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Posts posted by stuartd1

  1. Putting price to one side, 50 is a good time to get a reliable health insurance and then stick with it. If you think you may move internationally in the future make sure the policy can move with you, as changing later could introduce exclusions to existing problems. Bear in mind that many international policies will not cover US and Canada.

    Once you're past 50 then you are far more likely to need some treatment, all the crap like prostate, diabetes 2 etc. can crop up then.

  2. I am visiting CM for four months, holiday/residence recce, starting December and have a couple of golf related questions, any feedback appreciated.

    I will be looking for a golfing group to play with, reasonably informal though I do like to keep to the R&A rules. Sense of humour essential! Any suggestions?

    Looking at other topics there seems to be a differentiation in pricing between Thai residents and visitors. Is there any way round this?

  3. I live on Gozo at the moment, part of the EU allegedly, bat the driving here is just the same as you have there, and even worse on mainland Malta! Whilst living here I have found that the best way of driving is to expect the stupid b*****ds to do anything, except what you expect, and wave and smile when they do. Works wonders!

    I expect to adopt the same technique when I get to CM in a couple of months and hope it works equally as well there.

  4. Same bugs with wings removed and ready to eat. Rice bugs are flatter and longer. Up North they call this bug Maeng-Jua but poanoi was right for central Thai, jak-ka-jan. My arrangement on the plate was simply for the photo. Kind of a joke.

    Why don't they leave the wings on, then you wouldn't need a fork!

  5. OP said: 'I worked out Management get approx. 125,000 bt pm'

    What does each property pay? I have searched for Moo Baan rates but can find nothing.

    Seems that primary reasons for going for a Moo Baan are security and maintenance, but given local wage levels wouldn't it be feasible to hire security and ground maintenance staff directly? Aren't their any local agencies?

    When we lived in Jakarta we had three security men on 8 hour shifts, one who doubled as a gardener. cost about US$ 60 each a month. Day maid 5 1/2 days a week about the same, and we were intentionally overpaying!

  6. Thanks for the feedback guys.

    They've quoted 22,000 baht for a month including water supply and house keeping service (3 times a week). The electricity is 6 baht per unit, which is a couple over the norm, but not a total rip off.

    Will certainly ask for a mountain view, but having lived just down the road from Geylang in Singapore for 5 years, and in Jakarta before that, I don't think a gay bar and hotel are likely to bother me much!



  7. We're planning to come over for 6 months from Nov this year and get a feel for the place. Currently on Gozo, Malta, but the winters are too cold!

    Will have a lot of questions to ask but will start with :

    Given the cost of hiring/buying cars in Thailand, do any farangs drive their own Tuk Tuk?



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