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Posts posted by wigantojapan

  1. http://wingsoverscotland.com/liars-plague-our-land/

    Spending on NHS Scotland is determined solely by the Scottish Government, which allocates resources to it from its budget as it sees fit, with no input from WestminsterPolitical independence would therefore change absolutely nothing about the relationship between four services which are already independent. The mechanisms governing cross-border treatment and funding already exist and are used daily, and patients are further protected by the European Health Insurance Card scheme which ensures reciprocal treatment in any states in the European Economic Area.

    We’re sure that “Vote No Borders” already know all this, but have made the decision to cynically take advantage of the fact that a great many Scots don’t in order to frighten them with the false prospect that they or their loved ones might suffer as a result of Scotland voting to run its own affairs.

    (Which is presumably also why comments are disabled on all their YouTube videos, lest anyone want to let viewers know the truth.)

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  2. The Independence referendum is a vote on Scotland’s potential and the benefits of controlling our own affairs. It is also a vote on Westminster’s record. When we examine that record, we find that Westminster isn’t working. It isn’t working economically. It isn’t working to build a fair society. It isn’t working to build a safer world. Spin doctors in London plan to commission 13 reports to stop Independence. They hope to make people feel uncertain and afraid. The reality is that many serious problems already exist within the UK – and Westminster is failing to address them.

    Here are 13 reasons why Westminster has failed:

    - See more at: http://nationalcollective.com/2012/12/16/unlucky-for-some-13-westminster-failures/#sthash.CbA5Fp80.dpuf

  3. http://newsnetscotland.com/index.php/referendum/9193-unelected-lords-say-indy-scotland-should-have-no-call-on-existing-uk-institutionsy Why

    we are better together...

    Unelected Lords say indy Scotland should have no call on existing UK institutionsA committee of unelected peers has said that independence should mean Scotland becoming a successor state, with no call on institutions such as the BBC and the Bank of England.

    In a new report published today they recommended the remainder of the UK would keep all the existing international agreements with Scotland having to renegotiate.

    The peers also urged Prime Minister David Cameron to ignore the Scottish Government's timetable for post-Yes negotiations.

    Baroness Jay of Paddington, chairman of the committee, said: "We urge the UK Government to put the rest of the UK’s interests first in the event of independence negotiations. The Prime Minister should feel under no obligation to conclude negotiations by March 2016. The Scottish Government’s proposed timetable has no legal or constitutional standing.....A lifetime of being influenced by patronizing unelected buffoons,,well you could have some sympathy for the psychological damage that has been done on some of our Southern cousins as well as our fellow Scots

  4. 10401551_708401769218311_359282499887385Danny Alexander confirms no border checkpoints

    Sun, 18/05/2014 -

    This week’s admission by the UK government that there would be no border checkpoints between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK serves as further embarrassment to... seemed to recall quite a hue and cry from the independence bathers on this topic,,,

    i seem to remember quite clearly 7 by 7 ( or is it joseph or snoop dog ) harping on quite lyrically about border controls with such over excitement ,as did his fellow unionists,,,of course it was not a scare tactic,,no,no who would think that,,,Anyway apart from show me where i said that etc etc...will this be another overlooked posting after so much intense speculation and agreement before...

  5. No economic or moral grounds for rejection of currency union


    1) The UK Treasury’s rationale for rejecting currency union has been torn apart by one of the world’s leading economists (and one without an axe to grind).

    2) There are no moral and ethical grounds for denying the people of Scotland access to their own currency.

    Pressure is mounting on the Chancellor George Osborne MP to admit his assertions against a currency union following a Yes vote are based more on political posturing than sound economics.


  6. http://newsnetscotland.com/index.php/scottish-politics/8772-labour-councillor-under-fire-after-laughing-at-censorship-of-yes-campaign-in-local-schools

    A Labour councillor has caused anger after appearing to mock local people angered at the news the council were censoring the official Yes campaign in local schools despite allowing pupils to view the pro-Union rival site.

    Councillor Stephen McCabe has come under fire after he treated the situation as a joke and suggested it would not be resolved until after the independence referendum.

    The episode began when Caitlin Brannigan, a student at a local School, tweeted a picture showing that Yes Scotland's site was blocked under content filtering from the Schools internal network but no such block was in place for Better Together.

    of course the bias is unfounded..and of course the various members of the public,,teachers included who have voiced this concern are fully paid up members of the SNP,,We all know this dont we my unionist friends

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  7. Like millions of other people, (John Smith) knew that loving your country and at the same time wanting to be part of something bigger does not make you any less Scottish…

    That’s right, Prime Minister, and that’s what I think about Scotland in the EU.

    However, you have neatly sidestepped the one thing that defines us as a country – and every other country in the world. It’s called independence. Sovereignty. Self-determination. Home rule.


    The author seems to be saying that being part of the EU means Scotland wont lose any independence. Shome mishtake, shurely, as Private Eye would say!

    From later on in that article

    As your own legal advice explains, the British view of Scotland is that it was merged into greater England/Britain 300 years ago and in terms of international law, it literally does not exist. If I said that of England – that there is no England to belong to, it was taken over by Britain and has no separate legal identity of its own, would you agree?

    Yes, I would agree; as would any one with the slightest understanding of international law etc.

    England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are not separate nations. We are all part of one nation; the United Kingdom.

    Are you saying, suggesting that England is a region of the United Kingdom? Can you clarify that

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