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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. So... you want to travel with huge amounts of cash... not put in in bank accounts but in private safes (according to your other topic...)... you will declare it, can prove where it comes from... but you think it is not the f** business of the boarder control / financial authoristies of Singapore what you will do with it? I guess the authorities might see this slightly different...

    Good luck for you...

    • Like 1
  2. It is completely idiotic to criminalize the consumption of marijuana. Allen Ginsberg, the poet who was as well a Buddhist wrote once "Don't smoke don't smoke nicotine nicotine no / No don't smoke the official dope smoke dope dope."

    While I tend to agree with you that marijuana and alcohol should be equally treated (legalize both), the law is the law and smoking dope is illegal in most countries of this world, The Netherlands being the big exception... so you know the law, it's your decision to brake it or follow it, but don't blame the law, blame the politicians who don't change it.

  3. While I think it has not much to do with Thailand, I would also question how and why your in law is allowed to use the proceeds from a trust which is in the name of his daughters for his living... except we did not receive all information like he is living together with his daughters...

    But really the only thing to do is take a lawyer and proceed to court immediately.

  4. Many websites do not sell merchandise, but makes money by the amount of visters it gets. I am looking into buying a website like this. Less work, right?

    I am mainly looking to find out whats it take to maintain and own a website. Should I higher a web master?.. What would the costs be like per month? do I need to pay for a server..? Again I know nothing about this type of thing.

    Well, then the only advice is... keep your fingers away from it...

    Do you really think that their is money waiting for you out there in the net without doing nothing??? do you know how much work and money it needs to keep your own website on top of hitlists so that YOU get visitors in order for your visitors to click on advertisement on your website, because ONLY THEN you will get few cents for every few hundred clicks from your website to other websites...

    Knowing nothing but investing in new business... say good buy to your money...

    Im not rushing into anything. Did you even read my post? Your right I don't know anything about running a website and getting viewers to visit it..thats pretty much what I am asking. And yes I do bieleve I can have an income with basicly doing nothing.

    Only thugs or people who are plain stupid can believe that they can make income with doing basically nothing... but I'll give you an idea, cause I think you are just stupid and not a thug... so let us take the example of a shoe shop who's advertising I just see on top of the Thaivisa website, proivded by google...

    1) the shoe shop has a contract with google, so that his advertisement pops up on this website (based on my previous visit to that shop)

    2) Thaivisa has a contract with google and gets money for letting google show me that advertisement.

    3) if I click on the ad of that shoeshop, google gets money from that shoe shop.

    Now why do these contracts exist?

    - Google likes to put adds on Thaivisa website, because Thaivisa website has a high number of visitors

    - the shoe shop likes to pay google for showing the add, because I might buy something when I click on the ad.

    So now YOU want to set up your own website with advertisements for that shoe shop and everytime somebody comes to your website and clicks on the ad, you get money, say 5 cent for every 10 clicks on the ad of that shoe shop...

    Why should the shoe shop make a contract with you to pay you for putting his ad on your website and pay you for every click? The shoe shop is ONLY interested in doing such a contract with you, if the shoe shop believes that you have a high number of visitors on your website AND if the shoe shop thinks that your visitors might be interested in buying shoes.

    How can you have high number of visitors on your website?

    a ) ONLY if your website has something interesting to offer (like information about Thailand) and evolves continually (means work... work... work...)

    b ) ONLY if your website shows up in Internet searches (google, yahoo etc.) in the top 10 results

    otherwise the number of visitors to your website will be virtually zero and therefore nobody will click on any add on your website and thus, you make no money...

    How can you show up in the top 10 results of search results? By putting tags on your website, keep them up to date and / or pay money to google / yahoo / other companies to ensure a high number of clicks on your website and show your website in the top 10 of their individual search results...

    So the end result is that first, YOU pay money to make YOUR website attractive for visitors BEFORE any visitor will click on your add and make your website profitable... Of course, you can have a webmaster for all that work, but then his salary is also decucted from any FUTURE profit you will maybe make...

    And now finally... you say that you might BUY an existing business... just think for one minute... IF it is so easy to make money without doing anything... WHY would that company want to sell their business that generates money without work????????????

    Which brings me back to my initial comments: Only thugs or people who are plain stupid can believe that they can make income with doing basically nothing...

