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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. Don't come to Thailand and tell everyone how nice it is in your home country. If we wanted to go there we would.

    Don't write 15 threads about why you are leaving Thailand, just leave quietly and don't let the door hit you.

    Don't tell everyone in the world you didn't meet your woman in a bar. We don't believe you and if we do we don't care.biggrin.png

    There are only 5 people in Thailand who mind being called Farang if you want to make it 6 please don't write a book about it; its been done.

    4 don'ts

    What about your 4 do's?

    1. Learn to speak as much Thai as possible.

    2. Learn how to cook Thai food.

    3. Learn who to wai.

    4. Learn something about the culture before you come.

    Oh, come on... if they do and don't what you say, it will kill all fun and learning they can have as first time visitors...

    And furthermore... they will never have the chance to become Senior Thaivisa Consultants claiming "I speak from personal experience"


  2. theres now a sign saying forieners will be charged 50 per cent more than thais so i dont personally think its such a good deal anymore.

    50% extra on not a lot is still preferable to the rip-off charges in Pattaya hospitals. Even Pattaya Memorial which used to be reasonable is starting to jack up their prices.

    You're right about the Memorial remark.Last time I was there I noticed a desk next to the reception, occupied by two foreign males.I think they might be Russian, and that may explain the price rise as they are focusing on the Russian tourists.

    Agree, I have been using Pattaya Memorial few times over the last 5 years, but never seen so many Russian translators as this year (both in May and October). And with them goes the price... specially for the "packages" that used to be 50% of BHP and now are at 80$ of their price.

  3. theres now a sign saying forieners will be charged 50 per cent more than thais so i dont personally think its such a good deal anymore.

    Well to register 5 years ago at bph here in Pattaya it was 100 baht for my card ,in queen sirakit last week your right it was 50% more for me than my wife ,hers was 10 baht mine 20 ,so i dont see them as rip off merchants.smile.png

    if your wife pays 10 and you pay 20... so that would be 100% more for you than for your wife wai.gif

  4. The rule: You have to go to the red channel and will pay taxes on those two IPads to make them legal...

    The fact: Most people will walk through green channel and hope for the best... I only ever have been screened once in my 5y of coming to Thailand and even then, only checked luggaged not hand luggage...

    The Issue: IF you get caught... too bad for you, they might even keep the two Ipad and turn you around towards immigration out...

  5. While not yet living in Thailand, from my years I noticed two main differences between holiday and residence that I must take into account:

    First, whether Sukhumvit or Walking Street, after no more than one week, those places get really boring. And after two weeks, seeing the same beach every day and reading books gets boring also... so definitely, I will need to find a place, where I can do something, whether charity or other, otherwise I will end up as one of the many drunken sexpats that we see sit in the bars from 8 morning to closing time...

    Second, it also comes down to budgeting. As mentioned above, there is a huge difference in having a fun night in the country or having the same in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket / ... (name your town). And my budget for life (...or what years are left) just does not include daily nights out on the streets of the major and expensive city streets.

  6. 1) http://www.regenexx.com - they use bone marrow stem cells (Mesenchymal) and a Fluoroscopic and musculoskeletal ultrasound needle guidance to insure accurate transplant targeting to the damaged site (as Meniscus is a small target).

    2) Prolotherapy - Dr. Hauser http://tinyurl.com/8taxsnj

    They can also use bone marrow as an option or PRP (platelet rich plasma) to help stimulate repair.

    Just start to think realistic and not out of some desperate hope to get your meniscus problem solved by some "alien" treatment... if stem cell therapy would be really proven, then all the major players in the health industry would be offering it... so ask yourself, why does not a single major hospital offer that kind of treatments???

    so far, you just find some obscure sites about that kind of treatments... so you probably can do more damage to yourself by waiting with the operation than good by trying any of those (expensive) alternative "treatments"

  7. Cash could get seized by customs, you could lose it, you could get robbed. Is it worth risk that just to get a few baht extra?

    Nobody is going to seize your cash, if you have a withdrawal receipt from your UK bank, as customs will then rightly assume that your UK bank already checked the legitimacy of the incoming money and taxing is assured through your bank statements...

    But you are right with the risk of getting robbed... you can assume that in most countries, their are always some crooks watching people going throught the red channel to declare something of value (and you have to declare the mentioned amount of money when entering Thailand). So going through the red channel flags you as a potential victim for theft, robbery or worse... is taking that risk worth the few (hundred od thousand) more Baht that you get from direct exchange? My thought... no, it is not.

