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Posts posted by thaicruze

  1. br12stol

    You don't get that in a Honda

    Let's see.

    2011 Honda Recalls

    Honda recalls nearly 2.5M vehicles for transmission software
    Honda Expands Air-Bag Recall to 833,000 Additional Vehicles
    Honda Has a Fit with 936,000 Recalls

    This is my favorite

    Honda Recalls 2010-2011 Accords, 2011 Pilot

    If you thought the recent Honda Fit recall was the end of Honda’s troubles, think again. The Honda Accord and Honda Pilot were both recalled yesterday due to suspension issues. Honda says the company “will recall approximately 10,800 late model year 2010 to 2011 Accord and model year 2011 Pilot vehicles in the U.S. to prevent potential front suspension failure.”

  2. ^

    Would you like us to post all the recalls by Honda and Toyota?

    Also, JD Power didn't rank the cruze at "the bottom". It received a ranking of 2, which means "on par with the rest".

    One thing that hasn't been addressed. Why is such a terrible piece of shit car the #1 selling in the US 5 months in a row?

  3. Well, whether he does or not, to state that TC is only helpful in icy or snowy conditions did give 'Thaicruze' a bit of an open goal. But who cares? Thaicruze is smoking around in his new ride, yeah I'll admit I'm jealous, it's a decent car, he should just enjoy it instead of doing Chevy's PR work for free! I've learnt quite a bit about Chevrolet and the Cruze from reading this thread and given that Chevrolet will only ever release more models in the future, not learning this now will only delay the inevitable. Think about it, the BKPost announced that the new Aveo, the Sonic, will be released here next year, imagine how many people will be tempted away from the ageing Vios when they see that.

    Back to the Cruze, one aspect not yet discussed is running costs. My wife gets sent the Chevy Talk magazine because of having an Aveo and they did a centerfold spread about the 5-year/100,000km basic running costs (ie not batteries, or tires) of the Cruze. The 1.6 rang in at 18,041baht while the 1.8 which I think Thaicruze has came in at 14,776baht. Chevrolet have obviously designed a tough, reliable car they can depend on and stand behind and the running costs are worth contrasting with other models to give a fuller basis for comparison, like the Lancer, Focus, Civic. For example, I'm running a City and probably mostly because of using synthetic oil (as opposed to the semi-synthetic used in the above Chevrolet calculations) I've easily spent over 15k in 3 years as they stick with the old '10,000km or 6 months whichever comes first' stance.


    Thanks for calling him out. He doesn't know what ESP does. He just wants to troll the thread with his friends.

    Anyway. My City ran very low as far as ownership costs during the warranty period. It was after it was out of the warranty period when I had to do a few rapairs that were expensive.

    Last one I did was replace the ignition coils. They come in a set so I had to replace 4.

    These people can't live with the fact that I bought a new car and I love it. they're also spreading lies about it, about its performance, etc. If you listen to them, you would think the car was awful and painfully slow and underpowered.

    At the track, the 2011 CRUZE does 0-60 in 9 seconds. The 2012 Focus does it in 8.3 seconds. That's .7 seconds faster (this is the top model US Focus, not the middle Thai Focus). So, if you compare equal models like te 850k Focus with the 875k CRUZE you'll find as far as power goes they are near identical. Not only that, but they will be built next to each other in Rayong.

    These cars are very similar. I am not telling everyone to go get a CRUZE. Just saying that Chevy came to play, and it is worth a look. Difficult choice for anyone buying a car.

  4. Like many here, i look in for a good laugh.while i eat my dinner.:D

    You can keep saying the car is shit and gutless. Doesn't matter really. Not to me anyway. I am thoroughly enjoying the car. Most importantly, haven't experienced any of the things you say about the CRUZE.

    Let's not forget. The only opinion that counts here is mine since I am the only person in this forum who owns one.

    You also talk about me like I was born in 2005 and the only car I have to compare it to is the City.

    I've owned a nissan maxima and a Sebring Coupe (V6). Ive also owned Mitsubishi and Toyota.

    I would say, the best performing as far as power was the Maxima. The CRUZE is the nicest I've owned. Maxima was a V6 and had about 60hp more than the CRUZE. That's the car I would buy, but they don't have it here. The Maxima is a better car than any here at the same price range.

