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Posts posted by stuartd1

  1. Isn't it a bit unusual to have both eyes done at the same time? For a start my cateracts "ripened" a year apart, secondly, you would be effectively blind after the op.

  2. Buy steak and put in plastic bag.

    Wander round soi until you find a dog that you think will suit

    Take steak out of bag

    Walk home

    Problem solved!

    (Remember to wear protective clothing until rabies shots administered)

    Apologies, sat in Dubai airport lounge on long transfer!

    • Like 1
  3. Although I have barely put my toe in the rental market here I found Jasmine homes fairly accomodating. What is weird is that when chatting to local acquaintaces, they all seem to know of the "ideal" place, then a part time estate agent turns up in a clapped out car and shows you a number of places that don't match at all, then start pestering you on the phone!

    Never mind, back in October to start looking seriously.

  4. Given the pretty tragic thread below, I would think quite a few people are wondering how best to secure their homes from intruders. There seem to be quite a few companies in the area offering the standard range of security systems, (JP Safest, Good Point Security, Lanna CCTV, etc.). Does anyone have any experience of any of them, and are there any who offer an automatic call-out service if an alarm is set off, preferably a couple of beefy guys rolling up with baseball bats!

    If not it sounds like a commercial opportunity for an entrepreneurial spirit.

  5. This was bugging me when last in CM and will no doubt continue to do so when I return to stay permanently later this year.

    I have ridden the yellows from CM Gate (Nantaram Rd) down to the second Big C in Hang Dong, they run every 10-15 min (or so).

    I have seen Green ones on route 1001 at Rim Ping, Fa Ham (Mee Chok?). I have been told they start/end at the Flower Market (Warotot) but don't know where the other end of the route is or how often they run.

    Have seen white ones near the Flower Market but don't know where they go.

    It would be seriously useful if someone could define the routes on Google map as a reference source for all.

  6. Very interesting, but let's face it, it's pretty meaningless and under researched, as it more or less admits.

    To pick up on the most important points, imported cheese is expensive here, but not cheap in London either. locally produced cheese is a fraction of the price and readily available. Wine is 80-100 bt (say $3) a glass in a cafe/bar here, In provincial UK it's going to be at least 3 GBP, ($4.5), and they make a profit here although they often buy it retail.

    And who, if they have sufficient freedom of choice and flexibility when it comes to a living location to live in Chiang Mai is going to be living in London? They would be in a provincial city or town.

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