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Posts posted by wigantojapan

  1. right back on Topic

    A supremely uncomfortable appearance on The Sunday Politics for Labour's Douglas Alexander. Cringe into your seat as he says at 0.28 that the "£450" VAT bill represents the extra a family will pay "during a year", then as Andrew Neil shreds his figures Alexander backtracks in a panic and says at 1.10 that "it doesn't say it's an annualised figure" and tries to pretend that it covers the entire period since 2010. (Broadcast: 11 May 2014)

    • Like 1
  2. .Want to hear about the 'public' meeting organised by Craiglockhart Parish Church this evening?

    The evening of the 8th, actually. Independence Debate 8th May

    Your report is written in the first person; does this mean that you actually attended the meeting and wrote that report yourself? If not, who did write it and where did you copy it from (Forum rule 13: fair use.)

    Or were you in Thailand so you could be at the Mae Sai border crossing on the afternoon of the 10th (see here)?

    interesting that you seem to be stalking my postings i will take that up with a moderator..

    .How do you not know i am not in Scotland right now,,or even China or even timbuktoo.?..you dont know,,,

    ,The question has been answered ,, and again you come on here and act like the judge and jury ,,well go ask Scott yourself I challenge you to do that.

    Again you try to make it personal and answer nothing to do with the posting but there again the No side have nothing to offer

    The questions were suggested to me by Scott after I reported your post for breaching the fair use rule.

    Will you answer them?

    I have to leave for work now, so you have plenty of time to prepare a reply.

    Well you are certainly no Sherlock Holmes ,also it might surprise you to know that Scotland do have aeroplanes,

    ,,Aye one that fly ,,in the sky,,and they can fly as quick and has high as Uk planes,

    ,,though the taxes are higher.

    ...Oops they can even fly to Thailand,,,,rumor has it that they even fly as far as NZ .

    ..Off course you would have to google Craiglockhart to see where the nearest airport is ..I didn't need to do that,


    ,,Have fun wasting your time looking at plane schedules,,,what time did the meeting close....journey time from church to airport,,,,etcetc.....you can even see what is the shortest time from Europe to the mai sai border..which i wasnt at ,,but non the less was passing on messages from people to try and help them,,,,Aye please tell me that one....

    you can waste any amount of time rather than questions on the debate cause you know you dont have very many and the ones that you do have are being shot down as we speak by well informed people in Scotland,,who when they do have the chance to speak,,,which they never at the Darling meeting

    .You could have asked me any number of questions on the debate in question,,what were the questions to even what was darling wearing if you like,,but naw you choose your consistent path o thinking you know whats going on ,,when you no little to nothing at all,,apart from what you read on line...

    .You have no idea how many times i have been in Scotland and how many meetings i have been to. recently.

  3. well if that is true i will certainly take it up with Scott Who are you to stalk me bawheid and question my intergrity.

    When did Scott give you permission to question my integrity share that message

    It has already been established between Scott and myself that there was NO BREACH of the rules,,,so that answers your question where i was and who wrote it.

    You have been reported for trolling and stalking .

    Perhaps on this topic you have been a bit over the top, perhaps not stalking but a bit over the top. Now if you were to post you will be in the new yes government l might understand.............biggrin.png


  4. well if that is true i will certainly take it up with Scott Who are you to stalk me bawheid and question my intergrity.

    When did Scott give you permission to question my integrity share that message

    It has already been established between Scott and myself that there was NO BREACH of the rules,,,so that answers your question where i was and who wrote it.

    You have been reported for trolling and stalking .

  5. Herald reader BillFraser writes
    "The Scottish Government is NOT running a deficit. The Scottish Government works within a fixed budget which it cannot overspend. The UK Government runs a deficit which it kindly allocates a proportion of to the Scottish National Accounts whilst it neglects to add the revenue from North Sea Oil, as they deem that to be another 'region'.http://www.heraldscotland.com/

  6. It is obvious from the many posts from certain quarters complaining of perceived biased reporting that these posters believe that media outlets which openly support and campaign for a 'yes' vote are fair and balanced whilst those that are even handed are biased against a 'yes' vote.

    Of course, I am not denying that there are media outlets who do support a 'no' vote.

    Do a search and you will find plenty of videos from the BBC, ITV, Sky etc. of Darling and other 'yes' campaigners being grilled and plenty of publicity for 'yes' campaigners. Salmond's speech at the SNP conference, for example, was shown in it's entirety live by the BBC.

    Care to share who in your opinion who the media outlets are that support a No vote? and interesting to know that Darling is a yes campaigner,,,Funny just saw him in the flesh a week ago and he was still representing the no side.