    • Like 1
  5. Many websites do not sell merchandise, but makes money by the amount of visters it gets. I am looking into buying a website like this. Less work, right?

    I am mainly looking to find out whats it take to maintain and own a website. Should I higher a web master?.. What would the costs be like per month? do I need to pay for a server..? Again I know nothing about this type of thing.

    Well, then the only advice is... keep your fingers away from it...

    Do you really think that their is money waiting for you out there in the net without doing nothing??? do you know how much work and money it needs to keep your own website on top of hitlists so that YOU get visitors in order for your visitors to click on advertisement on your website, because ONLY THEN you will get few cents for every few hundred clicks from your website to other websites...

    Knowing nothing but investing in new business... say good buy to your money...

  6. The main question is WHAT are you going to buy... are you only going to buy an online website offering (legal) services like downloads etc... or are you going to buy a "normal" business with tangible goods to be bought and sold by you...

    for the latter, as autan mentioned, scrutinize the company as you would any "normal" business you intend to buy, specially check all the contracts you would need to take over, i.e. contracts with suppliers of goods, contracts with clients (i.e. longterm contracts) etc.

    difference is then the transfer of the ownership of the website in question... and all the contracts behind the website like hosting fees, contracts with banks / service providers offering online payment facilities etc. etc. ... you will become an online merchant and thus have to deal with goods not arrived, payments withdrawn (chargeback from your clients) etc.

    Then the question of legality of the business, i.e. the website can be legal in some countries but not others... so make sure it is legal in the country of your residence and the country of hosting your website...

  7. Well, you better tell the people

    - what kind of card

    - which bank

    - why blocked / why do you know it is blocked

    then they might be able to advise...

    co op bank.. Just tried to use my cardreader for the first time and put password in 3 times incorrectly... They have told me back home that they cant unblock it and i can do it here with some Atms...

    If its a UK bank card ie Co-op bank, why would a bank ATM in Thailand be able to unblock it for you...this doesnt make sense...Co-op bank would have to un-block it for you....A lot of banks even if they have the facility will not unblock a card in these circumstances and make you get a new card. Believe you are being given bum information.

    All this would need to be sorted out with Co-op bank seeing as they are the card issuer

    I see... yes, it is a feature that all (most?) UK banks offer their cardholders... after three wrong PIN you get one final chance and can unblock it at ATM's... now the problem you will have in Thailand is, that the ATM owning banks (Acquirers) must not offer that service, only UK has this service as mandatory on all ATM. Same in Europe, unblocking your PIN is not available on most European ATM's (i.e. not offered in Switzerland).

    Your two options

    1) ATM's from international banks (i.e. HSBC, Bangkok Bank), but very unlikely that they have implemented that service, your bank should be able to tell you which banks offer it if any

    2) as Soutpeel said: Call your Issuing bank (Co op) and tell them you f** up your PIN and have them issue a new one / an emergency PIN. Normally your bank has special procedures to help their cardholders with such a problem if they are abroad

    Why do I know? We process cards for a UK bank (out of Switzerland) and have to offer those services (unblock PIN through enabled ATM's and / or issuing emergency PIN)

  8. Taxi driver returns gold worth Bt13 million to owner

    BANGKOK:-- A taxi driver Friday returned gold ornaments worth Bt13 million to its owner via the FM91 (Sor Wor Por 91) radio station.

    The taxi driver came out to return the gold after its owner, Akekarat Kanokwannakorn, 60, told police Thursday that he had left the 540 baht weight of gold in a pink Toyota Altis taxi.

    Akerat told police that he had flagged down on Bangkok’s Worachak Road to travel to Si Mum Muang Market in Pathum Thani’s Klong Luang district.


    -- The Nation 2012-03-16

    Very clever of the taxi driver to wait unitl the finders reward was publicly offered giggle.gif

  9. I always carry my Swiss ID card with me which has credit card format and is an official government document and can be hidden fairly well from being stolen (much more difficult for passports). Passport stays in the room safe.

    Why? I think it is always a good idea (even in my own country) to have an official ID with you in case you get into trouble, whether self inflicted or inflicted by somebody else... and also in case I would have an accident (i.e. run over by a car), at least I can be identified and the Embassy can be notified immediately. There was a huge story here in Switzerland about a citizen who died in the Phillipines and because of lack of documents, he was in a morgue for three months (!!) until he was incidently found and identified by his parents...

