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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. at least you should tell whether you are living with her or whether you live in a long-distance relationship, whether you are married to her (seems not if you write about girlfriend) and finally whether you are the legal (documented) father of the child... only then your options can be reviewed

  2. Have search the Pattaya forum and find many questions about cheapes gyms... not looking for that... looking for the following:

    - gym that offers membership on a weekly / daily / 1-month basis (no matter the price)

    - gym that is clean and has decent aircon

    - gym that has cross trainers (my favorite machine for what I want to achieve)

    - gym that offers heart rate control on their machines (i.e. wireless around the chest)

    preferred location is central in Pattaya (will stay near Mike shopping center) or at least access with Baht bus if outside center.

    Thanks in advance

  3. I did not use a hose, let alone a high pressure one (I didn't mention a hose at all, but I didn't clarify the exact spashing device I was using). Just a mini bowl scoop (like the ones used for pale flush toilet) and tap water (nothing added). The "pressure" was nothing deadly or anywhere near that. A person (paying attention and/or driving at the speed limit) has enough time to see the water bucket. More than enough people had enough time to wave me off if they didn't want it, although there were a few that did it right as I raised up the dish. So no malicious intent, although I could have phrased the OP a bit better to reflect this.

    So the excuse for your stupid and dangerous action against somebody driving on a motorcycle is "other's do the same"???? How more stupid can you get? What if he would have fallen down and cracked his head???? Would you also say "other's do the same"????

    Especially when there is a beach nearby and a big market up the street. If he is so intelligent, experienced, and wise to his surroundings, why not take a back road or wear a poncho and/or helmet?

    So again, the excuse for your stupid and dangerous action against somebody driving on a motorcycle is "it's his own fault"???? How more stupid can you get? What if he would have fallen down and cracked his head???? Would you also say "it's his own fault, he could have worn a helmet"????

  4. Easy...

    your insurance company will use a very low exchange rate, as they have to pay the money back to you... and depending on your insurance policy, they might not be willing to pay for everything (i.e. food, telephone cost etc. that they take off the invoice)

    your credit card company (you did not say which one) will use the highest possible exchange rate and add whatever foreign exhange fees / TT add up percentage that your credit card contract allowes...

    so without you having the detailed explanations for both companies, your guess is as good as anybody's guess... AND you don't phone MasterCard, you call your credit care issuing bank...

  5. Your definitely looking in pretty much everything... according to your posts

    - 19y old, one trip to Thailand, now back in Canada

    - trying to find somebody in Koh Samui to export "items" to you

    - have safed 5 grand but want to spend them travelling from Canada through Europe to Thailand an low wage jobs...

    - but thinking about currency dealings and asking this question on a Thailand forum....

    must be your age, I would guess... so you are excused for "looking into pretty much everything"...

  6. Was hoping to get a perspective on something. Why buy a new condomium, perhaps for 130k baht/m2 when you can buy an older building across the street for 70-75k b/m2 ?

    Is the newer condominium going to last longer?

    It does not cost that much to do interior decorating and what does the building's exterior really matter? if you have been to hong kong you know that buildings may look like a slum from the outside and be furnished with marbel and expensive fittings inside.

    also, many of these very expensive condominiums are not even very nice inside. they are fitted with very cheap materials.

    Depends on the area. Not all of bkk is 130k per sqm, personally I think that's a crazy price unless your back is facing an embassy. If you look outside Silom, sathorn, riverside and lower sukhumvit you can find good options for brand new at 70-80,000 sqm near thai language schools, TESL schools or thai/English schools that hire foreign teachers. Fit it with cheap furniture from big c and advertise there (pay them the agent fee) and your good to go.

    I think it is much more than just the area when the OP is taking about 60% of the price per square meter "across the street". Then the age of the building, the quality of the construction, the joint infrastructure (pool, gym, shops etc.), the level of past investment in maintenance, the interior design (furnitures, kitchen etc.) etc. all have to be taken into account.

    And finally, prices of course depend on how many new building sites are going up in the same area... since most people would then tend to buy new apartments, depreciation will be high on older buildings.

  7. Okay thought so but wasnt sure

    Had some scratches from the days before but they were still ''crusty'' after it

    What would you do?

    When was your latest tetanus vaccination? should be repeated every 10 years (for adults) and then you should be ok - but check with your doctor if there is any inflammation growing around the scratches

  8. Funny so many fell for it. But smart punters only take girls that require ID, and of course they've already checked it if her age is in question.

    No ID no money is always wise.

    And arrange with the staff that you get a photocopy of the ID for future reference, it's come in very handy for me more than once over the years.

