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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. My shoe size is 46. I can understand the foot fetish, so do not be embarrassed if you like a little toe, I get toey, so we could be a match.

    I like both Thai and foreign. Well I should say I am hesitant for Thai men now, but still willing to throw the leg over one if given the right saddle.

    As for age, I am 28, so in the range of normality would be nice with fully functional organs.

    I like a guy that can dress up also. Perhaps a little more extreme than most men on here might like to dress.

    I love games, toys and being tied up. I also like being untied at the end, not like a guy did to me 4 years ago.

    Hope that all helps you to help me.

    Hmm... then I am out of the game... not only too old but don't fit the white boots with my size 43 giggle.gif

  2. Very much a question of price... I booked myself into Hilton Edge on 34th floor... but as I said, you need to be ready to pay for such views...

    Can you provide some more details,please? Prices?

    Actually The Edge is on the 14th floor and is a reasonable buffet restaurant, it does have an outside seating area.

    Horizon is on the 34th floor, we went there on a regular evening and paid 2,200 Baht ++ for a mediocre bottle of wine and 200 Baht ++ for a small bottle of water. We had to pay 200 Baht each to access the lift, which was refunded to our bill.

    I suspect they will have special, higher, prices for NYE.

    Correct: Edge is on 14th floor (my mistake), Edge does offer outdoor seating (quote from Hilton hompage: " Located on level 14 of the Hilton Pattaya hotel, Edge offers indoor and outdoor terrace dining, stunning views of Pattaya Bay and an abundance of natural light. "

    For New Year Eve, price per person is THB 7'000 including a bottle of champagne. Hilton has a brochure with various other offerings for New Year Eve, best to contact them directly for the brochure.

  3. Ok, for what it's worth. I set up this BASIC Facebook page for suicide prevention until I can get something more solid down. Im not a therapist, but I get what expats are going through when they are down. Maybe I'll get flamed for doing this, but I'm following my heart,, and what little brain capacity I have. I need 30 "likes" to track progress on the page. Any contributions would help. If you would like to be an admin on the page--PM me.

    It's the holiday's and I don't want to wait for the next headline. I know FB is cheesy but it's a start. There was NOTHING out there on the whole web that I could find in this area, so it's at least something.

    Any constructive ideas are welcome.

    here is the link: http://www.facebook....evention?ref=hl

    Khun Paen: While your idea and initiative is certainly commendable, I am sorry to say that IMHO you will not reach anything and anybody...

    First you need to make such a page widely know... second have 7x24 ecudated personnel available on the phone ... or do you reall think somebody who is thinking about suicide is going to search the Internet for Suicide Prevention websites and sending you a mail and waiting for you to call back when you see it?

    And your message is wrong... Suicide is not 100% preventable... the only valid message I would see is "suicide is not the right solution" or something equal, i.e. "There are better ways out than suicide"... to start making the people think about options...

    And finally... when somebody is reaching the point where he thinks about suidice, then the ONLY ones that can help are the people around him who notice the depression / status of that person and start to talk with him... or an easy available and know short phone number (i.e. in Switzerland state supported Switzerland wide telephone number 143... with EXPERIENCED personnel available 7x24!!!

    Sorry to say, but your effort will only be worth comforting your own conscience that you tried to do something... but in reality you dont' do nothing with that facebook page

    That is my personal thoughts which everybody is free to object to.

  4. As long as a country defines marriage to be between man and wife, they have no whatsoever obligation to recognize same-sex marriages from other countries, no matter their bilateral agreements.

    Even the Hague "Convention on the Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages" does allow member states to make exceptions, i.e. "A Contracting State may refuse to regonize the validity of a marriage where such recognition is manifestly incompatible with its public poicy"

    Ergo... never expect any state to recognize same-sex marriages when that state does not know that form of marriage themselves.

  5. hmm... good idea... you might post your preferences... like age, gender, ehnic, orientation, likes and dislikes... somebody might recognize him/herself or point you in the right direction..

    Oh... and don't forget show size for the white thigh high boots tongue.png

  6. ^^ ... Great to see you pack and posting again ... biggrin.png

    But weren't you off getting married or something recently?

    Please, don't bring that up again.

    I had managed to forget about that experience until you just mentioned it again.

    Now I am depressed again.

    Dorothy: Put on your white thight high leather boots, go out and enjoy the evening thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  7. Dear OP,

    Explain what are you looking for in Thailand and be honest and straight forward, should help to get some focused replies.

    But remember, you'll need to sort the answers.

    Its that time of the year when Thailands tourism booms...

    First timers to Thailand dont know what to expect and look out for. What would you tell a first timer something they have gotta go see or what should they keep an eye out for as they perhaps are gonna get scammed...any tips, tricks and traps....thats all.

    Unfortunately, most first timers come to TV only after they have made their first bad experience... at least that is my impression based on the newbie's questions on here ;)

    Sent from my HTC One XL 4G using Thaivisa Connect App

  8. Why did the victim not amount to much and why don't westerners amount to much in Thailand? I am at a critical point in deciding whether to come or go (to Thailand) and need answers to this.

