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Posts posted by wigantojapan

  1. Wigantojapan, your continual attempts to adopt a faux Scottish accent in your posts (as opposed to your actual Lancashire one?) are amusing.

    As are your increasingly desperate attempts at stirring up anti English racism.

    But not as amusing as


    Still; keep it up. One day you may even make it to a show at the end of Wigan Pier.

    of course the BBC is politically impartial..we all know that


    • Like 1
  2. Today's sermon from the Laddie from Lancashire......aye and i worry for your state of mind if you believe that.......plenty clues in my sermons where i come from.

    name the pub toilet in trainspotting ?

    too out the box for you bawheid

    .Still waiting of your evidencethat i an anti English

    i ,ll just remind you of one of the many No myths that you aggressively endorse

    Anti-English: Scottish nationalism is motivated by hatred of the English.

    The granddaddy of Unionist myths. It's rather like claiming that the anti-racism movement is motived solely by hatred of white people, women only want equality because they hate men, or gay people only want to get married because they hate Catholics.

    This debate is about government and whether Scotland's interests are served by a parliamentary union which denies Scotland basic democratic control of many aspects of the administration of our country. It's not about England and the English at all.

    There are legitimate, and serious, questions of democratic representation in Scotland under the Union. Although this concept may be difficult for Daily Telegraph readers to grasp, the desire for Scottish self-determination is not about England and the English. Shocking but true. England is not the centre of the Scottish universe, that would be Scotland. Perhaps that's what they're really objecting to.

    • Like 1
  3. Not interested in reading any of the bile, but would just like to say that as part of the UK England should also have a vote, then you lot would definitely be out on your ear!

    Let's all rule our own roost, just don't blame us (as you do) when it inevitably goes tits up.

    Agreed that we should all rule our own roost....WHO am i blaming? Who is this US you speak of? in the bile you will find aspects of truth as one always does if people dig deep enough,,that is what the independence movement is doing now,,

    Dont you think there is not a movement in England now that is for detachment from Westminister..

    We know it is hard for unionists to grasp,,you have been fed the lie all your life that the Uk is a power house,

    ,that the Scots are a bunch of insignificant whisky drinking rabble rousers and that the UK subsidizes them and has done from the beginning of the Union

    and the union wAS created to help the poverty ridden Scots

    ..We know English media.English history Scottish media tell us this in the past and even today as we speak.

    .We know this is also taught to the Scottish population,,so its hard to see the forest from the trees,

    ,people just go about their every day business,

    ,so yes we understand that people cannot separate fact from fiction,,,,

    Now the mainstream media is also exposing that myth that Scotland is subsidized by england

    Enough of the Scottish subsidy myth  https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCkQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newstatesman.com%2Fblogs%2Fthe-staggers%2F2011%2F11%2Fscotland-12288-union-public&ei=D5ZcU5zGJMbPrQe93IC4Ag&usg=AFQjCNH_SjiaVTTFy9P2mg0Gvd93gozjFA&sig2=_4v5dxfG9AxYtKSuqpBa6gScotland overpays for UK debthttps://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CE4QFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scotsman.com%2Fnews%2Fscotland-overpays-for-uk-debt-1-3185848&ei=fJZcU8D_JoGMrgfV74DgBg&usg=AFQjCNEeVdqmwq9EbJ2h-kS1kM7yuVplIg&sig2=2lUNYfKNBjp8ZEGZUALaTQ&bvm=bv.65397613,d.bmk

    ,,be informed was and is a mantra that is getting loosely passed around here

    ,,i would suggest that people did set aside their prejudices and narrow thought patterns ,,no matter how intelligent you think you are,,,and at least look into these posts ,,you might surprise your self what you find

    Because at the end of the day it is not about you only something that the me me me mentality person cannot grasp,,it is about future generations as well.

    something has to give and will give that is the natural circle...

    Again no answer why The Uk government is so desperate to retain the poor insignificant Scots who together make a strong Uk but independent will go tits up in your eyes,,doon the lavvie pan in others,, and even get invaded by spacemen and impact on the poorest members of society worldwidehttps://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDwQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scotsman.com%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2Ftop-stories%2Fscottish-independence-would-harm-world-s-poorest-1-3375293&ei=NZhcU9rrEcSD8gXauoHoBQ&usg=AFQjCNHr08HmG12MvKA-G-7dGIWea5bQIg&sig2=FkQnhI6RbFA17oPAzRsPpQ&bvm=bv.65397613,d.dGc

    • Like 1
  4. life is about learning is it not ,life is always changing even as i type this i am not the same person i was when i started,,,yet the no side as a whole say the same old tired lines that they have always said ......People can see with their own eyes the devastation that has been wrecked across the whole of the UK by the politics of the past 35 years but still they hold onto this idea of a great Britain and how important they are on the world stage etc etc.....and off course we all know what the counter argument of that will be haha.

