Am taking bets what his next post will be about....

    - Isaan farm girl...

    - Philippino cleaner in Pattaya...

    - Russian Nana hooker bargirl

    Cash only bets, no checks, no credit cards (you guys are not trustworthy when it comes to money tongue.png )

  6. I think it's fun to be surprised sometimes! You know, you get to know a poster's style assuming he's a Pommie and then find out he's not. Post flags and all those fun times would be spoiled.

    Yep... and just think about the hidden racism voting that would have been introduced into the "TV member of the year" contest....

    much easier to accept bribes, if you don't know whether the money is coming from a yank, a brit or an ozzie... whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  7. I don't like anybody to know what nationality I am.... tongue.png

    and btw... I don't care what nationality somebody else has... if I deem it to be important for understanding the Q or A of a poster, then I can ask...

    A very cunning TV nickname you have

    Yep... choose it specially to confuse everybody about my ancestry and age giggle.gif

    How's the weather in Tehran? coffee1.gif

    Not sure, but 67 °F in Bogota and mostly cloudy biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  8. I don't like anybody to know what nationality I am.... tongue.png

    and btw... I don't care what nationality somebody else has... if I deem it to be important for understanding the Q or A of a poster, then I can ask...

    A very cunning TV nickname you have

    Yep... choose it specially to confuse everybody about my ancestry and age giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  9. Question of price range you are willing to go for...

    Most big hotels offer special Christmas Events, as they have lot of "Christian" customers who live there

    Most of the more expensive restaurants offer special Christmas dinners, as they are predominantely frequented by Westernes

    But again... price range there is not within a 500B range, it's more like few thousand p.p.

  10. My recommendation:

    TRAVEL!!! You are in BKK, so take 3-4 days for each of the places you think or hear about and explore them for yourself!!!

    You hear 4 negative arguments from somebody about Pattaya... lot of other people (me included) can give you 10 positive arguments, like great beaches north of Pattaya up to Chonburi, neither filth nor whores in the various villages around Pattaya, GREAT nightlife and shopping places and restaurants when ever you need them etc etc.

    Question is whether you want to listen to all the either negative or positive talkers and make decisions based on hear-say or whether you want to go out and see for yourself.

    I want people's opinions who have more experience than me, and who have been in Thailand

    alot longer that are more equipped to help me settle. It's nice to see things for myself but i'm

    sure the people here know what they are talking about and I want to hear their opinions.

    I am sure they know what a small and medium size city looks like

    a nice beach

    a cinema and a bowling alley looks like

    I don't need to go to these places to find this information

    that's why I came here, and their view points matter.

    Thank you

    From the 15 answers you got, around 10 tell you TRAVEL and see the places yourself.

    Do you really want to make a decision based on few view points that you get in this forum???

    As you see above, for every negative statement, you get at least one positive statement.

    Medium size city with beach, cinema, bowling??? DOZENS if not hundreds available all around Thailand coast lines... Imagine you get 20 different recommendations... how do you want to chose the right one???

    TRAVEL... and that's my last statement for you and it is really meant to help you.

  11. My recommendation:

    TRAVEL!!! You are in BKK, so take 3-4 days for each of the places you think or hear about and explore them for yourself!!!

    You hear 4 negative arguments from somebody about Pattaya... lot of other people (me included) can give you 10 positive arguments, like great beaches north of Pattaya up to Chonburi, neither filth nor whores in the various villages around Pattaya, GREAT nightlife and shopping places and restaurants when ever you need them etc etc.

    Question is whether you want to listen to all the either negative or positive talkers and make decisions based on hear-say or whether you want to go out and see for yourself.

  12. Yes... find yourself a girl who speaks one common language with you... I never understand people who think they can build a relationship with somebody who they do not understand... do you want to have a translator with you in your future for 24 hours a day to understand what your girl says?

    My suggestion: Write off the money you already paid (the translator service is VERY much interested in you of course) and look for somebody you can talk with.

  13. You clearly know very little about the short term holiday villa rental market here, 6000 - 8000 a night is about average!!

    Seems to me that the people who know little are those who blindly pay over the top. Any idiot can do that.

    I recently found a very nice place for some friends for a month for 22K. Sleeps 6, nice furniture, carport, pool, quiet area.

    Few hours ago you claimed to know places that offer what the OP wants fo 8K a month...

    Now you are on 22K a month... 5.5K a week... which is well near the price range mentioned by LennyW

    You should ask yourself WHO is the one who talks BS here...

  14. Have not yet seen the article online, but seen a Swss-German review of it, which says (my translation from German):

    Gene appendage inherited erroneously

    The appendage, called epigenetic markers, regulate when and how much a gene is active. Normally, they are bound to an individual and are not inherited. According to recent studies, the marker may occasionally be transferred between generations and lead to similarities between relatives.

    Some of these appendages are used in the uterus to protect the fetus against natural fluctuations of the sex hormones. This prevents male fetuses to get effeminated and vice versa. These markers can influence the forms of the genitals, sexual orientation or preference of partners.

    But if these gender appendage are passed on from fathers to daughters or mothers to sons, their effect is reversed: sons get some female characteristics, such as sexual preference, daughters receive masculine qualities

    While this sounds interesting, there is one HUGE danger I see in such statements: All the homophobes will come out again and say "see, we told you the are sick, homosexuality is a genetic disorder..."

  15. Aha.......so it's a tactical battle is it?

    I may have some cunning ruses in hand however I must say it's bad form for Jingthing to be contesting this poll at all as he has already conceded the poll during the warm up and accepted that in his opinion I rightfully should be member of the year.

    I think a graceful retirement is in order here Jingthing.

    Just sayin' coffee1.gif

    Don't be so sure... their might be some conspiration ongoing... everybody giving you the vote now... let you celebrate...

    And on Saturday, loads of people will use the "delete vote" button that JT pointed out and change to vote....

  16. Am ready to vote... and as a good Swiss banker, am ready to accept your dirty money for my vote... just PM me with the details and I'll let you have my bank account details to submit your contribution tongue.png

    EDIT: Thanks to Jingthing, I now know how to vote several times, so i am able to accomodate ALL your voting contributions and my final vote on Saturaday evening will go to the highest bidder

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