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Posts posted by OlRedEyes

  1. An easy way to get rid of "elements" someone don't like under the name of Drugs!

    The same was happens already and starting again: a governmental order to kill!

    And again the "magic" 90 days!

    All you government supporters should really starting to think again!!


    I see you repeating this 'all you government supporters' line quite often. I have not noticed any significant number of govt. supporters here on TV at all. I think you get this idea from people criticizing the PAD, and then you assume they support the govt.

    It is not a 'pick your side' situation. Most people criticize both sides. No need to pick one of two rotten apples.

  2. ...He knows he is not going to change or improve anything, absolutely no chance.

    As far as the Thai police officers are concerned, you are absolutely correct! Every proposal that I make to improve the service towards foreign tourists is politely ignored by my Thai senior officers. But if I engineer it so that this proposal is seen to come from a Thai officer, then it is often accepted! So I've learnt how to use the system to make improvements.

    I can try to influence/improve the attitudes of the foreign police volunteers, try to improve the training, think of ideas that help tourists.

    One recent example is the huge map of the Bangla Road and bar area that is now present in Bangla Road, Patong. That is very welcomed by inebriated tourists seeking their next bar!

    Another example (to appear in a few days) are notices warning tourists of the various and popular scams in Patong, (eg jetski scams, bar touts etc). These signs will be placed up and down Bangla Road - although I'm not sure how long they will stay before the scammers remove them!!


    Simon, I have no beef with you personally. From what little I've picked up here on TV you seem like a decent guy.

    There are many points to be argued, and I can really not be arsed to go into them. The big picture however, is that you are maybe one good apple in a basket of rotten apples, and it will be more likely that the good one will go rotten than all the rotten ones get good.

    One of the dangers to tourists and expats alike is if they (very unlikely :o ) start believing that the collective wolf in sheep's clothing is real, they get off-guard and are more open to becoming targets. Which will more than offset the advantages of signs warning them about scams etc. (which is more likely to be taken down by the council than the scammers - if these are two seperate groups :D ).

    As an aside, maybe those signs should warn about police scams as well?

    I suppose my distaste of the local philosophy of trying to dress up any bad product as a good product without actually trying to improve the product, shows. They are trying to improve their face without improving their actual corruption, attitude and service, and you are playing into their hands.

    Even the Thai themselves have no respect for the police.

  3. The Thai police force is notorious as one of the most corrupt in the world. Any foreigner associating himself with them will be suspect as to his motives, and rightly so. He knows he is not going to change or improve anything, absolutely no chance, so what is he doing there?

    I'd certainly be extremely suspicious of any foreign police volunteer approaching me to 'assist'.

    And he certainly would not command any respect at all.

  4. hi can anyone tell me how is the prices of property going at the moment in thailand ? prices are dropping every where in europe and elsewhere now due to recession, is thailand the same ,im thinking about buying but would it be better to wait to 2009 and see will prices go down further,,im just talking about nice sized houses nothing too exclusive,im no millionaire......any info would be great thanks....

    All the " nae sayers" on this forum will bombard your mind with the usual, rent dont buy, if u cant spell it dont sign it, blah de blah de blah!.

    Now there is a well known fact that at the beginning of this week, a document was submitted to parliment regarding changes ownership methods of Thai property, a 90 day consultation period exists, so from start of Nov, Start of Feb should see a result.

    But i guess ther will be an influx of " members" or whatever, that "....if u have not seen the telly this week!

    Does not matter what i put here, nae sayers will always put different.

    So in answer to your opening question, the very simple answer is buy now before new legislation forces an increase by means of easier ownership and nothing else!!

    Why is with you it ALWAYS buy now buy now ........! unbelievable...........

    There is no reason for anyone to act quickly.................why ? because

    NO ONE knows what else is coming regarding the financial crisis and even if there isnt

    a crash here equally there will no rampaging increases in values...........yes rent and take your time

    and dont take notice of the estate agents on this thread :D

    Just to put you out of your misery Midas, i am not a real estate agent, in any shape or form, i promise you that, i take it you know what i am reffering to above, since you have chosen to highlight it??, if so your comments are rather off, dont you think???

    Let me guess, you're not an economist either? :o

  5. Mr. Somchai remarked also that he believed the policies set by the Thaksin Administration against drugs were effective in reducing the problem while admitting that the issue of extra-judicial execution would have to be examined by the court.

    Yes, after 3 years....

    Yeah...and during this time YOU and ME will be his\her feeders, paying his\her food&etc from our pockets (by paying the taxes).