    .Now its Andy Stewart,, my god nae wan has even mentioned James Bond yet shaaaaaaaaaaaayun the milkman..


    .Scotland might still no gets its independence as the antipathy of politicians is till there and people cannot see the bigger picture, and even the whole mass hysteria breaking out that social unrest and division is all of a sudden the blame of Alex salmond ..yet in the same breath they spout out hate and contempt for brown Blair and all Scots..

    how quickly they have spun there webs of anti Scottish.anti English threads ,,, sacrificing the masses again as they laugh and sip martinis on some far away sun drenched island

    .Yes a conservative party could get voted in Scotland again,,not all conservatives are the like the ones that have caused the social unrest along with labour of the past 35 years...

    .Yes the people on the demonstration lines of social .environmental unjustice, know and have exposed,those hidden forces that have been pulling the string of the puppets in their plastic houses and plastic minds and yet the no side like to say sheep.sheep.. and have no idea how they have been manipulated and destroyed of their human dignity. and values with their acceptance of the two bob bit

    .yes there is also a sheep mentality within the yes vote,,who are frightened to change,,,who do see the forces of destruction could arrive at their door step,,who take solace that we are an island so we can hold them back ,,but have been frightened to vote as the island has become smaller and more dangerous,,thanks again to the spin doctors,,so its better not to upset the apple cart,,no matter how rotten the cart is,,

    So just to understand - the crux of your argument is that the British political parties are corrupt to a man, including their Scottish members. Do you not think that when they can no longer live the high life in London, they'll come back and do their best to do the same in Holyrood? I have no doubt that Scottish politicians in Holyrood have the talent, ambition and ability to match their English counterparts in venality and scurrilous perversion of their duties. Or do you think that in some way Scottish politicians are less capable of misleading the electorate than their colleagues south of the border?


    not to a man or to a women but yes in general a high percentage of them are and th party politics takes over from their real representation of their

    constituents...Of course we are not blind to the fact that the majority of them will be sitting in a new Scottish parliament,,,,but we can vote them out,,whereas we

    cannot in the current set up....you know that,,i know...its a point of looking after Scottish interest wheras in the past 100 years Scotland has only had a

    government twice who they voted for......It was the Scots who brought down thatcher with their peoples power on the poll tax and it will be the scots who will bring

    any political party to roost in an independent Scotland......No one has ever even thought it is going to be an easy journey ..Independence is only the beginning

    • Like 1
  5. Wigantojapan, your continual attempts to adopt a faux Scottish accent in your posts (as opposed to your actual Lancashire one?) are amusing.

    As are your increasingly desperate attempts at stirring up anti English racism.

    But not as amusing as


    Still; keep it up. One day you may even make it to a show at the end of Wigan Pier.

    young man you are really paranoid if you interpret any of my posts of being anti english

    l care to share any of them

    ..and as a lancashire lad born and bread i take it in your eyes,,so that is English now i am Anti english..

    ..what did my mother make me eat coal when i was a bairn

    Aye as funny as the fake studio laughs ha ha ha,

    ,interesting that you acuse me of being anti english a well documented tactic by unionists on anyone who does not like their views and in your next sentence you send a stereo type English version of Scotland

    and you still want a deep debate

    good to see at least you do attempt to watch some informative shows,,this was not one of their better episodes,,but typical of the bbc in stereo typing

    good to see paul merton cringing.

  6. life is about learning is it not ,life is always changing even as i type this i am not the same person i was when i started,,,yet the no side as a whole say the same old tired lines that they have always said ......People can see with their own eyes the devastation that has been wrecked across the whole of the UK by the politics of the past 35 years but still they hold onto this idea of a great Britain and how important they are on the world stage etc etc.....and off course we all know what the counter argument of that will be haha.

    .Now its Andy Stewart,, my god nae wan has even mentioned James Bond yet shaaaaaaaaaaaayun the milkman..


    .Scotland might still no gets its independence as the antipathy of politicians is till there and people cannot see the bigger picture, and even the whole mass hysteria breaking out that social unrest and division is all of a sudden the blame of Alex salmond ..yet in the same breath they spout out hate and contempt for brown Blair and all Scots..

    how quickly they have spun there webs of anti Scottish.anti English threads ,,, sacrificing the masses again as they laugh and sip martinis on some far away sun drenched island

    .Yes a conservative party could get voted in Scotland again,,not all conservatives are the like the ones that have caused the social unrest along with labour of the past 35 years...

