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Posts posted by wigantojapan

  1. The largest telecommunications provider in BT,

    the largest satellite broadcaster in SKY

    the largest retail chain in Tesco are all staying, regardless

    . http://www.yesscotland.net/news/bt-stay-scotland-after-independence of course all the big businesses where going to leave Scotland,,,that was a mantra ,,that was chanted before and is still chanted today,,,,,BT SKY and TESCO are off course bias and use propaganda methods to maximize their profits and are followers of the SNP of course.....Anyone is free to comment on any of the content of the links i post,,,I did say the content...

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  2. Last for me today..there is a lot of reading in todays posts so it will take time for many of the facts to sink in....This is in todays Scottish herald ..This comes via from ENGLISH people for independence...again defeating the myth that we are anti English.....moving on enjoy the report and its links...


    Why do you persist in pasting and posting from so obviously biased propaganda sites. Last year we had a similar thread on this same subject, the main SNP supporter was Theblether, however unlike you, he was capable of of constructing his own arguments in support of separation,and very occasionally would even concede to failures in the SNP policies, you on the other hand just blindly accept everything you are told from these professional politicians, a bit similar to the majority of Thais who again blindly follow one of the two political sides here in Thailand, but at least they have the excuse that they were never brought up to think for themselves.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    The above link is a government paper unless you are suggesting that is biased and propaganda..As for the rest of your comment ,well i will leave it at that,,no need to answer it,,speaks for itself..Good to see you have such an even opinion of Thais as you do Scots,,, like my mother always said its the children i feel sorry for

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  3. Where is Alistair Darling the face of the better together campaign...As previously stated Darling has come a long long way from his roots and his constituents that got him on the slippery ladder of the modern day politician,,,Well he has turned up not a stones throw from where he started his political career,,albeit a more leafy area of edimbra ,,not quite as exclusive an address as the grass roots no movement of Charlotte Square but affluent non the less,,,

    So here were he has been,,Here is how in the main the no campaign operate in a debate,and has been the case over the all of Scotland when they are prepared to turn up which is not often.Want to hear about the 'public' meeting organised by Craiglockhart Parish Church this evening?

    Hundreds turned up to hear the debate between No campaign chief Alistair Darling and Jim Eadie MSP speaking for the Yes campaign. Here are some of the key features of this 'public' meeting:

    1. The audience were NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK. No questions from the floor were allowed.

    2. The audience were NOT ALLOWED to film the debate. Some journalism students from Napier University were allowed to film it, but we were expressly told that they would only be using that film for their course and it would not be publicized on social media or anywhere else.

    3. The Chairperson read out a list of pre-submitted questions for the 2 speakers to answer. There were about 8 questions in total. Almost ALL of them were variations on questions about the possible 'risks' of independence. NONE of them were about the possible risks of a No vote.

    4. The supposedly 'neutral' Chairperson cross-examined Jim Eadie on one of his answers. There was no cross-examination of any of Alistair Darling's answers.

    5. I spoke to the Chairperson after this 'public' meeting at which the public had not been allowed to speak. I asked him who chose the questions. He said that he did. I asked him why almost all of the questions had been about the possible 'consequences' of independence, but none of the questions had been about the possible consequences of a No vote. He said that just so happened to be the questions he had received, and admitted it made for a biased set of questions. I asked him why he didn't then allow questions from the floor as a possible way of balancing out the type of questions. He said he didn't allow questions from the floor because of the 'limited time available'.

    Most bizarrely of all, he said that because of the limited time available, if he had allowed questions from the floor then there wouldn't have been time for everybody to have asked their questions. So in other words, he was saying that the solution to the problem of some people not getting the chance to speak was to allow NOBODY in the audience to speak!

    6. Fortunately, Alistair Darling was at least heckled from the audience. This was the only way anybody in the audience there could actually get to challenge what he was saying. Alistair Darling didn't respond, he simply hid behind the chairperson who reminded the public at this 'public' meeting that we weren't allowed to speak.

