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Posts posted by wigantojapan

  1. English support for Yes growsToday the Sunday Herald has published a letter signed by a number of writers and academics in England who’re supporting a Yes vote, which can be read here. Below, we also publish a statement from Steve Freeman, a member of the Republic Socialist Alliance and Left Unity party in England. He was also a speaker at last year’s Radical Independence Conference, during the ‘After the UK – the future for the four nations’session

    .Response from England to the new threats to the Scottish peopleThis week has seen the British Establishment step up their war against the SNP government plan for constitutional change to be put to the Scottish people in September 2014.

    The Prime Minister’s speech at the Olympic Park in East London on 7 February 2014 launched the attack by appealing to the people of England, Northern Ireland and Wales to back the Tory government in this struggle by appealing to British patriotism and commending the bloody history of the British Empire.

    The Chancellor of the Exchequer on 13 February 2014, supported by Clegg and Miliband, threatened to sabotage the Scottish economy by refusing the option of a currency union in the event of a Yes vote. This ‘united front’ of the three main establishment (or monarchist) parties is the kind of unity which occurs, as in the Falklands war and the Iraq war, when the political class believe the fundamental interests of the state are at stake


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  2. You state SC was calling all Scots "insular and parochial" when he was actually referring to people such as yourself who would choose to exit the union if they had the vote.

    And why would that be,Why being in the Union and Scottish is not parochial and insular and being in an independent Scotland is why

    ?Your knowledge of Hong Kong's history is patently lacking. The British/Canadian/Indian/HK garrison held out for 17 days losing some 2000 killed and were outnumbered by the more experienced Japanese 4 to 1. As one of the British infantry battalions was 2Royal Scots I would love to hear you tell their successors that they rolled over so easily in HK. You might be in for a spot of reeducation especially given the fact that they acquitted themselves very well given the situation and even more so given that the Japanese murdered many Royal Scots after they surrendered.

    No one is saying that there was not, resistance and that there was Scots, who bravely did hold out,,

    ,What i am saying that it was known on the Japanese side that there would be little, or no support, from the local population to pick up arms to defend a British HK..

    Simple enough to understand that.

    ..In that it says a lot that even the Japanese knew how the Brits treated the local population..

    Oh and i have ancestors Scottish and Japanese who actually fought for the control of HK so again i don't need a history book painting up the picture of the reality of what actually did happen

    .Re India you presumably are referring to the Amritsar Massacre of 1919 rather than the 2 sieges of Lucknow in 1857 during the Indian Mutiny. Re the latter Scottish troops excelled themselves and were led by the very fine Scottish General Campbell, and would again not take kindly to being accused of being perpetrators of a massacre.

    Good to see that you are a reader of history..Actually i lived in both Amrister and Lucknow ..for many a year.

    .I got my knowledge of these dreadful events through talking to people whose family were involved and effected by it.

    .By people who still carried the hurt and the pain that these 3 events brought on...Yes some had forgiven and understood the deeper meaning of karma and the higher law,,but others could not forget and quite rightly, they could not ,,as in today's India the respectful place and paying homage to their ancestors is far far more deeply ingrained in their every day actions and deeds,,,rather on how we pay homage to our ancestors if at al

    lTalking of high achieving Scottish expats but in a more philanthropic/educational direction is the namesake of the Dalai Lama's residence in McLeod ( shame you can't spell it right) Ganj. You should read up on his achievements to see that colonialism and its hierarchy weren't all bad.

    First i will answer in reply to the Dalai Lamai...Again i have sat in his presence on many occasion..I am not a passing through journalist or a VIP or even tourist..I am more than aware of the hierarchy within the Buddhist tradition wither they be red or yellow hat Tibeten Indian .or Japanese.

    I spent any years in Dharamkot (2 km from the Ganj as it is known by locals) and speak Hindi,,so again i don't need to read a book to understand the feeling in general of a large percentage of the Indian people regarding British colonization.

    And of course there was some benefits and good things came out of the Colonization,,not a lot but some.