  5. It feels "Well Planted" cus it aint got the power to break away. All from a bloke who had a City. Poor things been trying all afternoon to make the info not look too Googled. Mr Rix can tie you in knots mate, so could my Mrs. Try an Evo 10, and dial in the road types.:D

    That made no sense

    So now you're comparing a CRUZE to race car?

    I commute at 110-140km/h in the rain. The car felt planted at all times and gripped the road aggressively. I don't need a race car. I need a safe, nice comfortable car that I like.

    You also can't take it that I bought a CRUZE. Why does this bother you so much?

  6. This doesn't look right to me


    This does


    This feels like my dad's 1985 tercel


    This feels expensive and modern


    said it many times, the pictured Cruze interior looks great. To bad you couldnt afford this model

    Yes I don't mean to add my voice to the dog pack here but you had said that you didn't like the saddle leather color on the Cruze when I said it looks rich which is why you got yours done in all black but now you're touting the "rich looking" interior of the Cruze and potsing a picture of the saddle leather color? :blink: .. Bit of a waffle and a bit confusing that..

    Now I guess you'll say that it's not the saddle leather color that distinguishes it so that's not what you meant, but I'd disagree I think it's the primary distinguishing factor.

    No. I don't care for the orange/gray thing.

    What does my color preference have to do with the CRUZE having a more modern interior than the Lancer?

  7. what doors open when you click the button?

    The non-poor version of the cruze unlocks automatically when you walk by, no button.


    Nice try.

    I don't think 900,000 baht is "poor version". The LT and the LS are the same car. Why should i pay more to walk by and have the doors open? Are you telling me you're that lazy you can't push a button?

    All the doors open when you push the button. As I said, you can set this up how you want to.

    Rain sensing and auto lights are another useless feature. You can lift your finger and turn on the wipers? You can't move your arm 12 inches to turn on the lights at night?

    If the LT had any real features i would've gone for it, but the only one to buy other than the LS is the diesel one because it has a diesel engine. For what you get for another 100,000 baht is not worth it for the LT and LTZ.

    The only other thing I can thing of is if you have a family and require 4 airbags. I drive alone mostly, except in the afternoon where there is 1 other person with me. This person sits so far back, a passenger airbag would be useless, so, the LS is the one to get.

    As I said before, if you're willing to shell out over 1,000,000 baht (which is what the LT AND LTZ will be when you're done paying them, then you should be looking at other cars.

  8. Obviously you don't understand what ESP and TC do.

    I think you'll find he does. wink.gif

    If he thinks ESP and traction control are just for "icy roads" then obviously he doesnt.

    Traction Control is an extension of ABS. It keeps the wheels at an optimal slip ratio. This is specially helpful in rainy countries like Thailand. This is why my CRUZE feels so controlled when you drive on the rain. Traction control will help you maintain grip on the road and get you out of hydroplaning by putting the breaks on the tire(s) that don't have traction.

    ESP - This is a system that works on the background and monitors vehicle steering and direction (nothing to do with icy roads). Compares the vehicle's direction with the driver's intended direction. It helps the car when, for example, you try to avoid an obstacle at a high rate of speed (also something that happens in Thailand all the time). The vehicle with ESP will avoid the obstacle and keep on course. The vehicle without ESP runs the risk of spinning out of control.

    In addition, the CRUZE LS also has EBD and ABS just like the others. This is why the CRUZE feels so planted and grips the road so well.

    The last months hasn't stopped raining. Thailand is basically under water, and driving through this rain and wet roads for a month straight really made the experience of driving a car with all this technology very satisfying.

  9. The new Focus is in the US and Europe, and has been so for a while, as 2011 models and 2012 models

    Unfortunately not this year in Thailand, only the old Focus available, and if you buy one in january 2012 it will be a 2010 or 2011 model sold new in 2012

    Despite being an old model, still better than TH Cruze in several areas, and 850k baht for the 2,0 is a bargain

    It is a 2.0L yes. Petrol, not diesel.

    New focus will be also built next door to the CRUZE in Thailand.

