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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. Dorothy

    Very sorry to hear that... you seem to have some very bad luck lately... but why not go into next (bigger) hospital and tell them what you fear... they will be able to do all tox tests (or have them done) and even more, they can check all other functions of your body at the same time (specially kidney / liver / urine testing, as those would be show signs of poisons pretty fast)

  2. Maybe an eyesight examination whilst therewhistling.gif Please see above posts.

    And maybee a rectology for you,this is not what i asked help for,a govt. hospital called memorial about 10-15 mins from nirun condo,thanks

    If you don't believe the people, you're a helpless case... the only hospital in Pattaya 10-15 mins from nirun condo IS the Pattaya memorial... actually it is the ONLY hospital in Pattaya with the word "memorial" in it's name...

    but have a look here... http://www.paradise-...-hospitals.html

    just because you think you have been in a gvt hospital and can't remember where it was (can't have been that big, as there are not many big hospitals near your place...) does not mean you remember correctly...

    • Like 1
  3. Not preparation, if you're not listening to any advice at all, and have already made up your mind. People say that Farangs leave thir brain at the airport, it would seem that in the end there is no discrimination when it comes to stupidity and Thai Women.

    Come on guys, give him a break... of course it's strange to ask for advice and not listen... but have we been so different when we were 21? Let's say he was looking for some comforting and confirmation that he should be meeting her when he comes... and now realizing that he does not get that, he has decided to ignore all advices... not unlike what we probably all did when we were young wink.png

    • Like 1
  4. That being said, i am not debating that she is a bitch and looks down upon people here.

    I also abhor reality tv such as the real housewives... but I guess my quandary is how to keep a mini version of that happy in Bangkok...lol...

    safe the money to fly her in and spend it on a big boob eastern european stripper... they are bitchy as well, look down on everybody including you as the customer... but never whine about where they are as long you as you pay them happy...

    and your current girlfriend has the chance to find a decent new boyfriend...

  5. Boiled water is pretty safe, as all bacteria will be killed... however depending on the quality of your pipes, it might still be dirty, therefore even for cooking I only use water that comes through a (activated carbon) filter first

  6. Conflict zones are unaccompanied posts.

    So- why not send her home to mum or wherever she lives while you are working? Since she doesn't want to be here, and you don't want to go anywhere else / accommodate her, this would be an acceptable solution. After all, she has been accepting this already between your R and R's. Three months will be a good test- she created the situation / need for 3 month separation, so if she is still there when it is over, then she genuinely cares for you. If she isn't, then you will see her for what she is.

    Other thing strikes me as odd; you say that you hate it here yourself, and don't like staying more than 3 weeks. She doesn't like it. What I can't help wondering is why you bought a condo here?

    I like her and want her next to me;it helps make this place bearable for me.

    Everything is fine when we are in Vegas or Dubai (where she lived and we met), but once she gets here she becomes depressed and bitchy.

    So, to answer your question, bangkok works for me financially, logistically, and bureaucratically.

    It's such a nice place for people in my situation.

    Boy, you are the raw model of a selfish and arrogant moron... and cheap charly at the same time...

    So you know she does not like it here, you only keep her for the blond good looks and the big boobs and you need to spend money to send her off and back every month and you can't afford her actually in a place where she would be happy to wait for you...

    So send her back with a one-way ticket and use the money you safe to hire a big blond boosted eastern-european stripper... she will also keep your bed warm and has no problem to leave you alone once you spent your money on her as she has a constant inflow of other such morons...

    Best about above option is that your current model GF has the chance to find some decent guy to date with...

  7. i am seeking advice to mitigate this.

    repeating myself, you got all advice you need...

    - if money is more important than GF, drop her and send her where she wants...

    - if GF is more important than all else, bite the soure grape, go back to the US, rent your house in Thailand to whowever to cover cost for mortgage and live a frugal life in the US for 3 month until your tenant is out...

    - if you are important to her and she is important to you, then she will agree waiting another 3 months and stop complaining, otherwise she is just a selfish bitch and deserves being dropped.

    what more do you really need to know?

  8. 1) Come here for the job you talk about and not for her and once you have the job, see how it works with her

    2) since when is 29 and "older woman" relationship, not even for a 21y old

    3) make sure her husband does not find you in bed together... you might not be a 21y old man anymore, but a 21y old eunuch / castrate hit-the-fan.gif

  9. My husband and I have ...

    That was the fastest sex change operation I ever heard about... from girlfriend to husband... => TROLL

    Lol, you guys are so quick to call troll..i was quoting the average cost of living from a message board for Vegas.

    It was not not my post.

    Click on the link, dude.

    take it back and apologize, please.

    Why should I apologize if you post unclear stuff...

    but "dude", you got all advice you need...

    - if money is more important than GF, drop her and send her where she wants...

    - if GF is more important than all else, bite the soure grape, go back to the US, rent your house in Thailand to cover cost for mortgage and live a frugal life in the US for 3 month...

    - if you are important to her and she is important to you, then she will agree waiting another 3 months and stop complaining, otherwise she is just a selfish bitch and deserves being dropped.

    what more do you really need to know?

    • Like 1
  10. Go home to the US and rent until you can evict your tenants, maybe? ..... or try not to be so apparently obsessed with appearance (ref your comments to "hot" people.... models etc) and look more for a person's inner qualities?

    Sorry, this may sound harsh, but your post makes you both sound self-obsessed and shallow, IMHO. coffee1.gif

    It's not that easy: pay on three places at once...i cant afford it...we both dont like it here but if it saves me 3000 USD per month I will stay here until my tenet is evicted.

    Bit of a contradiction, isn't it?

    • Like 1
  11. Just shows how much they are interested in their clients.

    Show her your wallet and she will immediately stop texting others whistling.gif ... or maybe not depending what she will see inside giggle.gif

    I don't like paying for sex often means the partner is only interested in money and the sex not good at all. I still look good enough to get girls the normal way, often sex is lots better too.

    I don't think that even your good looks will get a go-go in your bed for free tongue.png

  12. apparently they put somniferous gas in the night when all the tourist slept, nobody know how the thieves stolen everything.

    So credible... their are for sure plenty of tour operators who let the tourist sleep in a bus somewhere on a parking place in the middle of the night and not offering hotel rooms... or then plenty of thiefs who will climb the rolling bus and inject gas and get it to stop without having any accident...

    so you better keep away from any bus...

  13. The serious question to your post is: Where in Thailand do you live? Maybe just to far from where she could find what she is looking for... so I guess you are not located in BKK itself, as there, she should not have trouble connecting to the kind of people she is looking for...

    Another serious question is that if she so much despises Thailand, then you have to think about your future and whether you want to stay in Thailand over time or whether you will brake all your bonds in this country because of her...

    The not so serious answer is... why the heck did you bring your GF to Thailand in first place... enough beautiful women here wink.png

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  14. Am I the only one who sees inconsistencies?

    - followed by an Asian man of undetermined origin and around 40

    - The Asian man mentioned earlier, (who turned out to be Taiwanese)...

    - He’s done that to me personally and a number of my friends

    sounds bit strange, as the whole story...

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