    Craiglockhart Parish Church is supposedly neutral on the question of independence. Presumably it is therefore just a co-incidence that the set-up of this 'debate' could not have been made easier for Alistair Darling if they had tried. He didn't have to answer any questions from the audience. He was never cross-examined on his answers by the chairperson (while his opponent was). Almost all of the 'pre-submitted' questions that he did have to answer were about the supposed 'risks' of independence - to which all he had to reply was 'Well yes, quite, I agree, there's so much uncertainty about independence, we're better off as part of the UK etc. etc.'

    And, while the Parish Church can't be blamed for this, the location of the meeting pretty much guaranteed Mr. Darling a relatively sympathetic audience - a leafy, well-off suburb of Edinburgh. Obviously, many of the well-off locals who attended the meeting were mostly keen to preserve a status quo that has clearly served them so well.

    In spite of all this, Yes supporters were also there in significant numbers. Incredibly for such an affluent area, the audience did seem to be pretty evenly-balanced between Yes, No and undecideds. The chairing of the meeting was most certainly not evenly-balanced.

    At the end of the meeting, the Chairperson, who is also a Minister at the Church, led us all in prayer for good things to come out of the referendum debate for Scotland regardless of the outcome. But in spite of that brief holy moment at the end, I left a church this evening with the feeling that something thoroughly unholy had happened under its roof.

  4. The Anglosphere Media


    FEBRUARY 20, 2014

    ( 25 )

    By Robin McAlpine

    I haven’t always agreed with Martin Kettle’s Guardian columns over the years. They have mixed some good, pertinent analysis of what’s wrong with Britain with some unfortunate Blair-apologising. But of late I’ve felt that his commentary on what’s happening in Scotland just now has been quite good and more informed that many London-based commentators.

    I write this because I really dislike overly-personalising political analysis; arguments should stand or fall on the basis of the content, not the person. So when I take his column today as a jumping-off point for a discussion of the skew-whiff nature of UK politics it is only as an example.

    The basic argument in his column is that, in effect, the Scottish Government has abandoned reasoned, argument-based politics in favour of naked political posturing. He suggests that, faced with a barrage of detailed questions from George Osborne and some on-air comments from Barosso, the Nats have retreated into name-calling mode and have given up any pretence of statesmanship.


  5. get your sundays papers...In these posts ,,you will see a broad range of people from Scotland asking difficult questions.You will also hear that certain schools have banned any form of discussion on the referendum,,even though there are pupils and Teachers who can vote .You will also hear that it is difficult to get the better together side to debate as a tactic they are relying on the media to do their work for them...Unfortunately for them social media is a quicker form of news and many of their blatant lies are being exposed at breaking pace,,,but they also know that not everyone even has access to social media,,and people in general still read the same bias newspapers and watch BBC which time and time has been found out to be impartial....Enjoy the videos and learnhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNrySXdjchg



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  6. So every westerner that had approached the Thai exit border to Myanmar they have refused to let leave no matter how many stamps you have and what country. All they said is that you now have to fly out only. No more exit by land via a new regulation passed. When we asked for more information they got aggressive and angry even though we are being nice and just confused. I have evidence of money and address if need be but no matter who you are they aren't allowing it. They keep saying "talk to my boss in Bangkok" and shoo us off and when we ask for the phone number they say "no, no number!" And when we asked where the immigration office is they refused to tell us where.

    This is happening at the Mae Sai border now outragous

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  7. Today's featured article puts the spotlight on pensions, a subject important to most of us.The good news is, "State pensions would still be paid after independence..." Read the article to find out more.

    Anyone who really wanted to know the score when it came to pensions was already aware of the facts. For well over a year, the DWP has been telling people who asked that they would continue to receive their UK state pension regardless of the outcome of the referendum. So that’s reassuring.
    But for some unfathomable and mysterious reason, the explanation for which defies all known science, that information hasn’t really made it into the independence debate. “Better Together” has felt absolutely free to continue scaremongering about it, with Alistair Darling saying as recently as last month “On the subject of pensions, what happens with separation? Nobody knows – certainly not the Scottish Government.”


    scaremongering,,lies,,media no show,,its all there,,if you want informed information get on the social media sites

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  8. Something exciting is happening in Scotland.’