    What is the perception of the FACT, that comments on the BBC Scotland page has been blocked/stopped.

    Care to comment on that,,,or is the BBC one of your media outlets that support the NO side?

    The obvious that you state i am afraid is only in your head,,.....I wait your reply, but i will go back to posting my posts and if you or any one care to put some input i you can,,but i am not going to get involved in petty personal insults which is very much a no tactic, as they have little or nothing to offer Scotland on why it would be better in the Union apart from that sweeping statement.

    I debate with people on the Scottish pages with people who can vote...Here i am only showing a small amount of people what is happening in Scotland now as we speak .

    To 7 by 7 this is a much better form of understanding the question of the referendum than most main stream media outlets enjoy


  7. Who controls the media will win the vote. People vote like sheep,,,,,

    If that is so, how come UKIP is doing so well, it seems that the media is definitely against them, yet the electorate is showing that they can think for themselves. Some would say that the electorate is pushing UKIP, as opposed to the SNP pushing the electorate.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And as for the electorate pushing UKIP, seems like they are not keen on being pushed. In fact, they went to the police because they didn't like the truth being out there: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/may/12/police-ask-blogger-remove-legitimate-tweet-ukip

    You can bet the green party and its supporters are under closer police scrutiny than any off the White ukip members and supporters are

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  8. Who controls the media will win the vote. People vote like sheep,,,,,

    If that is so, how come UKIP is doing so well, it seems that the media is definitely against them, yet the electorate is showing that they can think for themselves. Some would say that the electorate is pushing UKIP, as opposed to the SNP pushing the electorate.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Who would say that? Please provide examples so that their assertions might be scrutinised.

    Every opinion poll that I've read give UKIP an ever increasing % of voters intentions, the latest is around 32%, it should't be to difficult for you to find the relevant information.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    UKIP of course stands for UNITED KINGDOM INDEPENDENCE PARTY Does it not Nontebury....The polls you have read are ENGLISH POLLS are they NOT?

    hardly UK polls..or is Scotland not in the UK...In Scotland you will find UKIP at around 11%..and that is 11% too much in my eyes.... .unless you want armed vigilantes on the streets

    here's something afoot in the southern part of the UK, chiefly in England, and I'm forced to say it's very very scary.

    How would you feel if you read this statement by Britain First and more importantly as a Muslim or some other brown skinned foreigner...

    Here is a statement from Britain First, before reading it I must point out, this is a public offer to UKIP and as far as I'm aware UKIP have not responded in any way. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=460398084105458&set=a.346633882148546.1073741826.300455573433044&type=1.....There you go son you have your 3 minutes in the sun ......

  9. The 'no' campaign's well fertilized grass roots

    The organisation 'vote no borders' was highlighted by the BBC as "A new grassroots pro-Union group. A report in the excellent Craig Murray blog describes in detail just how far the British State Broadcaster is willing to stoop to shore up a 'no' vote.


    I find it hugely dispiriting just how little attention this article has received in the media because the implications of what Craig Murray states are huge.

    As stated in some of my previous posts, it has been challenged , but Again the BBC denied bias and stuck to the party line that they are impartial..As we speak, there are petitions going on in Scotland now, for people to stop paying their license to the BBC, as the BBC has broke their rule of conduct as well as the BBC to stop their membership of CBI..

    .It is the no campaign target to rely on the BBc and others to do their work for them as we all know who their backers are...

    For a person like myself, this is no surprise having being involved with many protest groups in the past,,and knowing how much control and influence it has on people,,,you only need to see some of the comments here.,,,.Again it just exposed the myth, that Britain is a free and democratic country and we are the world leaders in such....It is shocking,,and even more so with so so much at stake,,,,but its a tactic that the British have used for centuries,,something which they did teach the world,,and still holds up today ,,very much so,,if you can read between the lines

  10. Scotland is a Wealthy Nation but the people of Scotland do not greatly benefit from that wealth.

    Scotland is held back by a combination of Westminster mismanagement of our economy and a lack of understanding on how to generate the wealth of a nation such as Scotland.

    Wealthy Nation has been founded by a group of right of centre, business people, academics, creatives and entrepreneurs who wish to break the tired old politico-economic consensus and point out that people with what are often referred to as conservative views don’t need to be unionists, and that they should in fact support independence for Scotland.

    Michael is the founder of and spokesperson for Wealthy Nation.

    Midlife often brings changes and though these changes are often taken to add up to a crisis, they may in fact be much more positive than that: a decision to stop behaviour that has become unproductive and adopt behaviour that may be far more productive for the future.