    .Again if you are looking from the viewpoint of the ruling British rather than the local population,then the view points differ enormously...I know what side i believe having lived there for over a third of my adult life.

    Talking of high achieving Scottish expats but in a more philanthropic/educational direction

    And why would all the high achieving Scottish expats all of a sudden stop in an independent Scotland?

    Would all that enterprise and energy ad massive potential all of a sudden stop ?

    Isn't what the Scots offering in the field of education much more advanced than their Union counterparts.?

    Isn't access to education within easier reach for many as opposed to the English model?

    Are more and more English students going to be burdened by debt?

    On that issue along people should vote yes

    Capitulation: the UK government's relationship with the City
    The British have achieved extraordinary levels of success in many fields around the world. Swire Pacific is a classic story marrying English entrepreneur with Scottish shipbuilding ingenuity. Both families still run this highly regarded company. No sign of insularity or parochialism there.

    Again why would an independent Scotland not be able to be successful.. to attract.. individuals, inventors, entrepreneurs .

    Scotland does not ,at all of a sudden, lose all their abilities , energy and determination because the political landscape has changed,

    ,Scotland can and will attract a whole new lot of energetic creative people..without doubt

    oh and the is money to do that.

    Scotland after all is open to all,,not the right winged mass hysteria immigrant fearing Union idea of growth

    .Independence would be a classic case of cutting off nose to spite face. That's why I will be voting no later on this year. Salmond is a canny politician who dangles temping fantasies in front of the electorate, but Scotland would gain little and potentially lose much if the yes camp triumphs.

    ​People who have never been engaged in politics,( which is about 95% of the people at any one given time), are getting engaged and are finding out how politics are run,

    ,how these decisions are influenced by the politician, and,who is really running the country etcetc.

    do you think the Scots are deceived and blinded so much that it will be a utopian state?

    ,,,dont be silly

    Facts and government papers are being revealed, to the people, to see exactly, how and what Scotland has been denied and how Scotland could prosper as a independent Country.

    ​Professional people have looked at them ,,academics have looked at them. business people have looked at them and all sorts of people have looked at them. ad have seen the lie that the no campaign keeps on peddling.

    No one, well the majority of people understand that it is not about Salmond and it is not going to be an easy ride.

    Scotland has much more to gain much more,,

    We are not blinded by the politicians, who will more or less be the same politicians in Westminister..we know that..but we will be able to vote them out,,,,something which is denied us now.

    Defense ,,defense has been cut continuously by westminister,

    Westminister wants to streamline the military to be a modern force whist pumping billions into Trident

    Scotland wants to streamline the military into a modern force while not having trident......where is the benefit to Scotland or the world on having nuclear ..none

    Fantasies some call it good old solid human values i call it...

    ​Scotland has been lied about for too long ,,yes under the pressure of america in its nuclear program we know that.

    If you are really interested in this debate, well open up you mind ,and read all the variant opinions , and expertise, that is getting revealed, and don't rely on the Uk newspapers and not the impartial political organisation the BBC for your understanding ,,if you have no or little lifetime experiences of living in among peoples and nations who have,and continue to be let down and shackled by the decisions that are made in Westminister

  3. ...So what were Scots PM's Blair and Brown doing all those years to screw their own people ?

    Like everyone else amongst us, they were tainted when they first set foot on English soil, and became turncoat villains of the Westminster conspiracy - a crime to which many of my peers contributed, by voting for them and their political brethren, and of which I, and wigantojapan, are sadly ourselves also guilty,having strayed south of the Solway and the Tweed.

    I at least have the honour to stick by the side of the state that has given me such protection and opportunity, but our Wiganer hankers after an even more insular (though, bizarrely, actually non-insular)- perhaps parochial would have been a better word - future.


    obviously the reading of john buchan has done little or nothing to open up your mind..