    And much longer - if he\she get a lifetime jail sentence....

    Why not overdose the pushers by their "product for sell"? It will cost taxpayers just a single injection and 10-15min of time. No courts, no jails, no budget wasting...

    Rude? Yes. Strong? Yes. Impolite? And so what? All of those pushers doing THE SAME to our kids. Lets just turn the process back...

    Your precious kids can always say no you know. Its not compulsory to take drugs .. its a choice.

    When i was a kid there was much peer pressure to smoke cigarettes. I never did. I had a choice and exercised it. The same with alcohol and drugs. I had all these choices when young and made my own decision (no on all counts in case you were wondering)


    The fashion is to bring up kids that become whining 'adults' :o , that take no responsibility for their own actions, blame someone else for all their failures and need constant protection from the state. The lack of parenting plays into the hands of govts. that love to control as much as possible.

  6. The current PM Somchai earlier flew up to Chiang Mai, while Thaksin is in Hong Kong saying... "people's power can bring him back to Thailiand"?

    Does anyone happen to know if there are direct flights from Hong Kong to Chiang Mai? The conspiracy theories that one could read into things...

    :o:D wouldn't that be funny.

    A case in point, as virtually every post is. Does Thailand only attract the greatest morons in the world?

  7. The issue of redshirts being paid to be bussed in may be partly true, as is the issue of yellowshirts being paid to attend daily rallies. However, these allegations have gotten terribly tired, and ignores the very obvious fact that there is widespread real support for both camps.

    If everybody keeps, stupidly and dogmatically, taking the confrontational stance currently in vogue, this country is heading for civil war.

    Most TV posters like to pride themselves on their perceived superior maturity compared to the general Thai population. It surely doesn't show in any of these many threads.

    Most of you speak like childish idiots at a soccer (or football - take your bloody pick) game, I am sad to say.

    So many of you say you love Thailand..... You get all uppity if someone says something bad about it or the Thai people, or if international media reports cast it in a bad light. Grow up, realize what civil war means, and try to help bring about reconciliation rather than stoking hatred.


  8. Soutpeel I can only say that you are jealouse with whay I said.

    You maybe work like a piece of shit and earn shit also, that's your goddamn problem!!

    I have worked 7 to 5 from when I was 15 untill I was 18,

    Now I am independant (oh, some people don't believe this too!)

    and I work with my parents, who help me alot.

    Well, you just are a piece of shit, sorry to say that because you can't believe someone who really doesn't have any reason to lie

    A word of advice. Take time to learn. If you think you learn too quick, you end up falling on your face, hard. This is not an insult, jealousy or anything but a word of caution from someone who takes no pleasure in seeing young people crash and burn.

  9. well, reality finally meets fantasy..........

    credit crunch - check

    oversupply - check

    gvt on verge of collapse - check

    local economy disintegrating - check


    Capital faces oversupply of condo units

    Falling demand leaves developers with a large inventory of unsold units


    Sounds like a great time to buy!

    Yea, buy! Buy! Buy!


  10. Rakyumyum,

    So you think you got it all figured out don't ya?

    Finding some UFO conspiracy site with a few blurry pictures and movie clips.

    Well let me tell you a thing ore two, and thereafter I will guide you in the right direction (maybe left).

    We did land on the moon.

    Some of the video is indeed shot in the US in a studio.

    The question is why did we do that?


    Do I have your attention now, newbie?

    OK, that's good, now let me tell you, the stuff I am going to tell here is not for the average Joe ore Tina.

    So if you have a weak stomach, stop reading now!

    Still reading?

    OK, good, it means you are prepared, set and ready to read something that will boggle your mind, he he.

    Back in the 50's and 60's the Russians and the US tried to send some probes to the moon, and guess what,

    most of them crashed on the surface ore totally missed the moon.

    (Google: Ranger space probes).

    The excuse was that the equipment failed things like that.

    Thing is that the neutral point was miscalculated as well as the moon's gravity.

    Why because they used: Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, which is wrong.

    Later they correctly used: The Standard inverse-square law technique.

    And that will give you an approximate 64% of Earth's gravity.

    Are you still here?

    Did you know that NASA falls under the DOD?

    Yes they do.

    Ok, when some of those probe where finally able to make a few good snaps and send back,

    Some people started to cry others started to laugh, hysterically though.

    Please have a deep breath and sit back in your chair, because what I am about to tell you will

    make you feel kind of, confused.

    On the pictures, big structures appeared, buildings, domes, you name it.

    Not everywhere but in some places.

    Now that is why this whole moon landing mission was speed up, the US wanted to see it for themselves.