    CRUZE has ESP - Focus doesn't

    Cruze has Traction Control - Focus doesn't

    CRUZE has a 6 speed transmission - Focus is 4 speed

    All that for 25,000 baht more. I don't see how the Focus is so much more superior. Maybe you care to enlighten us?

    To get in the Focus what my LS offers, you have to go to the top Focus which is 1,169,000.

    Focus comes with several engines, 2 of them are 2,0, one petrol one diesel

    The 850k baht Focus, I find much more powerfull, steers better and traction and balance much better. The 3 most important things for a car :)

    In addition IMHO the hatch looks better, and probably protects better in a crash than a TH Cruze LT

    For an excellent handling car like Focus used on roads without ice or snow, I do not need TC or ESP, and if it was there I would switch them off to go fast anyway

    for 1.169 Focus you get a very modern and powerfull diesel and dsg auto, not available in Cruze in any market

    cant say much about the new Focus, as I havent tested it yet

    Obviously you don't understand what ESP and TC do.

    It's OK. You get the car you want.

    IMO, the Focus is not any more powerful or steers any better than the CRUZE. Also you convienetly went eight over the fact the Focus has a 4 speed transmission.

  10. Seemed appropriate (in an inappropriate sort of way). biggrin.gif

    "Get a garage", i say.

    Nothing to do with it. If you say something is better, say the GLS ltd is better. I can't argue with that except none of them have traction control and ESP like the cruze

    Other than that and the styling, the Lancer is the competition to the CRUZE until the 2012 focus

    My wife and I really don't like the styling of the Lancer. Otherwise, we would've test drove one. I am sure it drives very nicely.

  11. The new Focus is in the US and Europe, and has been so for a while, as 2011 models and 2012 models

    Unfortunately not this year in Thailand, only the old Focus available, and if you buy one in january 2012 it will be a 2010 or 2011 model sold new in 2012

    Despite being an old model, still better than TH Cruze in several areas, and 850k baht for the 2,0 is a bargain

    It is a 2.0L yes. Petrol, not diesel.

    New focus will be also built next door to the CRUZE in Thailand.

    CRUZE has ESP - Focus doesn't

    Cruze has Traction Control - Focus doesn't

    CRUZE has a 6 speed transmission - Focus is 4 speed

    All that for 25,000 baht more. I don't see how the Focus is so much more superior. Maybe you care to enlighten us?

    To get in the Focus what my LS offers, you have to go to the top Focus which is 1,169,000.

  12. The new Focus is in the US and Europe, and has been so for a while, as 2011 models and 2012 models

    Unfortunately not this year in Thailand, only the old Focus available, and if you buy one in january 2012 it will be a 2010 or 2011 model sold new in 2012

    Despite being an old model, still better than TH Cruze in several areas, and 850k baht for the 2,0 is a bargain

    It is a 2.0L yes. Petrol, not diesel.

    New focus will be also built next door tote CRUZE in Thailand.

    CRUZE has ESP - Focus doesn't

    Cruze has Traction Control - Focus doesn't

    CRUZE has a 6 speed transmission - Focus is 4 speed

    All that for 25,000 baht more. I don't see how the Focus is so much more superior. Maybe you care to enlighten us?

  13. The New Focus is now in Thailand.

    whats your source?

    Ford.co.th still calls the old Focus "New Focus", and i fail to believe there will be any "All New" Focus in TH before they are almost sold out on old Focus and following "All New" Ranger introduction. So February?

    no source, just spreading false rumours?

    The new Focus is in Thailand.

    I guess it depends what you mean by new. New for me is 2011. This is the year we're living in now.

    The future Focus will be the 2012. That's next year. 2011 is followed by 2012. 2012 by 2013 and so on.

    The future focus, the 2012 Focus, will be just like the 2011 Cruze. It will be built in Rayong. I guess we can talk about that next year.

  14. The Cruze LS also has remote trunk opening.

    Whats remarkable with that? so has the Deawoo Fantasy a model that stopped approx 15 years ago.

    Nothing really. But they said the Mitsubishi has it. So does the Cruze.