    ..Now the Scots want independence because they are insular and parochial,,well thats progress for you,

    Of course in your words everyone else will just laugh of the above statement

    .What is becoming a theme and a tactic though amongt Unionist thinking, is blaming the Scots for the so called break up of the island of GB.

    .rather than the politicians and their advisers and may i even say masters who have and are still causing all the social unrest in Britain and further a field...

    ...I personally will not gain anything from an Independent Scotland.

    .I hold no allegiance what so ever to any flag,,any border,,any political,,religious ideology...

    other Scots have said they will even take a hit financially if it means a more caring,fairer society.

    you use the word honour,,and you use it in the context of a country a border, a state ,,that gave you so much and opportunity.

    You worked in HK you said,,,look at the history of HK and see how much opportunity the local HK were given under that same state that gave you so much

    Look at the opportunity it gave to the vast waves of HK that the Japanese just marched in,with little or no resistance from the slaves of the masters

    I personally lived in another colonial country,,infact the biggest democracy in the world.

    Look at the opportunity the State gave the majority of people

    look at how proud the people felt when they opened up the guns at Lucknow on defenseless people

    I use the word honor to honor no flag no state not even the word opportunity in its fullest meaning and understanding,,or should i say how it is played out today to better oneself as the expense of others,,that is what opportunity is meaning today

    no i use the word honor to honor my self inner child ,,my inner intelligence,,my inner bonding with all the world children and people of all colors and all believes.

    I get my inspirations and guidance from Gandhi and the the man in MCloud Ganj and Scotland is doing the same..

    the state of the union was founded on the back ground of War,..religious maneuvering,,trade at the expense and exploitation of the locals in far away lands,selfish acts by the majority of nobles for self gain and many others,,nothing to do with fairness and honor of oneself and fellow human beings

    and the Unionists side today is still making and doing the same tactics

  4. A study by PWC and InterTradeIreland, based on interviews with businesses, business organisations and regulatory bodies, found that companies who buy and sell goods across the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland may experience difficulties due to differences in regulation.

    The main issues identified include:
    • Access to information and signposting – keeping up-to-date with changing and new legislation was reported as a challenge for businesses, SMEs in particular.
    • Differences in VAT rates and VAT regulations across the border.
    • Other tax and insurance related issues such as insuring commercial vehicles in two jurisdictions or dealing with two tax authorities when employing people on both sides of the border.
    • Additional costs related to currency fluctuations.
    • Pricing issues covering a range of different issues such as variations in energy prices, payment practices, debt collection.
    • Repetition and duplication of data requirements.
    • Recognition of accreditations and qualifications, for example,in the construction industry.(From page 12 of this document from Better Together)

    the fact is Northern Ireland is part of the UK, albeit a province - so all of the above conditions exist between any EU country inter trading, France/Germany, Holland/Belguim, etc, etc, etc.

    All the above can lead to increased costs? yes - and also massive savings. People in ROI used to drive hundreds of miles across the border to make savings on big ticket items when it suited, during their crash. That's stopped now, Same would apply if the savings were on offer the other way round!
    On currency, businesses can make massive extra profits depending on fluctuations, and will put prices up if it goes the other way. My company uses that to it's advantage when it can, and absorbs or increases prices when it can't.
    On VAT? A complete non-argument - Goods sold from ROI to UK and vice versa are EXPORT sales and therefore NON-VAT.
    Pricing issues? What? You mean we don't have debt collection, payment practice or credit control already in Scotland? Aye, right.......
    Building Regs? ROI regs are virtually the same as UK. They cross over massively. For example, Disabled regs for what'd called Doc M are identical. manufacturing companies such as Kingspan, Masonite make their products in Ireland. (As do the makers of Viagra....!!)

    Interestingly - who are the Republic of Ireland's largest trading partner?

  5. Seem to have touched a nerve!

    You love to dish it out; can't take it yourself.

    wigantojapan, on 28 Apr 2014 - 12:43, said:snapback.png

    i know your feelings towards me .you have called me a racist a white supremist a bigot,stupid,,a fool etc etc

    I have never called you a 'racist white supremist (sic)' nor a bigot; indeed it is you who has used those terms towards others.

