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Posts posted by stuartd1

  1. Pork is so cheap here I cannot believe that someone would compromise on the quality just to save what is literally a few baht. All our pork is purchased from a farm that gets it supply from the villagers, the pigs seem to have the free run of the land and when they are slaughtered they are stunned with those electric headphone things first. The farm then hangs the meat in walk in fridges for two days before it goes to be sold. The combination of happy, mostly free range pigs and a couple of days hanging makes a huge difference from the stressed out pigs that provide the meat in many places

    And here is?

  2. It takes ten working days at immigration, but no cost.

    Form can be downloaded on the internet, see main TV Visa page.

    Need form, 2 x photos, proof of residence, (I take a letter from my landlord) and photcopy of passport pages (main page, last entry stamp and departure card)

  3. Is Thailand not already almost a Chinese colony? Major gold-dealers have always been Chinese.

    The current clan in charge has a Chinese background, do they not? Name a major business in

    Thailand that does not have a Chinese background of some sort in its upper echelon. I would

    dare say there is a deep Chinese foothold in Thailand without it being a colony per se.

    The USA has definitely had its run of printing bad-paper to pay its debts. However, I do wonder

    why those that hold those debts keep taking them?

    Yes but most of the Thai's of chinese descent despise the Chinese nationals. Remember, they came to Thailand to escape China!

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