    Both cars are 1.8L 6 speed transmissions

    Both cars have EBD and ABS

    Both cars have pretension seat belts

    Mitsu has 2 airbags (regardless of model) - the Cruze LS has 1 LT 2 and LTZ 4

    Mitsu takes E85 - Cruze E10

    Cruze has ESP - Mistu doesn't

    Cruze has Traction Control - Mitsu doesn't

    Mitsu has an 80's interior look with plastic wood - Cruze is modern and high quality materials (looks more expensive)

    Mitsu comes with leather - Cruze it's an option.

    Mitsu has rack and pinion steering - Cruze is electronic.

    The Cruze has an HID where you can go through a menu and set how different things behave.


    For example, how many pages of favorites for your stations, how long do the lights stay on for when you open the car or turn it off. When you open the car with your remote, do all doors open when you click once or only the driver door, etc etc. I don't know that you can do this with the Lancer.

    It's a tough choice that comes down to your personal taste and driving preference. You just have to go and test them both.

  15. thaicruze why do you never talk about the huge problem of the cruze? The deceleration? If you remove your foot off the gas at 100kph it takes about 4 sec before it starts jerking down and slowing down really fast instead of coasting. It is even worse at lower speeds. Let's say you have a 400m stretch of road that you can coast on with any normal car at 50-60kph and still run at 35-40kph by the end, with the cruze you'd be at 5kph if you're lucky.

    Because I've never experienced it. Everything you say about it is nonsense. I'm glad I made a video.

    When I hit around 60 I stopped pressing the accelerator at 0:10. Then you can hear me hitting the brake at 0:18. That shatters your comment on 4 seconds. It's ridiculous. If that was the case, I would've gone to the dealer or complained.

    Proven WRONG yet again. That's 2 trolls debunked. Noisy and it decelerates to 5kph in 4 seconds laugh.gif

    I don't know what kind of Cruze you "drove" according to you, but it was either all fuc_ked up or you never really drove one, which is why I made this video. To prove NONE of you have actually driven or been inside the car.

    I haven't had any bad experiences yet. When it happens I will let you know, but at this time, if people are going to get a car, the 2 cars that I would go check out at this point and this price range would be the Cruze and the Lancer GLS ltd.

    The GLS Ltd has things only found in the more expensive Cruze LT, but the GLS doesn't have ESP and the Cruze does. Also, the GLS takes E85. The Cruze doesn't. Then, the GLS looks like an 80's car inside and the Cruze is modern. So, it's really up to the buyer to go, test drive them and decide which fits them the best. For me it was the Cruze.

    I'm not sure why you can't live with the fact I bought a Cruze and I am happy with it. Seems to really be bothering you.

  16. The New Focus is now in Thailand.

    If I were to do it all over again, it would still be a tough choice between the two.

    The Focus is 850,000 vs CRUZE at 875,000

    Focus Ghia comes with leather - CRUZE LS doesn't.

    Focus Ghia has the rain sensor, and auto dimming rear view mirror - CRUZE LS doesn't

    Focus Ghia is 2.0 CRUZE LS is 1.8

    But then,

    Focus Ghia has no ESP, the CRUZE LS comes with ESP

    Focus Ghia had no traction control - CRUZE LS has TC

    Focus Ghia has a 4 speed transmission while the Cruze LS has a 6 speed transmission

    It's like the CRUZE has some things and the Focus has other things.

    It is really a tough choice.

  17. Mate you like your car and that is all that is important, you should know that when you start a thread about a car your opinion will get slaughtered by the I know it all section, get out their and enjoy it's not their car it is yours!!!

    Save your tears. The OP has described other cars as being utter crap, like the Civic, which is driven by a number of people here, so if he can be frank about how he feels about other people's cars, why should he or you have a problem when people have something negative to say about his?

    I think the Cruze looks ok. Has a nice interior. The engines and the price let it down though. Whereas Toyota and Honda can offer an average package and it will sell here, Chevy has to offer something more than that to stand a chance. That's why the Cruze disappoints me. I want Chevy to be really aggressive about breaking the market here. I want to see some more variation on the roads. Not going to happen anytime soon.

    The Civic is absolute garbage compared to the Cruze because they are the same price. The build quality is so inferior in comparison it's hard to believe they are the same price.

    Not sure why the engine is a let down. Much quieter than the Civic one. But, that's your opinion.