    Neither have I called you stupid.

    I was merely pointing out the fact on what you have posted....Touch a nerve implies that it had some negative effect on me which it didnt in the slightest....You REALY do think you are that important AMAZING THAILAND.

    Like i said before go and rest for hte benefit of your health.....I gave you good advise to where you could go to other websites to increase your knowledge to the level that you yourself are satisfied...I presume i could be wrong that you have not taken that advise.

    you, as stated before will find professionals, from many subjects given their in depth opinion.....If you like to continue your juvenile confrontations to mask your inability to state a case then fine i am happy to accommodate you ,,for my own and some others amusement,,

    Still after all of course i feel sorry for you as it is all you have been taught,,It is obvious by your statements that you have never went to investigate the big wide world on any level apart from the one that is presented to you ....oh well.....think i will post something now....My ego is stronger than your ego,,bt i think i will put it to bed for a while thank you

  6. Show me any post where I have said that the Scottish people do not have the ability to make an informed decision. When you have failed to find one; withdraw the remark.

    What I have said is that the Scottish people should look at both sides of the argument, question those campaigning for both options carefully and then make an informed decision. by 7

    We are Scots we have all been living in a land which is still today the union.

    .We are well aware of what the union is

    .We are well aware of what the unionists are saying in the better together camp,

    We are also well aware that they have not said anything,,i repeat anything that they have never said before and have not given one answer to satisfy why it would be better.

    sorry if you think it is juvenile ,,but i really do have to spell it out to you in that way,,if not it is patronizing inits extreme to think that the Scots have not taken on both sides of the argument very very carefully

    Do you understand that now,

    You seem to prefer they be kept in the dark about what independence really means and be fed a diet of Mel Gibson type, historically inaccurate, Hollywood style tosh to show how dastardly the English are

    there you go again being patronizing you just cannot help your self. you are a very opinionated person and that is fine you can be who you want to be,,but i am sorry you just sound paranoid and sad actually even bitter ,,that i will not agree with your narrow train of thought.

    the so many ill informed posts that i have posted are from various professionals,academics and others in society., who may i be bold enough to say don't need to stay in Thailand to have a quality lifestyle, and have more than likely, made a better go of their life than your self,so please give some respect when respect is due.....

    your obsession with trying to belittle me and your paranoia of where i come from ,,just sums up your state of mind.

    you know why you came on here,,,,and it is little or nothing about being even minded and informed about both sides

    ,,but it is a hell of a lot about your opinion only know matter how flawed it is...

    ,,so please do take a holiday for the sake of your health because i for one am not going to be bullied by you and i am not going away.

    I am also not going to allow you to post your view of the narrow minded Unionists and the Flawed history that you do post.

    ...you sound more and more desperate every day that no one or few people are taking you serious and that is hurting you

    so do yourself a favor and post on other posts..

    .All you give to this post is your narrow minded idea of the Union and that is from an English unionists view point..

    .I have lived and continue to live in among English Welsh ,Scottish Irish unionists so i am very well aware of their opinion

    and i am also very aware of the vast range of opinions in the yes camp.

    no doubt your huge ego will want to respond to this because you have to be right always,,i possibly will just go back to posting ,

    i know your feelings towards me .you have called me a racist a white supremist a bigot,stupid,,a fool etc etc...that's fine,,that does not effect me..but its shows to me and others who and what you really are.

    Try to learn at least one higher quality and practice it in the land of the Buddha

    Enjoy Thailand

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  7. I've just been reading a bit of John Buchan, which reminded of what a stupid act of self-indulgent pique it would be to abandon our country to the English.


    seems to be a common thread that the union apart from Scotland is England,,,,,,,at least 4 posters on here in the past week have said that,,,,,a minor point possibly but again a point that is ingrained in people identity.. and an important one.