    • Like 1
  8. Personally my point is to avoid any areas where there are any farang at all, only consider girls with zero level of English and as close to zero level of experience with men in general as possible.

    This is really, really good advice. And it's what I've been trying to tell friends and acquaintances from the west seeking Thai girls. Sure, there are some Thai girls who speak English well and are honest and decent. But the percentages are much better among those who don't speak much English. And in much larger numbers. These guys who can't speak Thai have no idea what's really available out there. It's almost unfair. If you can speak Thai in Thailand, the world is your oyster.

    What a BS with regards to English... the majority of younger (<30y) Thai women now speaks English as they learn it in school or learned it for their normal job either in restaurants, hotels, shopping centers etc., has nothing at all to do with the "hooking up with falang" and not being "honest and decent".

    Stupid generalization from my point of view

  9. Ask the Land Registry on Pattata Tai Soi 17 who the owner is. For a small donation I'm sure they'll tell you. BTW there are houses that have been abandoned by ex-pats who have gone home. One such is just round the corner from my place. He was reputed to be an US lawyer. When it was clear that he wasn't returning any time son, a Thai family took possession by squatting. They've been there 8 years now.

    Try this with a house / property that belongs to a Thai... you will get some unexpected visits by a very extended family....

    If you actually thought about what you posted for one second you would realise that if there were any Thai extended family about then the house would already be occupied.

    The fact it has been empty for years tells me it is more likely an abandoned Farang house.

    Maybe more likely, but there are lot of houses and condo that belong to Thai investors that are (and remain) empty, because the Thai owner can not sell it for the price he expects... and since it's about face loosing if you have to sell under price (maybe even under his initial investment), they rather let the house / condo stay empty... you will find some threads in TV that talk about that

  10. Ask the Land Registry on Pattata Tai Soi 17 who the owner is. For a small donation I'm sure they'll tell you. BTW there are houses that have been abandoned by ex-pats who have gone home. One such is just round the corner from my place. He was reputed to be an US lawyer. When it was clear that he wasn't returning any time son, a Thai family took possession by squatting. They've been there 8 years now.

    Try this with a house / property that belongs to a Thai... you will get some unexpected visits by a very extended family....

  11. Because I ask a prosecutor makes me an expert ??? Strange way of thinking, so if I ask you about your job and you explain me your job I become an expert ?? is that the reason why there are so many "experts" around ? laugh.png

    If you talk with me (read lawyer), one of my peers (read prosecutor) and an industry expert (read judge) about one specific aspect of my job (read bail) which is specific for Switzerland (read Thailand) and you do that quite often, then I would expect you to have collected all possible information from all possible angles about that specific aspect of the job and other people without that know-how (read me) would consider you to be an expert for that area...

  12. ok, enough said, the narrow minded freaks are out ! Where did I mention being an expert ? Where did I say that not except it ? Just stating my opinion.

    End of thread for me !

    Op: you did write in your initial post "Quite often I asked prosecutors, lawyers and a judge what the deal is here". By this sentence, you made yourself the expert for that subject within Thai laws..

    You asked for opinions, I gave you mine, you don't like what I wrote... now you bail out of this thread... lucky you are in Thailand where you can wai.gif

  13. Reason why I posted this is to get some thoughts from other nationalities where bail is allowed, I agree with the innocent till proven guilty but if one gets arrested and there is evidence I really do not see a reason why that person should be allowed bail.

    As I mentioned in my first post, one of the cases I translated for, the suspects were found guilty by court of first hearing, convicted to 15 years to be exact, they appealed (which is there right) yet again they were granted bail till the appeal court decided ! IMO this is not a fair way of handling this towards the victims, after all plenty of evidence in this particular case, convicted so not innocent anymore !

    @ uptheos, you might be a stonetable expert in front of 7-11 yet no need to accuse me of lying !!

    Well, since you are such an expert, you should at least realize and acknowledge that a guilty verdict is only then final, when all possibilities for appeals are exhausted... thus, every legal system I know sees such a person as still not guilty...

    And second, if Thailand has chosen that in it's legal system, they do allow bail to be posted even in such high criminal cases like rape and / or murder, then that is a Thailand decision that we as guests and / or visitors have to accept.

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