  10. Why should we assume the cab driver has the gold ? If the bag was left in the back seat or on the floor he could drive around all day without knowing it was there.

    It could of been found by a passenger.

    Well, that would be my story anyway. wink.png

    that's what he will say when apprehended.

    Bingo! I think the gold has already been exchanged for cash in the meantime.

    Exactly my thoughts... too many options

    - gold never existed => insurance scam

    - gold existed, owner sold it on black market => double insurance scam

    - gold was left in taxy, driver found it, tries to sell on black market => theft (understandable from the taxi drivers point of view...)

    - gold was left in taxy, another passenger found it and took it away => double theft (too bad for the taxi driver if they identify him, cause nobody will believe that story...)

    so... speculatinos, speculations, speculations...

  11. Welcome to being your family's ATM... why the f*** does she want to sell her property to her daughter for such an exorbitant price? She could keep tha land, let you build a house on it, you live there and when she passes away, she can inherit the land to her daughter... no need for money flow except... you being her ATM...

    As pointed out.. .you are in deep sh*t now... how to get out of that without anybody loosing face...

    • Like 1
  12. Appears the longer I live here the More Beef Cakes I see in town...

    Agree with you... have seen this New Zeelander many times while in Pattaya... his stare, sometimes bloodshed eyes... most probably high on stereoids...

    And there are many more of those musclepacks nowadays than few years back, I personally feel...

    Always tend to change the street when I see those coming... you never know what kind of stuff they have just swallowed...

  13. I don't think any of those things work.

    Do you think or do you KNOW? First option would not be very helpful... from what I did research in various medical threads, the medicaments used for the lipolysis seem to be the same drugs that are also used for liposuction, the difference is that the mechanical destruction of the fat cells is not done... which of course is the much "healthier" option from an invasion point of view...

    Thus, I would appreciate answers from people who KNOW, either from own experience or from knowing of others who tried this. Thank you for understanding.

  14. The latest research shows that exercise doesn't help you lose weight. What it does is help the body maintain at whatever weight you are at. The body adjusts your metabolism and appetite levels to maintain a certain weight. What weight it sets to maintain at is what its used to and any perturbation the body will act to get back to the previous level.

    The kind of things the body can do is very impressive, from changing the metabolic rate and changing body temperature, to changing enzyme levels in the digestive tract and fat cells, all the way to altering macro behaviour such as the amount of clothes you wear.

    This is why most diets fail. If you're fighting against your own body, you're usually going to lose. You need to reset the body to want to maintain a lower weight

    Sorry, but that is complete rubbish... of course, exercise helps you burn fat, but you must do the right things:

    - you can do weights, then of course you can win more muscles than you burn fat...

    - you can do exercise like crosstrainer with low Watt figures and heart beat within the 130-140 area, then you REALLY burn fat when you do 30-60 minutes

    - you can do exercise like bycicles or spinning with high Watt or high heart beat rates, then you don't burn too much fat but gain on endurance only...

    Exercise together with a healthy nutrition (which does not mean dieting and being hungry) will DEFINITELY help you burn fat and loose weight without gaining muscles => I have lost almost 20kg in less than 3 months this way.

  15. Thanks for helping me with your answers.

    I have lost almost 20kg in the last 3 months through healthy food, no more (well... much less) alcohol, regular sports. Result is astonishing for me, had to invest massively in new clothes (pants 2 sizes down) and of course continue to keep up my healthy lifestyle.

    But as we all know... the fat cells are still there, empty now but just waiting for the next Schnitzel with french fries to fill up again... so I want to get rid of them. Liposuction is no option for me, too invasive.

    Heard about Mesotherapy / lipolysis / fat-burning-injections (injections under your skin that should dissolve the fat cells) and here in Switzerland, find many such clinics, of course with Swiss prices behind... my question is, has anybody here experience with that kind of treatment, if yes where did you get it (prefer area from Pattaya to Bangkok), how many treatments, price per treatment?

    Will be back in Thailand in May and thinking about doing such a treatment, if I find any place with good reputation / recommendation: search in this forum did not reveal any results so far, but maybe my search was wrong...

    Thanks in advance

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