    I would say for 880,000 it is one of the top cars out now, for over 1 million, I would look elsewhere. I wouldnt get an LTZ. Actually, the LS is about it for me as far as the CRUZE goes, if you want more, I'd look at others. in the 800-900 price range, this is my favorite. 600-700 the new Civic.

    Once we get over 1 million, I'd go for a new TAENA with all the extras.

  18. This must be the best car in Thailand to attract over 600 replies or is it the worst!!! some one make their mind up!!

    whats your opinion, does TH Cruze make you want a Cruze?

    I have absolutely no idea how good or bad this car is, it looks okay and if the op thinks it is great then it is great!

    Wow. A real man enters. Thank you.

    That's my opinion exactly.

    To he fair, I've been leveled about it until the trolling started. It feels big. Feels solid. Quiet ride (much quieter than the Civic) and the interior feels much more premium than the Civic (or anything Honda). It is better than the Mazda 3 in terms of not using so much plastic and being more roomy inside

    As I've said before, the Cruze is very comparable to what you would get with a Focus. I can't comment on the Lancer because I have never been inside of one, but for my tastes, and this is a subjective thing, i like the Cruze's interior styling better. To be fair to the Lancer, I never tested it.

    So to my original point, the CRUZE is a contender, so what I said was, if you're out lookin for a new car, my choice would be to test the Lancer, Cruze and the Focus. The set 3 mid size cars out now that are in the same price range.

    That was the original point which has been completely lost into I work for Chevy and I am trying to sell Chevys here.

    Of the 2 that I drove, The Focus and the Cruze are so close that it would be hard to make a decision. They feel very much alike, but some may say the Focus is more practical and has a sportier feel and they would go for that, but they're very close.

    If I hadn't bought this one, i wiuld have waited for the new Focus and bought that one.

  19. Who can possibly live off their wife in Thailand. Do you know what Thai salaries are here?

    Well, mine makes 175K/mth, so I suppose we could try to live off that, but it'd probably mean the Porsche and a couple of holiday condos would have to go.

    Get off your high horse TC, your salary would barely cover my dinner wine.

    Yea right.

    It's amazing how in forums everyone is important, rich and used to work for NASA. :D

    If you have a Porsche and your dinners cost north of 70,000 baht every day, and you only earn 175,000 plus whatever a desk jockey earns, then you're poorer than I though.

  20. the truth in measuring noise levels, come from side by side tests using several desibel meters at various positions in the vehicle, and separating low frequenzy noise from high frequenzy noise. at least thats how we did it when it was my work.

    propagand usually is not very concerned about the truth tho, just to get the message out :rolleyes:

    So now you want me to measure the noise levels with several instruments?

    Are you guys for real?

    Someone said it was loud. I took a video. I posted it. Then I said "judge for yourselves" and I also said "if you want to know; go drive one".

  21. ok we agree, TH Cruze is very quiet in parkinglots at max 3500rpm and max 50kmh :lol: :lol:

    Didn't you see the video? I said 80km/h, not 50. 50 MILES PER HOUR, which in the USA is almost the highway speed limit. My video shows how the car is under normal driving conditions. I take it up to 120km/h in the mornings. Same quiet.

    I am about to go out. Would you like me to take a video of it going at 120km/h on a rough highway? If its still not acceptable i won't bother, but it's good information for others interested in the car.

    No, No, NO, please no more daewoo vids

    So, confronted with the truth, you back down because you'll look stupid.

    I think we have enough for people to judge for themselves how quiet it was going at 80km/h. We have video proof here, no need for you to comment on the car.

    I don't want to hear anymore about your Thai Challenger pick up conversion either, but you guys open a thread about it every other day.

  22. ok we agree, TH Cruze is very quiet in parkinglots at max 3500rpm and max 50kmh :lol: :lol:

    Didn't you see the video? I said 80km/h, not 50. 50 MILES PER HOUR, which in the USA is almost the highway speed limit. My video shows how the car is under normal driving conditions. I take it up to 120km/h in the mornings. Same quiet.

    I am about to go out. Would you like me to take a video of it going at 120km/h (75mph) on a rough highway? If its still not acceptable i won't bother, but it's good information for others interested in the car.

    This is about how a car performs on a daily basis, not at the race track. 75mph is as fast as any normal person would drive on his commute on the highway.

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