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Posts posted by KNJ

  1. Back to the topic:

    Clearly discussions regarding finance will not come about until the people issue is sorted, that will come first.

    As to the bill, well we have to fully pay for the two years that is agreed. However just like a divorce, there are assets in the EU we can claim to own part of and want compensation for

    Unless a hard exit there will be a period of separation, where based on negotiation we may have to pay something.

    There are aspects where both parties would benefit to retaining in place, Security, Arts, Education etc

    Both sides will set up negotiating tokens, for which they are willing to trade off.

    As part of that is the marketing of those ideas, "We will send back nuclear waste, We will reduce corporation tax below that of EU, We will apply tariffs,  et al"

    The fundamental issue is that UK cannot be seen to getting a good deal, or there is a danger other members will leave ( Austria, Netherlands, Finland)  so to think we will have any meaningful outcome is utter hogwash.

    France is only one member and there are 27 countries which need to agree, if not we will just walk away, that is a highly likely scenario

    Brexit has forced the EU to take a look at how it works, which Cameron failed to influence, the repercussions from this are going to cost particularly France and Germany a lot more in their contributions to make up for the shortfall by UK once they leave. Oh and good luck with Greece, and potential Italy when that deck of cards they call their financial (mis)management topples

    May needs to grow a pair and play hardball with some strong negotiation tokens 

  2. 1 minute ago, maewang99 said:

    CBS News is a major media company in the USA.

    they put a chart up showing the North Korean missile flew "1,500+ miles".

    can you imagine this? the atmosphere is only a few miles thick. Apollo moon missions go vertical a few minutes after launch. the International Space Station is about 200 to 300 miles above Earth.   

    how can anyone put up such a chart?

    how could anyone sit back and watch such a news program presentation and not fall out of their chair?

    1,500 miles??? from Earth's surface?


    CBSNews.July42017 .jpg

    What do you think" That it is rocket Science"

  3. Rolex and most high end watches have a MRSP (minimum Recommend Selling Price )  which means if you are a dealer you cannot go below that if you want to remain an official dealer.

    Tax is another issue and that is one area you can save on but varying prices between countries means you may not.

    If you hunt around you can get high end watches which are a couple of years old and significant savings on the new price of the same model.

    Japan ( just a hop from Pattaya ) has a number of very good value second had watch dealers ( including sites in English)  I purchased a quite nice ladies Corum, a couple of years old, in box and with guarantee for 140 000 yen, original price ( receipt ) 680 000

    There are watches which will go up, but they need to be VERY exclusive or you need to be lucky.

    Something like a Rolex will drop probably 20-30 in the first few years, but if you are lucky then rise to the original price, but in most cases not exceed it.

    Best return on a watch I had was an older style Rolex with cracked glass, and missing winder no strap bought at a local auction in UK for 120 GBP, sorted by an independent watchmaker for about 180 GBP with new strap ( leather)

    Good luck.

  4. 6 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

    "....poor education of the citizens of the USA...". Really!  The finest 

    Universities in the world are in the USA and the brightest students

    from around the world apply to be accepted.

    Some of the finest, not all. UK has the top and others in the top 10 also.

    I cannot disagree there are some excellent ones and the quality of the graduates speak for itself among all the top 10

  5. The NHS is in crisis, they are moving towards recovering as much as possible wherever possible.

    If you rock up to A&E and it is an emergency you will be treated, but if you have no GP, no address, etc it will raise a red flag.

    GP registration and A&E work on a common database, if you have been deregistered they will know.

    It is only a matter of time before NI and tax records are linked

  6. 2 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


    "Chapter 3. Ordinary residence 31

    In the past, the Department of Health has suggested that someone who has been here for
    less than six months is less likely to meet the ‘settled’ criterion of the ordinary residence
    description, but this is only a guideline. For a British citizen, an EEA national and for a non-
    EEA national with ILR or a non-EEA national not subject to immigration control, it is perfectly
    possible to be ordinarily resident here from the day of arrival, when it is clear that that person
    has, upon arrival, taken up settled residence. In each case, it is for the relevant NHS body to
    decide whether the criteria within the ordinary residence description are met. A tool has also
    been developed to assist them in considering whether an individual is properly settled in the
    UK in order to establish ordinary residence".

    Exactly just turning up for treatment if you have a residential address, bills etc, you MAY get away with it, BUT it is not guaranteed.

    It may not be nice, BUT that is the direction NHS is heading, They need to save money, in all places

  7. No you officially have to show you are "Ordinary Resident" and being an grumpy old git residing in Thailand you may be normally classed non resident and thus excluded.

    If questioned the onus is on yourself to prove that.
    yet one more time you are living in the past and not up to date with current thinking or legislation

  8. To qualify for NHS officially you need to have resided back in UK for at least 6 months, otherwise you pay 150% of cost.

    GPs are actively kicking people off who they have not seen for more than 18 months My wife did not respond to a  cervical cancer monitoring program our GP was running, was removed from the GP list which created a problem when she was admitted to A&E as it showed no GP on their database.

    She was still seen but they definitely check.

    This will inevitably get worse, and the checks more intensive. Hopefully anyone needing emergency care should receive treatment, but on a list for treatment will be more problematic.

  9. You will need an address for updating your DL, having an old one could lead to problems.

    Banks, if you want to open new one will want 2 proofs of address ( as will renting a car, unless you use a Thai licence - You will also need to get a printout reference from DVLC )

    Renting a property will probably require the same.

    Local café or similar for free Wi-Fi, can save you having to buy a contract, which also without an address will stop you taking a contract, thus PAYG is only option.

    Do you still have an ATM card in UK which works, and when did you use it last, if more than 6 months of non usage some banks put a block on it.

    If your phone unlocked? if not do it before you leave Thailand.

    Its cold at moment, go and buy a cheap warm jacket for your arrival.

    If traveling buy train, use thetrainline site to order in advance and cheap off peak tickets ( full fare and peak will kill you - prices like telephone numbers )

    For future employment, make sure you have a good explanation for your time in Thailand, it is definitely off putting for many employers ( most) unless you have a reason for that period out of UK.

    Decent pair of copy walking boots from Bangkok (cheaper than UK)

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