    That phrase alone has been missing from our cultural and social discussions for far too long. ‘Something exciting is happening in Scotland? Ha! Aye, right. Now, back to London.’ We have been seen as an irrelevance, an economic hindrance and a (British) national joke. There are only two sides to our country that are ever portrayed in the media. The first is the Braveheart, bagpipes, tartan, Loch Ness Monster; the romanticised and lampooned version of Scotland’s past. The second is urban decay, alcoholism, deep-fried mars bars and the subsidy junkie; a ‘true’ and ‘honest’ representation of ‘modern’ Scotland. Could it be possible that within the infinite cauldron of beauty, creativity and diversity of culture, that there might be more than two sides to ‘parochial’ Scotland?

    Aye do you similarities some of the above with some of the cliches in this thread that the no /union supporters use in their phraseology and representation of what a yes voter is?

    read onSomething exciting is happening in Scotland.’

    That phrase alone has been missing from our cultural and social discussions for far too long. ‘Something exciting is happening in Scotland? Ha! Aye, right. Now, back to London.’ We have been seen as an irrelevance, an economic hindrance and a (British) national joke. There are only two sides to our country that are ever portrayed in the media. The first is the Braveheart, bagpipes, tartan, Loch Ness Monster; the romanticised and lampooned version of Scotland’s past. The second is urban decay, alcoholism, deep-fried mars bars and the subsidy junkie; a ‘true’ and ‘honest’ representation of ‘modern’ Scotland. Could it be possible that within the infinite cauldron of beauty, creativity and diversity of culture, that there might be more than two sides to ‘parochial’ Scotland?


    FYI the headline is taken from the wonderful social documentation of american life by Gill Scott Heron....For people who do not know of him,,well should you really be asking questions /debating on political issues if you don't,,,,that's democracy for you...I would harbour a guess that more of a majority on the yes side do know of him and his powerful messages...though i guess the people who are scrambling to google him will focus on his personal life and put a negative spin on that..like all of the no campaign

  9. so on one hand Cameron and the no supporters all parties say that a Scotland in the Union will make the Uk stronger internationally,,, and then the conservatives put forward this..

    Conservatives promise to scrap Human Rights Act after next election

    Theresa May tells conference that party is prepared to withdraw from European convention 'if that is what it takes to fix law.

    ..May's explicit statement followed David Cameron's hint on Sunday that the Tories were openly considering the "nuclear option" of withdrawing from the ECHR, despite warnings from the attorney general, Dominic Grieve, and others, of the damage to Britain's international standing.http://www.theguardian.com/law/2013/sep/30/conservitives-scrap-human-rights-act

    so another example of Westminister saying one thing for Scotland to frighten people in Scotland into voting no and saying something completely different to the English/Union supporter/voter

  10. Another scare story debunked by ........?https://www.facebook.com/533919023290523/photos/a.645863425429415.1073741827.533919023290523/861783843837371/?type=110341459_861783843837371_479615255998812The No camp's credibility on pensions is now beyond repair as their attempts to scare pensioners into voting for the status quo have now been laid bare for all to see. It is time for No to set the record straight and admit that in an independent Scotland, pensions will be paid on time and in full."

    The No camp's credibility on pensions is now beyond repair as their attempts to scare pensioners into voting for the status quo have now been laid bare for all to see. It is time for No to set the record straight and admit that in an independent Scotland, pensions will be paid on time and in full."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFRKJA1Y8Zw....

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  11. Embassy cables reveal 34 nations pressured by UK to oppose Scottish independence http://t.co/hep9sGJ9yC The Fiction of the Continuing State..Now i understand more clearly why Mario Puzo states that England has nuclear capacity and also Robert Ludlum writes the Prime minister of England... http://t.co/2Je3nSti7GCameron plants negative stories about indy in Spanish presshttp://www.weourselves.com/cameron-plants-negative-stories-about-indy-in-spanish-press/

  12. Many Scots are worried about the Mainstream Media (MSM) handling of coverage of the Scottish Independence Referendum and ask that The Scottish Government approach the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and request that the subordinate Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) deploy immediately an election monitoring mission to cover the Referendum including the debate across radio, television and print media.

    The SNP government and the Yes Scotland campaign have been subjected to continuous misrepresentation, by BBC Scotland and across all print MSM.