    .Yes the people on the demonstration lines of social .environmental unjustice, know and have exposed,those hidden forces that have been pulling the string of the puppets in their plastic houses and plastic minds and yet the no side like to say sheep.sheep.. and have no idea how they have been manipulated and destroyed of their human dignity. and values with their acceptance of the two bob bit

    .yes there is also a sheep mentality within the yes vote,,who are frightened to change,,,who do see the forces of destruction could arrive at their door step,,who take solace that we are an island so we can hold them back ,,but have been frightened to vote as the island has become smaller and more dangerous,,thanks again to the spin doctors,,so its better not to upset the apple cart,,no matter how rotten the cart is,,

    • Like 1
  7. But it is not as simple as that. by 7 correct and you are not qualified in any sense to even start to think that you know what you are talking about,though give you your due you due try...

    As you believe this flame, there is no point in my trying to get through your Andy Stewart, White Heather Club impressions and have a proper discussion with you.

    it again highlights the level of debate that you would like to have by that slanderous tone and attempt at humor that you post....You are finally getting it though.I knew that after the first contact i had with you,,,no time in wasting your time here there are lots of unionists propaganda out there that can make you feel that Britain s still great .

    • Like 1
  8. Wigontojapan

    Your distorted view of recent history seems to imply that one of the major problems and causes

    Of societies woes, resulted from having a conservative government in Westminster,yet in the 2010 general election, the Scottish conservatives had only slightly less votes than the SNP,

    420,000 to 500,000. So an independent Scotland could quite possible vote in the Scottish Conservative party to govern the country, an alternative of course would be for the Scottish electorate to vote in the Labour Party, maybe lead by someone as incompetent as that Scottish chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Bigot Brown, you know, the guy who could not look out of the box, a problem that seems to effect many Scott's as we can see in this thread.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    well what Scotland will not be getting is UKIP ..

    You and people like you who are so out of the box thinkers can vote them in then from that , you might not even qualify for England citizenship if they decide to have DNA testing on how white, how English you are ..

    ..Too in the box for you son?

    like previous stated 30% of supposed White English Anglo Saxons are actually Danish,,,

    oh and you might even find the 800000 Scots in England right now are more anglo saxon than yourself....

    and that is only the beginning....,

    Interesting, perhaps as we seem to all come from the same routes even more reason to stick together...........thumbsup.gif

    wow thats right out the box thinking stay the same well it wont be the same cause the Uk government is coming after you,for being a bad wee boy,,,,,,opps is cornwall no shouting for independence now or something aye the walls come crumbling downhttps://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCwQyCkwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DElhC1jFz7-c%26feature%3Dkp&ei=az5bU7yjB8PNrQeooYDYBw&usg=AFQjCNEjWpBNxS8bbo9lwcWbPDCtZRw8PA&sig2=sXxPeB2424AazCoPVKNXNg&bvm=bv.65397613,d.bmk

  9. Wigontojapan

    Your distorted view of recent history seems to imply that one of the major problems and causes

    Of societies woes, resulted from having a conservative government in Westminster,yet in the 2010 general election, the Scottish conservatives had only slightly less votes than the SNP,

    420,000 to 500,000. So an independent Scotland could quite possible vote in the Scottish Conservative party to govern the country, an alternative of course would be for the Scottish electorate to vote in the Labour Party, maybe lead by someone as incompetent as that Scottish chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Bigot Brown, you know, the guy who could not look out of the box, a problem that seems to effect many Scott's as we can see in this thread.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    well what Scotland will not be getting is UKIP ..

    You and people like you who are so out of the box thinkers can vote them in then from that , you might not even qualify for England citizenship if they decide to have DNA testing on how white, how English you are ..

    ..Too in the box for you son?

    like previous stated 30% of supposed White English Anglo Saxons are actually Danish,,,

    oh and you might even find the 800000 Scots in England right now are more anglo saxon than yourself....

    and that is only the beginning....,

  10. But it is not as simple as that. by 7 correct and you are not qualified in any sense to even start to think that you know what you are talking about,though give you your due you due try...

    by 7. will somehow magically disappear once Scotland becomes independent nope sorry old boy never said that in any form what so ever..What is clear is your pre conceived ideas and your reluctance or inability to let go of them the above comment proves that point unless you want to aplogise that you interpreted my posts

    how will an independent Scotland solve these problems?Its a big enough job getting people to vote far less such an important issue as independent..After independence a Scottish government has to be voted in by Scottish people...In them who ever it will be will be trusted in their expertise to do the proper thing for Scottish people rather than political party.Again you or i to that matter are not even faintly qualified to discuss in any depth what needs to be sorted out..That is not being ,not informed that is knowing exactly what your capacity is as a person to understand. and to act on them.....and not have such an over flated ego of oneself to basicalyt think they know what they are talking about but actually know next to nothing....In that sense that is why i have posted videos of for one Tommy Sheridan who does answer the questions you specifically want answered..You are free to contact him yourself as he is much better versed to answer not only your questions but others as well,,so please do...It also highlights all the different types of people from all the different parties,,so again your argument and continue l argument about SNP and Salmond just does not bare up

