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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. Yes, there are definitely regulations on your home bank for transfering high amounts out of country. Think about money laundering, financing terror etc. There are definitely monthly and transactional limits that - if exceeded - need special forms to be filled out showing beneficiaries and reasons for transfer. Otherwise your home bank is not allowed to make the transfer. The kind of documents / restrictions (i.e. countries you are allowed to send money to) are specific for each sending country. So you definitely need to talk with your home bank first.

    Then your Thai bank must be informed about the transfer and asked to provide you with a tor tor sam, which is the form you need to prove that the money was send from abroad for the purpose of buying property and then that money can be used to purchase whatever condo / house you want to buy.

  2. If buying from a developer, the money can be transferred to their account from an overseas account in your name and they will provide tor tor sam for you

    Thank you. I am wary buying from a developer when he does not provide escrow accounts with fitting exit clauses in the purchasing contract. Did read / hear / talk with too many people who sent their money directly to the developer and then either did see their project never started / cancelled / delayed for years without any option to get their money back. Thus my other topics asking about banks / developers offering escrow accounts for buying off plan.

  3. PoodMaiDai, KeyserSoze01

    Please allow me some final comments: First, I am completely aware that privacy laws in Thailand are completely different from other countries, i.e. when I see the police posting pictures of every Farang arrested. This would be impossible in Europe, as you are deemed innocent until otherwise proven by a court.

    PoddMaiDai, you mention paparazzi... as far as they take pictures from celebrities, they are allowed to do so, since these celebrities are "persons of public interest" and their privacy rights with regards to pictures taken and published are not the same as yours and my privacy rights. They have - by their actions - put themselves into public view and therefore waived a lot (but not all) of their privacy rights. This has been confirmed by many court decisions worldwide.

    With regards to you and me, no we do NOT waive our privacy rights when we are in public places. Just look at the case of Google Streetview and all the discussions about their obligation to anonymize every single picture where their could be faces or car licence plates visible... at least within the US and Europe, it is very clear that you and I have the right for the protection from Google to post our pictures within their Streetview offering.

    Now, KeyserSoze01, I am also aware about the problem you described. First problem is to find out whether I am on any picture or not and then whether it will be posted in whatever social media... but the principles of law are clear. If I find out, I will first ask the poster for removal, then I can write to Facebook et al and inform them about the violation of my privacy and ask them to remove the pictures - or finally, within Switzerland, I can ask for a court order towards Facebook to remove the pictures - as has happend dozends of times already, also with regards to Google Streetview.

    Finally, PoodMaiDai: I have one very important right in Thailand: That is the right to apply for a Visa to live in the place of my choice in this beautiful country for as long as I can finance my stay here. That is the only right I really care about and as long as I oblige with the laws of this country, I can do almost every thing that the Thai people can do with some exceptions which I might not like but will accept for the right to live here.

  4. Thanks for helping me find this information:

    There was a thread some time ago (unfortunately my search does not find it) about a bank that started acting as intermediary between buyer and seller for development projects... The bank finances the development project, when you sign a contract for this project, the bank will keep the buyers pre-payments in special accounts and only release the buyers money to the building company when the builder fulfills his development plans...

    This way the money of the buyer is safe and would be returned by the bank when the developer fails to fulfill the contract. It is a kind of "secured loan" for the buyer, for which he will pay some insurance fees on top of the standard loan interest rates.

    Dear Moderators: Am opening this thread in both real-estate and banking forum, as I don't know where the information about the topic I am looking for might be found best. If this is not acceptable by you, please advice whitch topic my post is best located and delete in the other forum. thanks in advance.

  5. Thanks for helping me find this information:

    There was a thread some time ago (unfortunately my search does not find it) about a bank that started acting as intermediary between buyer and seller for development projects... The bank finances the development project, when you sign a contract for this project, the bank will keep the buyers pre-payments in special accounts and only release the buyers money to the building company when the builder fulfills his development plans...

    This way the money of the buyer is safe and would be returned by the bank when the developer fails to fulfill the contract. It is a kind of "secured loan" for the buyer, for which he will pay some insurance fees on top of the standard loan interest rates.

    Dear Moderators: Am opening this thread in both real-estate and banking forum, as I don't know where the information about the topic I am looking for might be found best. If this is not acceptable by you, please advice whitch topic my post is best located and delete in the other forum. thanks in advance.