    Bias is clear, by omission & commission, to such an extent that the Foreign Ministers of Eire and Luxembourg have both been forced to clarify comments on Scottish Independence which were, it seems, deliberately reported out of context


    Some recent misrepresentation and blatant editing by the BBC who of course are a member of CBI




    Exclusive - Trust finds BBC Scotland guilty of breaking guidelines over EU indy story

    Former NI First Minister attacks BBC over indy 'NI peace threat' claimshttp://newsnetscotland.com/index.php/referendum/9136-former-ni-first-minister-attacks-bbc-over-indy-ni-peace-threat-claims
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  13. Last from me on the grassroots movement no borders and who they really are


    /“Acanchi was established in 2003 as an independent and privately owned London based consultancy. This independence ensures its neutrality and objectivity.”

    So everyone from voteNO BBC, fasttrack Whitehall civil servants and now these liggers are all neutral and objective
    except/until they turn their brilliant minds to Scottish democracy




    iBut to make it appear Scottish, Vote No Borders is indicated to have an address as 26 Charlotte Square in Edinburgh. To those that are unfamiliar, this is one of the most prestigious & expensive addresses in the city.

    In summary then, one wealthy Tory donator & one brand expert, both based in London & each with strong ties to various companies, institutions, quangos & charities based in England, team up to create an apparent grass roots movement in Scotland, based out of one of the most expensive addresses in Edinburgh.

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  14. BBC Propaganda Hits New All-Time Lowhttp://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2014/05/bbc-propaganda-hits-new-all-time-low/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitterEvery half hour BBC News is running a three minute puff piece which is even more sinister for what it hides than for what it says – and By God! That is sinister enough.

    “Now the BBC has learned about an alternative No campaign which calls itself No Borders a group determined to rouse the emotions many feel about being Scottish but also British. Gavin Essler has this exclusive report:”

    GAVIN ESLER: “A recording studio on the outskirts of Edinburgh. A group of musicians putting the finishing touches to a song which they hope could save the United Kingdom”

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  15. The below are of course promoting them selves as a grass roots movement..No too much digging actually reveals a more sinister movement and there is more than the links i provided

    “No Borders” is a surprise late entrant to the indy debate, and funnily enough has absolutely nothing to do with resisting border controls, migrant rights or cross-border solidarity, despite stealing their name from the long-established network of the same name which does exactly that (I suppose anarchists have never been very big on copyright law, but they have responded here). The new campaign does, conversely, have everything to do with British nationalism, scaremongering and fear of the unknown, cloaking it all in vacuous marketing rhetoric about it being a “people’s campaign” full of “ordinary Scots”.

    Ordinary Scots like Malcolm Offord, a “City fund manager” of over 20 years, ardentproponent of austerity and £100k+ donor to the Tory party. He’s such a man of the people that in 2009 he gave Michael Gove a direct donation of £2500, ’cause that’s just the kind of thing that ordinary voters do!!! Not to mention the charming Fiona Gilmore, head honcho at the Acanchi consultancy firm, tagline “country brand capital development”. Previous clients include Israel, Bahrain and the UAE, and we’ll have much more on her soonhttp://athousandflowers.net/2014/05/02/weekly-<deleted>-028-malcolm-offord/10334436_682373328477837_185497699006694https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fpub%2Fgary-waple%2F3%2F9b4%2F989&h=UAQHZUQFN

    Acanchi were running PR for the Israelis while this <deleted> was going on:


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  16. Did you know almost 1 in 4 English people would like to see independence for England? That means 1 in 4 English people want Scotland to support Yes. There is more support for Scottish independence in England than in Scotland. Politics is changing on these isles and we are going to see the rise of UKIP which will probably lead to more support for English independence. Why would you want to hang about waiting to be rejected further down the line? In my view, if we vote no this will strengthen the English independence thirst and how sad will we look when we are told there will be no Union.

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  17. English support for Yes growsToday the Sunday Herald has published a letter signed by a number of writers and academics in England who’re supporting a Yes vote, which can be read here. Below, we also publish a statement from Steve Freeman, a member of the Republic Socialist Alliance and Left Unity party in England. He was also a speaker at last year’s Radical Independence Conference, during the

    session .Response from England to the new threats to the Scottish people...My apologies i thought i had posted the link in the above post,,,Here it is http://radicalindependence.org/
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