    .how will an independent Scotland solve these problems? by 7...Some of these have been answered already as discussed before ,,your acceptance of them is your choice..Again if you want to really bash your point,there are plenty of yes/no web sites where you can if you require a more indepth answer to your question,,,There are qualified people out there

    Informed decisions on the question of WMD i would vote yes,,I followed and was active in CND more than any political party or ideology...Again the question of defence and costs and jobs in relation to removal have been answered.That is not an emotional decision it is both..Back in the day i could have gave you any amount of cost involved number of people involved ,job loss job creation you wanted....I took the stance remember to leave Scotland on that one issue alone.

    Im sorry but you are being very patronising,,you still insist and that is putting it lightly that Scots are not being informed and are not asking serious questions...They are very much so and that is why the No vote is losing support.....I didnt need an election to know and understand and provide facts if needed be who is running the country and what is behind many of the decisions,,some people now are beginning to find out...

    The Scottish people must look very carefully at both sides of the argument;yes and i have provided them.

    You seem to have a major problem with me copy and paste .I would suggest you get over that fence and argue about the content if you like.

    You are not the judge and jury on how people choose to contribute to this topic

    .Wigontojapan has posted numerous copy and paste jobs about how awful life in the whole of the UK is these days for a significant proportion of the population. Wont find me arguing with that

    .yes and it very easy to see and understand how powerless the Scottish vote has been in the UK system that has led to the mess of the country and not as the Union says it is better it is going to get worse much worse....Again if you ate not happy with the answers here go to the no or yes pages where you will certainly get a more in depth answer to your questions there,,Do you think i get my informed understanding from this page along with my experience of what it is to be Scots and a life of experience of living in the Uk as well as x colonial Britain/

    Alister Darling Is one glaring example of a man who initially had good socialist values and he represented his constituents and not the party....How the power of the party and the system within the party led to the Darling we know today and what he stands for today

    People who had supported him.canvassed for him.in all weathers in old church halls..Who invited him into their homes fed him etc You know nothing of these people and their lives and their environment they live in now,,,,,Yes on that alone an emotion if you like people will vote for a yes...The people many of them who i know ,,family members even....so on the man and his politics i am more informed than you can imagine,,but i will leave it at that....I am only here to show people what is happening in Scotland UK at this moment,,its a broad brush of politicians,,political thinkers.people in the street and in the halls....The future for a no vote is Tory and UKIP and what that brings to the table,,but you can bet your bottom dollar there will be even less food on peoples table if there is a no vote...more social unrest ..more people getting rich and on it goes and on it goes


  11. I note various tactics being used by those who haven't really got an argument here.One is "the question"

    As someone lays out an argument the one without an argument puts forward a "{question' - it is usually an over simple yes/no one with only a tangential connection to the argument and any answer would be spurious, but that person keeps on saying"you haven't answered the question" as if it has the ultimate solution to the issue being discussed. They feel justifies in doing this as they haven't really got a coherent argument themselves so the turn the issue round to banal and naive yes / no questions in the hope it hides the fact they don't have a clue. You see this on Fox News quire a lot "So dog you hate America?" or You just don't like Republicans" as if it has anything to do with the topic in hand.

    To the detractors from Scottish independence - firstly ask yourself WHY?

    Why are you so against it? Have you suddenly developed a huge love of the Union...or4 Scotland? Do you think that Scots have no right to self determination...or do you simply not like change? There may be a hundred reasons for you not liking the idea, but I can't see many on this thread apart from a blind fear of the future or change.

    I am English, but Scots folk are my brothers and sisters, simple as that. smile.png We have stood together to create a union that us done us proud. thumbsup.gif

    Aye transam is it and if you look at the numerous posts i have posted the Scots are still saying that we hope Scotland can be a beacon to the world and the English Welsh stand up to the tyranny of the past 35 years old Westminister rule and get back to the values that we all share...Its that simple.....>We would love for the English to wake up and see That it is not about the people .it is all about the money.....The Scots will still be your brothers and sisters after hopefully an independent Scotland.....For god sake there is 800000 living in England as we speak,,,,,Do you want to ship them back to Scotland <inflammatory language edited out> Culturally we share certain similarities,,,,,,politically not....support the scots in their self determination.WAS TOMMY NO SHOUTING LOUD ENOUGH FOR U....

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