    I reached this point in 2007. I then renounced my membership of the Conservative Party – which I had held, man and boy, for nearly 40 years as an activist and candidate – and set myself instead the political goal of doing whatever I could to advance the cause of Scottish independence.

    Nick Johnston

    In 1999 Nick was elected to the Scottish Parliament as a Conservative MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife. In his first speech in the chamber as a callow, inexperienced politician, he levelled the charge at the late Donald Dewar that he lacked ambition for Scotland. His words then were: “If you never raise your eyes above the horizon you will never see the stars.” Today, nearly 15 years later, the more successful Scotland he believes most of us want is not only firmly in focus – it is within our reach.

    Read more about Nick.


    To NONTEBURY IF you persist in posting that everything i send is SNP propaganda,,sorry i will challenge you on that and show you up for what your are....THE YES VOTE IS NOT ABOUT SNP....

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  11. well the Mi5 have been spying on the SNP since the 1950s ..Here is more on the news that never got into the . news Welcome to the fifth of our now bi-monthly series looking back at the stories which the main stream media in Scotland didn't offer much attention to, and comparing them to those that hit the front pages.


    The 'no' campaign's well fertilized grass roots

    The organisation 'vote no borders' was highlighted by the BBC as "A new grassroots pro-Union group. A report in the excellent Craig Murray blog describes in detail just how far the British State Broadcaster is willing to stoop to shore up a 'no' vote.


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  12. Another link to the above post 1113

    Reply, by Dr John Robertson, to the BBC (Ian Small, Head of Public Policy & Corporate Affairs) response to his interim research report: Fairness in the First Year? BBC and ITV coverage of the Scottish Referendum campaign from September 2012 to September 2013.

    My research is the result of a powerful philosophical commitment over decades to 'grounded theory'; a form of research almost monastic in its restraint and in its potential to allow the data to tell the story that is there in the data and less so the story that lies in the researcher's baggage. None of the team is a nationalist.

    I am a socialist, pacifist and feminist. I had no agenda to pursue other than genuine curiosity to explore the patterns of journalistic behaviour in a process of wide contemporary interest. It is my usual preference to study thought control in the context of military interventions, mega sporting events, surveillance and the environment – see my CV.


  13. More proof, if it were needed, that Westminster does not represent the majority of the population. And another reason to vote YES.

    "A few days after it was revealed that an NHS group is considering charging patients for the crutches, walking sticks and neck braces it issues, we discovered that David Cameron has intervened to keep the cost of gun licences frozen at £50: a price that hasn't changed since 2001.

    The police are furious: it costs them £196 to conduct the background checks required to ensure shotguns are issued only to the kind of dangerous lunatics who use them for mowing down pheasants, rather than to the common or garden variety. As a result they – sorry, we – lose £17m a year, by subsidising the pursuits of the exceedingly rich...http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/apr/28/britain-plutocrats-landed-gentry-shotgun-owners

  14. Another reason why the Westminster wants Scotland in the UK

    The British government on Friday gave the green light for oil firm EnQuest to invest £4.0 billion in a North Sea oil field scheme that will support an estimated 20,000 jobs.

    Oil firm EnQuest said in a statement that it would plough the equivalent of $6.4 billion or 4.7 billion euros into the Kraken oil field east of the Shetland Islands, which lie north of the Scottish mainland.

    The plans have been approved by the government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change and welcomed by finance minister George Osborne.http://www.pesatimes.com/news/energy-mining/uk-government-approves-4-bn-north-sea-oil-project/

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  15. Today's article highlights the facts about Scotland's economy and expels the myths that as a nation we are 'too wee, too poor, and too stupid'. Nothing, absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.
    The facts are there to be read and they prove we are big enough, rich enough, and definitely intelligent enough to be Independent. But don't take my word for it, read the article...

    “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts” http://myweemusings.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/facts-and-figures-explained/

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  16. Hundreds turned up to hear the debate between No campaign chief Alistair Darling and Jim Eadie MSP speaking for the Yes campaign. Here are some of the key features of this 'public' meeting

    5. I spoke to the Chairperson after this 'public' meeting

    6. Fortunately, Alistair Darling was at least heckled from the audience.

    Craiglockhart Parish Church is supposedly neutral on the question of independence.

    So you were in Craiglockhart, correct?

    If you are referring to the parish of Craiglockhart, just outside Wigan in Lancashire then I can quite believe that he was there.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    depends on how you perceive distance,,,,200 odd miles North of Wigan,,Lancashire in some people s eyes is Just outside,,,,Though i doubt that is what you meant....