  6. As you want to use the company to buy land to build a house (most certainly for your private use), the whole company is a set-up for illegal business (foreigner buying land) and thus the company purpose is illegal... good luck going to court once your "shareholders" cheated you off all your funds...

    Yet another load of barfly rubbish. Companies normally set up 39 61% with foreigner holding preference shares which carry 5 votes to 1. On day of purchase

    contracts are signed. Why is company illegal? The company pays tax each year and Thai companies can LEGALLY buy land....

    I did not say the company is illegal. I said that if the sole purpose of the company set-up is to enable a foreigner buying land for private us, then the company purpose is illegal because the company is built to circumvent Thai property laws. Therefore I assume that Thai courts will - as would every European court - deem the whole company construct to be illegal.

    And the questions to find out during tax process are fairly easy: What business would the company do? What turnover do they have in that business? how many employees do they have? And you find a company owing few rai of land without employees and without business and not paying any taxes except for the land it owns....

    Legal??? I doubt very much...

  7. I also see too many threads of OP's asking how to circumvent Thai laws (or even announcing they will do) or even more asking what the chances of getting caught are... those threads should be closed immediately.

    Yes, I agree with Swissie that such actions can lead to tougher VISA rules which will affect all those going throught the legal process.

    However, I do not agree with Swissie that the Op should not be coming and learn Thai even on the smallest possible budget... maybe Swissie does not remember, but I do remember my backpacking times through Europe with the smallest possible budget, sleeping in farms, helping farmers for some food etc... would not want to miss that time in my life, even though would not want to repeat it in my age...

    • Like 1
  8. I'm not sure, because I've no experience, but shouldn't a purchaser of property be able to prove that the money for the purchase of property is actually from abroad?

    That's true, but that's another question. You need to open a Thai bank account and transfer it into Thailand with the information about the purpose of the transfer -- the condo you are buying. With that you can buy the condo and if you ever sell the condo, this allows you to transfer the sales proceeds out of Thailand. That brings up the question, can you open a Thai bank account without a visa? Again, yes it is possible but sometimes difficult. Real estate agents if they are clear you are good prospect to buy will often help you open a Thai bank account just for this purpose. Literally though, no there is no legal requirement to have any kind of visa to buy a condo as a foreigner.

    Thanks Jingthing, for your fast answer. Of course I am aware that I need a Tor Tor Sam for legalilzing the money entry into Thailand for the purpose of buying property, I just was not 100% sure about my legal status as alien when buying a condo.

    Another question: There was a thread some time ago (unfortunately my search does not find it) about a bank that started acting as intermediary between buyer and seller for development projects... they keep the pre-payments in special accounts, refinance the development project and only release the buyers money when the seller fulfills his development plans... this way the money of the buyer is safe and would be returned when the developper fails to fulfill the contract.

    Does somebody know where to find this thread / know which bank does offer this service?

  9. Thanks for all who will try to answer this my question:

    I am still living abroad and my current times in Thailand are on vacation only, but I have long term (3-5y) retirement plans which (financially) develop perfectly. Now I am thinking about buying a Condo within the next months, but I am not sure whether this is legally possible. So my only question is:

    Can I buy / own a condo in Thailand, while I am still living in my home country and do not have a Thai Visa of any kind (except my "free" 30d tourist Visa when i come from time to time)?

    Of course, all the guys and gals consulting me in the shopping malls tell me "no problem, no problem" and give me 5-10% rebate on any contract signature within the next 5-10 days... And also, I don't need advice on buying off plan or about the dangers of investing in not-yet-started constructions... I am well aware of the dangers of investing in such kind of projects. And I did read a lot about the necessary paperwork needed for the Farang quota. I am also aware of the issue of legalizing the money transfer from my home bank account to a Thai bank account (which I already have). And I will find a lawyer / consultant to check any contract and all paperwork before signature.

    Just the one thing I have not found is whether or not I need to have any kind of Thai Visa in order to be allowed to buy while I still live abroad. Thanks in advance for any helpful information.

  10. I would advise try other bank.

    With the documented total monthly income of over 100,000 Baht as you mention should EASILY qualify for the loan amount that she is asking without any further loans with banks other than the car.