    Correct. When ever I spend time with a bar girl, I tell her beforehand that the hotel will require to make a copy of her ID... and I always make sure that my valuables are inside the hotel safe even before I leave the room to "surf" around the bars... basic security measures that can protect you from the worst

    Its best to check that they have an ISO 9001 Quality Management System as well.

    Nice if they have that paperwork... but as a potential long-term customer, I tend to do some personal on-site and in-deep in-depth quality checks on my own before signing any long-term contracts giggle.gif

  9. Funny so many fell for it. But smart punters only take girls that require ID, and of course they've already checked it if her age is in question.

    No ID no money is always wise.

    And arrange with the staff that you get a photocopy of the ID for future reference, it's come in very handy for me more than once over the years.

    Correct. When ever I spend time with a bar girl, I tell her beforehand that the hotel will require to make a copy of her ID... and I always make sure that my valuables are inside the hotel safe even before I leave the room to "surf" around the bars... basic security measures that can protect you from the worst

  10. and more more comment about your sentence:

    "The religious debate around Euthanasia is one largely relating to morality, the value of life, the responsibilities of the individual in society/family/relationships and the responsibility of family/friends and society to the individual."

    My sons know that I have a patients instruction for hospitals where I ask for the shutoff of machines keeping me alive, when their is no hope that I ever get out of coma (i.e. after an accident with brain injury). My sons know that I am member of Exit (one of the assisted suicide organisations in Switzerland) and they know and accept and they will support me if ever I decide to end my life based on hopeless situations like terminal cancer or Alzheimer in it's final stadium... and they will support me, because the love me and see that there is no more value to my life and the will take responsibility to help me end an unbearable suffering...

  11. Euthanasia is a controversial subject,mostly due to the religious right.

    Euthanasia is a controversial subject mostly because of its association with Eugenics and that fact that it was put into practice by the Nazis on an industrial scale. But let's not blame only the right, the British Fabians did much the early work that gave rise to the Nazi Eugenics and Euthanasia thinking.

    The religious debate around Euthanasia is one largely relating to morality, the value of life, the responsibilities of the individual in society/family/relationships and the responsibility of family/friends and society to the individual. That suicide is not a choice that only impacts the individual and that it has far reaching impacts on the core of society, family and the very personal relationships we all have.

    Feel free to trot out the 'I blame religion mantra' if it helps you place issues you do not understand in a box so you can put them to one side and forget about them.

    I agree with this your sentence:

    "The religious debate around Euthanasia is one largely relating to morality, the value of life, the responsibilities of the individual in society/family/relationships and the responsibility of family/friends and society to the individual."

    But for the religious issues, I suggest you consult i.e. Wiki and read about suicide and religious view: Hinduism => accpeted; Buddhism => accepted IF in a quiet state of mind, you anyway get reborne either in a lower or higher state of mind; Christianity => mixed tending to see it as a sind, as all life is holy and belongs to God only to decide about ending it; Judaism => deadly sin; Islam => deadly sin except where the nutheads think suicide missions are ok when targeting infidels....

    Christianity and Roman catholic church: Examples from Italy

    => Abortion is a deadly sind and mothers are still excommunicated (not only Italy, there have even been cases in Mexico where a woman was raped, got pregnant and then had abortion)

    => Doctors helping in assisted suicide are still threatened with excommunication

    => Catholic church raised a law suit (took 6 years) about a woman in coma since 5 years, because the husband wanted to end life support and let her go... when they lost the lawsuit, the church again threatened the doctors and husband with excommunication when they stop the machines...

    So yes, I am sticking to my argument that some religions have a view about suicide that is completely against todays view of the society.

  12. Why should anybody panic (maybe except his family members...)? It is a basic human right to end one's own life when one feels it's time to do so... just some religious fools think you might end in hell when you do so... but hell on earth can be worse... so the only thing I expect from somebody who is about to commit suicide is to do it in a decent manner like drowing in the sea or in the bathtub after emptying few bottles of single malt and NOT jump off a highrise causing a mess and endangering others... I said it in another thread, I would commit suicide if ever I would be terminally ill...

    But for your friends idea, I don't think he'll do it, cause when the time arrives, one does not just stand there and say "hey, I am broke, now I kill myself"... it takes much more than that

    Finally the main question, is it bad for Thailand? Yes, of course it is bad for Thailand, even thought basically it has nothing to do with Thailand, and I don't understand why these cases always make the news... here in Switzerland, suicides tend not to make it to the newspapers, for one not to give examples to others and for two not to give a bad reputation to the country. I would think that also in Thailand, time will come when there will be a common understanding between all media to not any more report about suicide attempts by foreigners in order to protect the reputation of country.

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