  17. I have quite clearly stated in numerous threads where i am from...It is not my responsibility for other people if they cannot pick up on that ..

    I have clearly stated in a previous thread that Mr Darling has been in my family members house,in the constituency that got him on the ladder of politics .

    It is not my responsibility to spell that out to people where that is,,they can find out for themselves,,,,,but lets be very clear on this it is NOT in Lancashire and it is NOT in Wigan which are both in England and of course Darling represented a Scottish constituent.

  18. Where is Alistair Darling the face of the better together campaign...As previously stated Darling has come a long long way from his roots and his constituents that got him on the slippery ladder of the modern day politician,,,Well he has turned up not a stones throw from where he started his political career,,albeit a more leafy area of edimbra ,,not quite as exclusive an address as the grass roots no movement of Charlotte Square but affluent non the less,,,

    So here were he has been,,Here is how in the main the no campaign operate in a debate,and has been the case over the all of Scotland when they are prepared to turn up which is not often.Want to hear about the 'public' meeting organised by Craiglockhart Parish Church this evening?

    Hundreds turned up to hear the debate between No campaign chief Alistair Darling and Jim Eadie MSP speaking for the Yes campaign. Here are some of the key features of this 'public' meeting:

    1. The audience were NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK. No questions from the floor were allowed.

    2. The audience were NOT ALLOWED to film the debate. Some journalism students from Napier University were allowed to film it, but we were expressly told that they would only be using that film for their course and it would not be publicized on social media or anywhere else.

    3. The Chairperson read out a list of pre-submitted questions for the 2 speakers to answer. There were about 8 questions in total. Almost ALL of them were variations on questions about the possible 'risks' of independence. NONE of them were about the possible risks of a No vote.

    4. The supposedly 'neutral' Chairperson cross-examined Jim Eadie on one of his answers. There was no cross-examination of any of Alistair Darling's answers.

    5. I spoke to the Chairperson after this 'public' meeting at which the public had not been allowed to speak. I asked him who chose the questions. He said that he did. I asked him why almost all of the questions had been about the possible 'consequences' of independence, but none of the questions had been about the possible consequences of a No vote. He said that just so happened to be the questions he had received, and admitted it made for a biased set of questions. I asked him why he didn't then allow questions from the floor as a possible way of balancing out the type of questions. He said he didn't allow questions from the floor because of the 'limited time available'.

    Most bizarrely of all, he said that because of the limited time available, if he had allowed questions from the floor then there wouldn't have been time for everybody to have asked their questions. So in other words, he was saying that the solution to the problem of some people not getting the chance to speak was to allow NOBODY in the audience to speak!

    6. Fortunately, Alistair Darling was at least heckled from the audience. This was the only way anybody in the audience there could actually get to challenge what he was saying. Alistair Darling didn't respond, he simply hid behind the chairperson who reminded the public at this 'public' meeting that we weren't allowed to speak.

    Craiglockhart Parish Church is supposedly neutral on the question of independence. Presumably it is therefore just a co-incidence that the set-up of this 'debate' could not have been made easier for Alistair Darling if they had tried. He didn't have to answer any questions from the audience. He was never cross-examined on his answers by the chairperson (while his opponent was). Almost all of the 'pre-submitted' questions that he did have to answer were about the supposed 'risks' of independence - to which all he had to reply was 'Well yes, quite, I agree, there's so much uncertainty about independence, we're better off as part of the UK etc. etc.'

    And, while the Parish Church can't be blamed for this, the location of the meeting pretty much guaranteed Mr. Darling a relatively sympathetic audience - a leafy, well-off suburb of Edinburgh. Obviously, many of the well-off locals who attended the meeting were mostly keen to preserve a status quo that has clearly served them so well.

    In spite of all this, Yes supporters were also there in significant numbers. Incredibly for such an affluent area, the audience did seem to be pretty evenly-balanced between Yes, No and undecideds. The chairing of the meeting was most certainly not evenly-balanced.

    At the end of the meeting, the Chairperson, who is also a Minister at the Church, led us all in prayer for good things to come out of the referendum debate for Scotland regardless of the outcome. But in spite of that brief holy moment at the end, I left a church this evening with the feeling that something thoroughly unholy had happened under its roof.

    Where does this report come from?

    If you are referring to who the report comes from rather than where the report comes from,it quite clearly shows in the report who is reporting.

    If you are referring to where in location,again that is clearly set out.

    Now do you or don't you want to discuss the contents?

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