    Why would they forfeit your deposit if could not qualify for a loan ?

    Thanks for the reply. The home loan application was actually with Bangkok Bank. They saw the late payments made on the car to Thanachart Bank.

    The depsoit is paid directly to the Moo Bahn. Once it's paid, they start building. Once they finish, if you can't come up with the money, they keep your deposit and say 'thank you very much!'

    I think the only sensible option is to go to Thanachart Bank, pay the outstanding car loan and any interest accrued and ask them very nicely to fix your wife's credit record...

    Then go back to BKK bank and explain to a manager what happend and show him that your wife fixed the problem, that might help.

    Going to another bank... well, you should assume that they have the same credit history information as BKK bank and might therefore also be wary to offer the loan... so be straight forward and tell the responsible manager about the problem before they find out themselves...

  11. After his tour of duty they moved to the States where I was born.

    I have never been to Thailand before but I still have my mothers (now deceased) Thai passport, her Thai birth certificate, and my Thai birth certificate somewhere.

    This is amusing. So you were born in the US? So how on Earth can you have a Thai birth certificate?

    You don't have to be born in Thailand, but one of your parents must be Thai, then you can have a Thai passport.

    Posted from my Galaxy Nexus.

    Yes, you can apply for a Thai passport, BUT if you want to have dual citizenship, you must apply for this BEFORE your 18th birthday, otherwise you forfeight your Thai citizenship as the OP obviously did (as he is an American). Therefore good luck with all the paperwork to be produced, specially validating / approving 60 year old documents...

    look here... http://www.multiplecitizenship.com/wscl/ws_THAILAND.html

  12. If you're truly genuine: don't buy anything, just rent for a few months. Try e.g. a condo in Jomtien or Hua Hin. Don't "invest" in anything here, except your time and money to live on for a few months. If you have a Thai birth cert you should get a Thai passport so you don't need any visa.

    Posted from my Galaxy Nexus.

    That is not so simple. His Thai birth certificate does NOT guarantee Thai citizenship. He voluntarely did give up his Thai citizenship on his 18th birthday when he decided to NOT apply for dual (American / Thai) citizenship. For the Thai, he is an American applying for Thai citizenship independent of his birth given by a Thai mother.

  13. Another stupid reply from you... you not only don't know that you can't just buy a house, you also can't just buy a business...

    Do I assume correctly that you don't even know the requirements to apply for, receive and keep a retirement Visa for Thailand????

    Once I get my Thai ID card, I can't imagine having problems in those areas.

    Just a little bit of paperwork to fill in.

    555... best joke so far... little paperwork and you get your Thai passport...

  14. Invest the money from the sale of your house in a coffee shop for her, you'll make a fortune. If that doesn't tempt you buy a bar.

    I didn't accumulate my money by giving it away to anyone. If I buy a house or a business it will be in my name.

    (Nor did I lose much money in my divorce, the messy bit was to do with betrayal and false friends, and nasty accusations)

    I'm just looking for advice on where to live in Thailand, thank you. Oh, and I don't like bars too much.

    Another stupid reply from you... you not only don't know that you can't just buy a house, you also can't just buy a business...

    Do I assume correctly that you don't even know the requirements to apply for, receive and keep a retirement Visa for Thailand????

  15. Am not talking about you having company of other expat... am talking about your requests "not too rural" and "Looking to live somewhere with good Internet access, coffee bars, restaurants American and Thai.* which you will not find in places where no expat are living (specially the american restaurants).

    Do you mean to suggest that Thais don't frequent McD, KFC, Starbucks, etc. and they are only found where US expats live?

    In America I can eat Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Lebanese, etc, without a large community of the nationals of those countries living nearby.

    Thailand must be more different than I thought!

    you DEFINITELY have no idea... since Thai in general can't afford McD and co. (specially in rural areas), there is no business case for those companies in those places where there is no money... and money is in cities where there are enough expats like you who think they will die when they have to buy and eat food from the street vendors...

    YOU are not fit for Thailand... so my next recommendation is, keep your house in the US, pay the taxes, you will need it fairly soon again when you crawl back..

  16. If the op is serious, I understand why America is so rich.

    Have been living in the US for some time... if the op is serious, he just prooves that still most americans think the world is flat and ends at the border of their country...