    I would not normally have bothered to contribute a post to an all too common thread like this, but your post seems to be both genuine and poignant.

    I'll leave the speculation on this man's tragic suicide to others.

    It is extremely difficult to know where to begin. I won't bore you and everyone else with my life story and history, but I do feel that I am adequately qualified, albeit if only from experience and not academic qualifications, to have an opinion on your question.

    'Westerners don't amount to much' A bit harsh, but in alot of cases, close to the bone. The underlying problem? Racism, parochialism, nationalism. An attitude which has increased exponentially in the 40+ years I have been frequenting and living here.

    Could you imagine living in England, Australia or the USA and being illiterate. What a bloody unthinkable nightmare! (I am a white 5th generation Australian BTW) Lacking understanding of the local language, culture, customs, history and traditions. Which is what the majority of westerners are faced with in the LOS. Or. Being black? or Asian. White folks, historically, are not exactly used to being on the receiving end of racism, since the West has ruled the world for centuries.. Racism doesn't have to be a nasty experience all the time either, nor is it a one sided phenomenon of the human species. 'Racism' can still exist even in a convivial, good natured environment. As it often does in Thailand. it is not a good place to be should you be in anyway paranoid. Taking yourself too seriously and lacking the ability to laugh at yourself is also not a good idea.

    I spent over 20 years in Oz married to a Thai. I experienced her experience, daily. Extreme right wing white supremists are easily dealt with and dismissed with contempt. The more subtle, two-faced forms of racism is what really gets to people. And it can get to us as suredly as it can to someone who is both black and illiterate in an educated all white community. I can say in all honesty that my wife and her daughter, who came with us at the age of 10, never fully integrated into Australia society. Like the majority of farangs here, they too kept to their own Thai ex pat communities and had few Australian friends. But 27 years later, they both choose to stay in Oz, whilst I baled out, permanently, to the LOS. In Australia we have laws against racial vilification and discrimination. In Thailand they have laws for it. it is not easy to cope with at times and one must develope the right kind of mindset to deal with it. Everyday can be a challenge. It can get you down. It can be rather detrimental to your well-being if you are predisposed to depression and paranoia. Depression and suicide rates for Australian males are soaring as it is. Without coming here. Travel around Australia and you will see no end of racist bumper stickers and T shirts - all under the guise of patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrel), at least Thai taxis have 'I love Farang' stickers on them!

    Moving outside of your station and place in life, and your comfort zone is not an easy thing to do. It is not something one should do on a whim, nor take lightly. You should be comfortable and happy in keeping your own company. You should have hobbies and interests to keep yourself acvtive and busy. This does not include propping up Ex Pat Bars all day discussing Thai women and politics. There is a big difference between being a tourist and being a permanent resident! A huge difference. You should learn to understand that difference. It also helps if you were successful in your own life and career in your own country before you come here. Arriving here already as a 'loser' in your personal life and career is a recipe for disaster. Whilst it is great for ones self esteem and ego, intially, as there is nothing like sitting in a bar with a veritable smorgasboard of attractive, hard bodied young girls being told how handsome, strong and intelligent you are. But stay here long enough and one day reality will set in. Another fallacy. Thais don't necessarily make better wives than western women either!!!! Another big mistake is to put yourself above them and to believe that you are better and smarter than 'them'. Because you are not and they will set about to prove it to you, eventually, one way or the other.

    Briefly - On the subject of Marriage, relationships and SEX. if that's why you are coming here then all I can say is, good luck! Take a ticket in the Thai lottery whilst you are at it. The odds of being a 'winner' are perhaps about the same!

    Check out Jane Elliott's Brown Eye-Blue Eye Experiment.

    I live, one out, single, retired, in an all Thai environment - have done for many years now. I decided that I would not do what my wife and daughter did in Australia. That I would assimilate and integrate into the Thai community as much as possible. And I don't mean by buying them either. I don't have enough money to do that anyway. I set about making sure that my only Thai friends would not just be girls who worked in bars and their pimps, But then, always remember, that even if I did want to, I can never be Thai and I am always going to be the odd man out and different to those I live amongst.

    It is all about respect. How would a foreigner living in my country, earn my respect? Well? Apply that logic to your own self. Respect is a two way thing, it is not automatic, it must be given in order to be received. Respect is what you should strive for. Some Thais may not like you, for what you are, but they can still respect you for who you are, and that is the crux of the matter from a personal level.

    Viva le difference.

    I shall now await the usual, expected, sarcasm and vitriol.

    My Respect! Whilst I would not put racism that high (in Thailand), I agree with all the rest

  9. Are we sure it was sucide we know how the police here jump to conclusions. maybe the staff did him in, in a plot to take all of his valuables and he fought back and they had to finish him off.

    So in your world view, all Thai are potential criminals, thieves and murderers and the police is of course incapable and not interested in this, as it is "only" a foreigner???

    As I already had a post deleted by the Mod, I probably should not say what I think...

