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Posts posted by KNJ

  1. Of course you have doubts, most people would, but do not be blinded by the illusion of 'Holidays with the Boys'

    making a permanent move needs careful consideration, and you need to be prepared.

    A piece of paper as suggested serves a good place to visualise all the possible issues:

    Money, Healthcare, selling up, starting again, rent or buy, where to locate, what does the wife think, what about the family, what to do with the dog, what are you going to fill your days with, state pension not inflation linked ( it will shrink over time because of inflation )driving, buying a car, or that Harley you always wanted, finding new friends, finding an area you want to live in, sorting out visas, the list goes on

  2. He also questioned the intentions of the researcher who brought the matter to public attention.

    This seems to be a major problem in Thailand - attack the person who reveals the crime... coffee1.gif

    I'm surprised - amazed even - that he hasn't taken the person who exposed his cheating to court for damaging his reputation. That is the normal way things work in Thailand. Perhaps he hasn't thought of it yet.

    Give it time, Lawyers with similar degrees will be consulting judges with similar degrees, who live in houses built by engineers with similar degrees, employing builders with similar degrees, who bank with bankers with similar degrees...........................

  3. Clearly not compliant with Harvard recommendation on references and citations.

    Perhaps the University has 'other standards'

    One can only wonder what else was plagiarised? His standing in international community will be questioned I am sure if he tries to publish any of 'his own work'

    I have to say I am 'shocked' that such a fine outstanding bastion of education would allow this to happen........NOT

    Now how much was that PhD at Chatuchak?

  4. Do you have accounts if so how long?

    Verified by accountant?

    Gross and net profit?

    Assets and liabilities? Land? Lease or owned?

    Tax paid?

    Formation as a company or business?

    Taxes paid?

    marketing info?

    Breakdown of costs?

    Future bookings?

    Expansion possibilities?

    That and other questions is what I would want answers too. Whether or not you have may influence a buyer.

  5. Every year I rent a car from Europcar at LHR via one or other of the online comparison sites. I give my date of arrival and my date of departure. The arrival and departure times are the same, and I give those also.

    I am instantly billed for an exact number of days at the time of booking and a voucher arrives by email seconds later. As I return the vehicle on time with a full tank I have never had anything extra to pay for anything, and the duration of the rental has never been disputed in any way.

    I do take out my own excess insurance to cover the potential GBP800-1000 excess, though I have never had to claim on this.

    Well worth it, I think I paid 46 GBP for worldwide cover for a year. covers everywhere apart from USA. I have claimed before, refunded in full.

    Wel beats the 'stupid' 5-15 GBP they offer per day , now that really is a con, they push this very hard as they have become as much insurance sakesman, as car renters. Same with sat nav and child seats, all complete rip offs

  6. check out crazyguyonabike buy yourself a cheap bike and do 1000 km, much more sensible easy to get between stops, slow enough to see everything, stop when you want,

    Well, I would, but I prefer to move more slowly.

    I was very much inspired by that lady from the UK I read about, who walked 27,000 miles, and just kept on walking, life Gump.....


    Quite a woman.

    Anyway, I like to walk.

    Believe me on a local 3 speed, you may have walkers passing you,,,,,,,, if you check out crazyguyonabike there is a good read about a guy who bought a 3 speed in BKK complete with basket, last I read it was part way through Laos

  7. Losing the non working wife to the golf course.

    The cost of deep sea fishing for marlin

    Too much excellent food which will stretch the waistline

    No snow skiing, sorry no snow you will have to do wakeboarding, kite surfing etc

    Exorbitant tip charges 10....Baht not 10%

    Same o same o sunsets every day, damm it not enough memory on the camera

    Need to purchase a new camera to capture everything

    Too hot, going to need to jump in the pool again......

    Care in case you get a DUI, which might cost you $15.......please be on your way

    Damm it is the weekend again and time for HHH followed by excessive consumption of the amber nectar

    Oh no it is Monday again and I need to go to work, these weekend are too short

  8. You own companies and do not have a WP?

    You do not have a right to enter any country other than your own, the immigration are the guardians of this. A visa is not mandatory and certainly not one issued at the border, and the right to refuse it is with the official

    12 million derived from companies in Thailand of which you could not have paid tax if you do not have a WP

    Easy visa options are available if you pursued them

    Clampdown on illegal 'Nomads' of which as a regular poster on this forum you are aware.

    So you verbally abused an official and caused them to lose face, not a smart move.

    Now lets see, you break the law and demand entrance to a country which is not your own................really are you serious, and do you think next time you will get off so lightly if at all?

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