  17. Definitely you need places where lot of expat are already living or places with a good tourist industry, otherwise your American lifestyle might not be available there. So you could as well go to your local travel office and take a Thailand catalogue and choose randomly where to start your trip around Thailand

    I'm not sure I really need much in the way of expat or US people for company. (although a McD nearby would be comforting)

    I can speak and understand Thai fairly well (although my gf, who doesn't speak any English, tells me the accent is 'funny') as I always spoke Thai with my mother.

    But I can't read or write it.

    Am not talking about you having company of other expat... am talking about your requests "not too rural" and "Looking to live somewhere with good Internet access, coffee bars, restaurants American and Thai.* which you will not find in places where no expat are living (specially the american restaurants).

  18. Where to live ? That’s possibly the sole reason why renting is the only intelligent option until you can decide.

    So where do you suggest I rent?

    This will be my first time living outside the US, so I don't have much of a clue where to start.

    Which is why I started this topic, not that I have had much in the way of sensible answers.

    Start with Bangkok, as your 24y old is currently there (she will teach you about being an ATM...). Then start to move around places from time to time (and see whether she is willing to come with you). Go to Pattaya (and see whether you might want to start shopping around for other girls), to go Rayong, go to Hua Hin, go to Chiang MAi, go to Phuket, follow the sun and the good weather... depending on the girls, you might even end up in the Isaan region some day...

    And comes time and more girls, you will learn about more and more places (every new girl will gladly show you their favorite places) until finally you decide where (and with which girl) you want to finally settle. Definitely you need places where lot of expat are already living or places with a good tourist industry, otherwise your American lifestyle might not be available there. So you could as well go to your local travel office and take a Thailand catalogue and choose randomly where to start your trip around Thailand

  19. Imagine not being able to stay out of a bar for 1 night out of religious respect of the country you are visiting. wow.

    maybe you need some fixing... i.e. your reading capability... nobody said anything or complained about bar closurs on 7 march... there is only the question whether or not the bars will be closed...

    OK, I'll complain about it. smile.png

    I like the idea of separation of church and state and freedom of commerce. It means I should be free to drink in a bar anytime and a bar owner should be free to sell alcohol anytime he feels like it. Tomorrow, now, I might just like to have few brews in my favorite go-go. Haven't you heard that "daytime is playtime?" Very Pattaya.

    Fact is, you can respect the religion (I do, very much) but, at the same time, drink, esp if you're not a Buddhist anyway.

    It's really about government power and cultural separation and brainwashing, not religion. Guess most of us old hands know that.

    Flame away!

    No flaming towards you! Absolutely agree with your idea of separation and would also not like the idea of a dry day if I would currently be in LOS.

    My original post was only to point out that the OP did not complain but mainly ask the question.

  20. I'm becoming increasingly confused by some of the replies to my post.

    You say I can't own a house or land, but no indication why this is not possible.

    Neither have I suggested I was going to get married or to buy the girl a house.

    One of the reasons I wanted to come to Thailand is that my mother was Thai.

    My father met her when he was working as a Marine in the US Embassy shortly after WWI.

    After his tour of duty they moved to the States where I was born.

    I have never been to Thailand before but I still have my mothers (now deceased) Thai passport, her Thai birth certificate, and my Thai birth certificate somewhere.

    That's the reason why people make fun / think you are a troll / at least think you are an idiot who just entered his third spring while meeting this young girl... you have no idea the laws of this country, never lived here but based on a short adventure, you start thinkig with little American...

    so if you REALLY want to make the move, the only smart move is:

    - sell your house in the US if it must be for tax reasons

    - keep the money in an account safe from every girl

    - RENT a house in one place, move to other places 6-12 months later and other places again few months later till you find the place YOU like

    - and learn about the Thai property laws...

    and stop thinking that a 24y old Thai girl sees any other but a source of income in a 63y old man... once the ATM (your bank account) stops to pour out money, she will start shopping around for the next one... and if you would be stupid enough to buy land in her name - no matter who "owns" the house - you would loose that property as well...

    and if you would read some of the threads on TV, you would learn that you are not the first and not the last one to who this will happen... so better start all over again and THINK with your BRAIN and not with the little One...

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