    What book .or article are you talking about John Buchan as i would like to see it myself,,, like i keep harping on always good to have an open mind on everything...

    this is a new age and new time of rediscovery thank god and thank god for the people and the technology that is allowing the less restrained forms of openess and communication to actually do that.

    As we speak the BBC is not being impartial to the debate,,,It is plain to see what party politics is and are being played out

    I bought a compendium of three Richard Hannay stories - 39 Steps, Greenmantle and Mr Standfast, which I have to look forward to on the aeroplane home. I worry that without the Scots in the Union, there will be no-one to look after the nation.


    There is no one looking after Scotland now and hasn't been for many years...

    ..If the political parties had done the job they were elected for and looked after all the people rather than ignoring the majority of them there would have been no need to be having this discussion in many ways...

    .forget 39 steps the hardest of any change is the first step and hopefully the people who vote in the referendum me included are brave enough to take that first step

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  8. Couple of quotes from Tony Benn which seem apt for the "Indy cause" particularly given "Bitter together`s" recent propaganda techniques!!

    “I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all frighten people and secondly, demoralise them.”

    Another quote from Tony Benn’s interview with Michael Moore, in which he highlighted poverty and healthcare inequality as a democratic issue.

    “The people in debt become hopeless, and the hopeless people don’t vote... an educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern,

  9. I've just been reading a bit of John Buchan, which reminded of what a stupid act of self-indulgent pique it would be to abandon our country to the English.


    seems to be a common thread that the union apart from Scotland is England,,,,,,,at least 4 posters on here in the past week have said that,,,,,a minor point possibly but again a point that is ingrained in people identity.. and an important one.


    What book .or article are you talking about John Buchan as i would like to see it myself,,, like i keep harping on always good to have an open mind on everything...

    this is a new age and new time of rediscovery thank god and thank god for the people and the technology that is allowing the less restrained forms of openess and communication to actually do that.

    As we speak the BBC is not being impartial to the debate,,,It is plain to see what party politics is and are being played out

  10. There are so many; such as the many posts where you blame the ills of the world on corrupt English politicians; the ones where you call Unionists racists and white supremacists! by 7 by 7

    Well well well when i say unionists i mean unionists be it Eglish.Irish.Welsh or Scots,,and your interpretation of me saying Unionists reveals all actually that you do yourself see the union as predominately English,,says it all,,thank you for verifying..

    UKip who your fellow unionists supporter bury who said himself that he would support a UKIp vote are widely know as being racist and being white supremist

    I have quite clearly said that UKip dont have a vote in Scotland and hopefully they neveI

    suspect that the closest you have ever come to Scotland is the Google searches you have been doing to find the numerous links and copy and paste jobs you have filled this topic with.

    I Have quite plainly said on numerous occasions that i FOR ONE CAN VOTE ON THE ISSUE OF

    SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE...if you dont know what the requirements id for people who can vote i suggest you look it up...so again you are wrong on thAT POINT AS YOU HAVE BEEN ON THE 2 ABOVE POINTS

    Ian Hislop's father is Scottish; which is almost certainly more than can be said of any member of your family.

    Didnt know that,,see you can learn anything at anytime if you are open enough,thank you for sharing that information,,good mag private eye

    Well Both my parents are Scottish as are my brothers and sisters as well as myself so obviously that is more than the one family member you mentioned so sorry to inform you again old chap but you are wrong on that point again...

    ..Again i directed yourself to the posting that had Alister Darling in it,,in that posting you had a very big clue where i was born and the influences of a young Mr Darling

    And don't call me 'young man' or 'laddie' or similar you patronising fool.

    Us Scots use the term laddie as a term of endearment so i use it in these terms,,,,you yourself not being Scottish possibly dont understand that,,but you do understand how to be patronizing and have mentioned it a few times in your assessment of the Voters nor being able to have the ability to make an informed decision,

    Remember you are never to old to learn,,i have left you and others lots of links so you can learn,,things that have been hidden ,distorted and just plain lies...enjoy the education

    BYE BYE laddie remember we are all still brothers and sisters



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