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Posts posted by Swiss1960

  1. I dont know whether your problem will get solved with all you describe to change.. but given the distance to the pool shop and from a personal experience with my pump, it might just be cheaper in the long run to replace the pump.. pumps, even your size, don't cost the world


    • Like 1
  2. Sorry to hear about your bad treatment, Colin, let's hope that this person gets her ear full after you talk with the manager.  Obviously, the other people you mentioned did all treat you ok, right?


    That said, I have not received any bad treatments in both big and small shops here around Pattaya, but more states than before.


    But what do you expect with this so called "health minister" and the fact that the government announced to continue banning entry from farang, because "they bring the virus"... poorly educated Thais will listen to this nonsense and believe it...

    • Like 1
  3. Of course you can hire any Thai person to work for you or your European business, he would be a freelancer like your local plumber, electrician,  maid etc. 


    Just make sure that you NEVER give him or anybody around you the impression that you also work, as that is forbidden and could land you in hot water... that said, meeting such a Thai person and discuss work might already be seen as working, therefore bad idea. 


    As others said - for different reasons - hire abroad and omit all the pitfalls of working on an Elite - or other - no-work-allowed Visa

  4. 23 minutes ago, tonymontana32 said:

    wrong, found other info "Bailiffs and vehicles on finance, HP or contract hire. Bailiffs may not clamp or remove Hire Purchase, or leased Vehicles to recover unpaid debts owed by the hirer of the lessor. The law says the bailiff may only take control of the goods that belong to the debtor."

    Read my post. I said the bank will get a court order which will allow them to take your car and you will be stuck with your debt.


    But up to you, who you believe.. you have already convinced yourself that you are not the crook and it is all the fault if others...

  5. 1 minute ago, tonymontana32 said:

    Exactly my thoughts, just needed clarification

    Not true, as I know for a fact with the car of an ex-wife. MY lawyer checked this for me, the bank can take possession of the car based on a court order, but the loan will stay with the original loan-taker.


    (No, I did not pay off her debts, only made sure she had correct legal information)

  6. 1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

    Q: How many Apps do you have on your phone?


    A: Only what ever comes with the phone


    Q: How many times in the past have you given your phone number or email or google account or facebook information to apps to login?


    A: Never


    Q: How many times in the past have you pressed "yes yes yes yes yes" when a new app asked about access to your contacts, texts, files, pictures, camera, even making calls etc... 


    A: Ive Never allowed access.


    Now there is an API that does nothing and it worries you suddenly. Your worries should start when your government MANDATES the use of a tracing app and THEN you have to see what kind of permissions your governments app will ask for... the API does not need any information about you. 


    Ok, when the Thai government does that I will go back to using my Nokia 3310.


    So based on above, you have around 50-100 Apps on your phone from Android, Google and your phone manufacturer. All of which have access to the data on your phone.


    Minimum you have a phone app, a foto app, a contact app, google play, probably a mail app (gmail or outlook?), all of which have access to the data on your phone by default. You have agreed to those through accepting the Terms of Use. 


    Are you using google maps? Are you sure you have turned off ALL location history? Just one basic question most people do not think about

  7. 35 minutes ago, dave s said:

    The link


    points to another discussion in TVF on this subject. I have posted pictures of what the installed Covid update looks like.

    As far as I know, the new API came with then May Update for most phones, but that depends of course on the phone manufacturer also. 


    Going back to a previous version of your OS will only do one thing: It will expose you to ALL currently know security vulnerabilities on your phones OS and manufacturer apps, there were around 40 security fixes delivered by Samsung in the April 2020 update. 


    The Covid-19 API will be the least of our problems.. and since Android and iOS both have it, what is your alternative? The new Huawei with the Chinese OS full of tracking software? 


    again about security... here is the website Google set up for this API: https://www.google.com/covid19/exposurenotifications/ You find ALL the Open Source informations, including cryptograhy, bluetooth etc. NOTHING secret, everything fully transparent. Again, communication for the roll-out was not good, there I agree. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Yeah it aint there, phoneis on auto update did an an Android 10 update a few days ago.


    If it does install can it be easily removed ?


    Might have to change phone settings to manual update.

    Another question: How many Apps do you have on your phone? How many times in the past have you given your phone number or email or google account or facebook information to apps to login? How many times in the past have you pressed "yes yes yes yes yes" when a new app asked about access to your contacts, texts, files, pictures, camera, even making calls etc...  and you never worried about those? 


    Now there is an API that does nothing and it worries you suddenly. Your worries should start when your government MANDATES the use of a tracing app and THEN you have to see what kind of permissions your governments app will ask for... the API does not need any information about you. 


    Edit: I would actually also want to ask the same question to @dave s

  9. 2 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Yeah it aint there, phoneis on auto update did an an Android 10 update a few days ago.


    If it does install can it be easily removed ?


    Might have to change phone settings to manual update.

    No, you can not remove an API (application programming interface), that is part of the basic Android operating system. What you do is NOT install any tracing apps your government asks you to install, then the API is just a piece of unused code on your phone and nothing to worry about. Google and Apple do not tell you to install an App, they only offer the API interface for Governments to develop their own app. Some governments will do that, others will develop something completely different and independent from the android/iOS API. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Ive not seen a new "Covid-19 notifications" on my android phone, or an old one either.


    I do not know of course how this new functionality was rolled out and when and on which versions or even, if the rollout is completed.. but if you go to your phones Settings and search for "Covid", then either you see a "COVID-19 exposure notification" or nothing.. in which case yes, you do not have this new functionality.


    Do you allow your phone to automatically update apps and operating systems or are you doing this manually only? Then you might not have it based on missing updates

  11. 7 minutes ago, dave s said:


    Oh, but the announcer in the video said repeatedly that you will have no choice, you must install and use the "platform" or the app (note that he repeatedly says that you may use either one, but he never once mentions the sign-up clipboard -- so is that going to go away?!?).


    My own experience with the government decree has been that Monday last week I went to many stores all day in Central Festival, had my temperature taken at all of them (from 32 to 44 degrees Centigrade, not challenged or questioned at any), never even glanced at the QR code picture or the clipboard, and was not questioned at all. And the same this afternoon at Big C, Western Union and KFC.


    Once more: You compare apples (the Covid function I explained in my post) with whatever not fruity... and you compare Thai developed and maintaned functionality with Thai data "protection" with an API developed and agreed upon the European GDPR (European Data Protection Law) - which is a law even the Americans are afraid of... 

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