  10. Now let's see... not a single hint in the report why this poor man killed himself.... but the majority of the posters here "knows" that it's either a Thai woman who scammed him or the Thai culture shock...

    speculations over speculations... how about

    - him in divorce at home and decided to spend few happy days in warm weather and then commit suicide

    - him being deadly ill and decided to spend few happy days in warm weather and then commit suicide

    Or even better... stop to speculate and just say Rest in Peace!

    We speculate because we get our information from Thai media and we also know how slanted that news is. Slanted meaning, the true is withheld or just flat out hidden. Thailand worries about it's tourism, So we are left to speculate with our collective experience. Isn't that what this forum is about? To help each other overcome the pitfalls of being a foreigner in Thailand?

    So you think there is "collective experience" when a 35y old British tourist comes to Thailand and decides to put a bullet in his brain? I very much doubt that...

    And you think speculations about that death will help anybody overcoming pitfalls that you have no idea whether they have been true for this guy? I very much doubt that...

    I would not have my comment (I would not have made none at all), if it would have been a 6xy old foreign retireee jumping / falling off a balcony in what ever town of his choosing... there yes, the comments and speculations might be valid, but even then I would doubt that their is any "collective experience" giving any valuable advice to anybody...

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  11. Few less scumbags in bars... good to know that the police take that issue dam_n serious.

    But... if it's true what it reads in the article: "All three claimed they were forced to work in Pattaya and in the bar industry after leaving school and being told by their families to financially support them in any way they can" then I hope the police will also go after the families who forced those girls into that kind of activity...

    It doesn't appear that any "foreign scumbags" were involved - unless you're referring to the undercover operative.

    The girls will be returned to their families and then will no doubt return to Pattaya when the dudt has settled. Hopefully, the bar owner/manager/mamasan will face appropriate penalties.

    Don't put words in my mouth, nowhere in my post I talke about *foreign* scumbags... scumbag is scumbag independent of nationality, whether the deliver them (family) or sell them (bar owner) or buy them (customers)...

  12. OP: When you know that your friend is coming, why don't you either

    a ) inform him how to "correctly" get a taxi in the arrival hall at the main taxi counter or

    b ) book a private cab for him an have him picked up at arrial level?

    Either of the two would have avoided your friend been ripped off... so blame on you too

    • Like 1
  13. Few less scumbags in bars... good to know that the police take that issue dam_n serious.

    But... if it's true what it reads in the article: "All three claimed they were forced to work in Pattaya and in the bar industry after leaving school and being told by their families to financially support them in any way they can" then I hope the police will also go after the families who forced those girls into that kind of activity...

    • Like 1
  14. Once you get your own computer free of all the stuff that's currently on it, load a decent anti-virus product on it, BUT forget about MS Essentials... they have pretty bad reviews lately about catching malware... free AVG is still much better.

    After that, you can connect to your school wifi and should be fine working. However, don't forget that all the programs you use that are located on your school's server might be tampered and deliver your personal data to people you don't want to see, i.e. if you need to connect to the Internet throught a school proxy or if you use school booking systems which are not located on your computer and have to type in your credit cards... then you can assume they are gone for bad...

  15. OP: You did not say what you want to use it for... your spec can be ok if you use it 30min a day to read two or three mails or to look at two or three news articles per day...

    But if you really want to use it for surfing, then those specs will

    - cause you nervous breakdowns from waiting for the websites to load

    - cause you headache from the poor resolution of the screen

    - will not allow you to get far away from a charging place (poor battery)

    Really depending on your personal use case, it might be worth to take much more money into your hands. Does not have to be US£1'500 for the current high-end Dell XPS12 Ultra, but US£500 for a decent quality last year model will give you much better user experience.

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  16. An employee terminated without a valid cause as stipulated by law is entitled to receive the following severance pay:

    • 30 days’ wages where the employment period is at least 120 days but is less than one year.
    • 90 days’ wages where the employment period is at least one year but is less than three years.
    • 180 days’ wages where the employment period is at least three years but is less than six years.
    • 240 days’ wages where the employment period is at least six years but is less than ten years.
    • 300 days’ wages where the employment period is ten years or more.

    Problem lays in the introduction sentence.... OP states that the company is closing down... so somebody who knows the law might want to tell us whether closing a company is a valid reason for termination or not? If it is... forget the severance pay...

  17. There is an underlying culture of violence against visitors in Thailand that is not acknowledged by the local safety officials that needs to be addressed.

    Just not true... I never encountered any such negativity or attack against me in all my years that I come to Thailand... and Walking Street is on my program almost every time...

    So, OP, maybe you should think about why such a thing can happen to you???

    You want to tell us how many days out of the 365 each year you stay in Walking street, so we can decide if you're considered a reliable Walking street expert or not.

    Considering you come on holiday, that might be 14 days out of 365 ? Failed.

    How about 2-3 months a year for more than 5 years now in every season possible and knowing lot of people who go there / live there and never encounter that kind of problems?

    My personal opinion: you look for trouble, you find trouble... and that includes being too drunk in the wrong places at the wrong time of day

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