    And they did.

    Listen to this:

    Aldrin cannot believe what he is seeing, ground control says: We know, look the other side and continue mission.

    People will say you are a nutcase when you tell this to them, see the number of page views on this thread.

    So I feel save to tell you just a little bit of the real story.

    You want to know more, just ask.


    Alex, I've always figured you for a bit of a nutcase, but it would seem you're a talented one. :o

  11. It'd be interesting to figure out for how long this practice has been going on. What long-tern effects this has on consumers' health. I'd imagine that as with the case with eggs, the meat will have lower concentrations of melamine than what is being found in milk (where melamine was added directly - I think), but this will build up over time in the body?

  12. Wow.

    2 bombs go off in Bangkok. 10 injured. 1 person found shot to death.

    And what is everyone talking about ?

    Whether or not PAD protesters are paid, differences between prisons, 1933 Germany, Euro Human Rights, Bangkok traffic and Thaksin of course. :o

    (never mind. I'll just go back to shaking my head)

    Smoke and mirrors seem to baffle most here, as it does the locals. So every thread ends up chasing the mirage....

  13. Meanwhile many in Asia scratch their head and wonder what the hel_l this country is up to with protests, a hamstrung government whilst there is a financial meltdown going on in the world and nobody effectively at the helm to steer the country through this s**tstorm.

    It can be argued that it's possibly better that there seems to be nobody steering the ship, it may be it's best chance of survival. :o

  14. I see that one element of democracy is "...freedom of political expression, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are essential..."

    It is not only an element of democracy, it is essential. Democracy, flawed as it is, cannot function without these. The basic reason Thailand cannot have a democracy, never had and in the foreseeable future won't have, no matter who is in power. It's simply the 'face' of democracy.

  15. Whether I agree or disagree with the post is irrelevant. In fact I would not even bother to read it for the simple fact that I am not willing to say something positive if it cannot be argued. I would seriously argue that TV rules should be applied equally. If monarchy may not be discussed, it may not be discussed. So be it. From ALL sides.

  16. One man's blaring propaganda,

    is another man's truth to be silenced at all costs.


    Wall plaques are normally half-truths. You'd do better discussing things than to try and make great pronouncements like a guru on a hill. These wide 'great truths' only impress the gullible.

    Dreams of the villagers bringing their maidens for your 'blessing'? :o

    Red, if you quote me, quote the WHOLE line it says something different than what you imply.

    One man's blaring propaganda,

    is another man's truth to be silenced at all costs.

    And a third man's lies to be silenced at all costs.

    And the average somchai's background noise in life.

    You ranted about propaganda being spewed, I commented on what that could mean.


    <etc> denoted the rest of the 'post', just as above... the reason being that the rest is rather disjointed and not very readable.

    Ranted seems like a rather emotive word to use, my dear chap. I seldom rant. :D

  17. Dunno which island you live on, but here on mine I can ask my sexy hanger-on to get on her Honda Ferrari and go buy some fat heavy gold chains for you, so just send your money :D

    Hahah yes I thought of doing something similar with mine. But we are here in the US now on a pacific island :o As much as I love the folks back home I dont think I will do chains by mail :D:D:D

    Hmmm... Chains, mail, sexy hangers-on. Starting to get my interest here...


  18. Anybody who confidently states that markets, gold, oil or whatever will go up or down should be far too busy trying to spend his billions to be posting here on TV. He'd be lounging on the beach of his private island, surrounded by employees and sexy hangers-on.

    Thanks I agree :o Hey I am on an Island though I do not own it :D

    I do have one very sexy hanger on but she would not like to be called that :D:D

    I simply believe that gold's downside is limited. Something which cannot be said for stocks, or even cash. If things get worse, which they very well may, gold could rise substantially. In this worldwide scenario if you can limit your losses you're doing well.

    I feel the same way. I have been wanting to get into gold.

    But have no luck finding any at all. I am still searching.

    Like you I find no real downside & it is a heck of a lot better than stocks.

    Some say it will go down but then what? The spread will go where?

    There is none to be found....really

    Well actually I have found a little krugerrands but not nearly what I wanted. They tell me for other coins 3 months & the mints will do 2009 coins but I do not want to pay now & wait 3-4 months. But that may be the only option.

    Disclaimer : I do not advise anybody to go into anything. I simply state my views, which may turn out to be right or wrong.

    Dunno which island you live on, but here on mine I can ask my sexy hanger-on to get on her Honda Ferrari and go buy some fat heavy gold chains for you, so just send your money :D

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