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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. lol thais and buddhism.. this is not against buddhism.. buddah knew reincarnation was real.. the dog would simply get born on a higher frequency after thus giving him a chance of advancing spiritually and becoming one with the universe

    saddens me how thais think buddhism is a religion. its a teaching.

  2. i dont know but personally someone writing forang or falong to annoy people online is much worse than any driver trying to to make someone fall off the road after they just swerved around instead of slowing down. And those drivers annoy me pretty hard.

    let's just agree that both of you are trying to cause problems.

    Its sad that you can't see past a few spelling mistakes. The meaning of the Op's post is quite clear.

    Try responding to the content rather than your own agenda.

    Cheers. biggrin.gif

    its not a spelling mistake. he spelled it that way many times.

    Thai forum's trolls always use 'falong, farong, forang' and other similar weird pronounciations. Just like trolls on english forum will write peenut for a peanut to subconciously invoke the word penis and many other similar annoying lingos.

  3. i dont know but personally someone writing forang or falong to annoy people online is much worse than any driver trying to to make someone fall off the road after they just swerved around instead of slowing down. And those drivers annoy me pretty hard.

    let's just agree that both of you are trying to cause problems.

  4. first you did not have to swerve to avoid the bus, you could of slowed down first keeping a safe distance and when the bus did a bad maneuver you could of used your BRAKES (which is exactly what all thais do not do)

    and second you've been living here and speak thai yet still use "forang".. What does that say about you?

    Theres 2 side to every story and im guessing theres a few volunteers talking about a crazy low class drunk driving like a crazy guy and using made up word like forang.

  5. One has to ask 'why on earth has the clearing out of drainage canals been left until now?'

    living close to a major intersection that gets flooded easly to knee deep.. i'll tell you.

    Every time it happens an official comes with a huge truck to try and fix it.. then the rain stops and there is no water in the street so.. hey no need to fix it. until it comes again... vicious cycle.

    a place needs to be flooded for at least 36hrs for people to start moving the garbage out

  6. Well yeah your line needs to get changed. The numbers should be close to each others. Your upstream seems to have a LOT of noise on it meaning that any additional noise on your line and it will be easy to go out of synch or barely get any data across. Just in comparaison with no neighbors and brand new wires.

    SNR Margin : 36.4 31.5db

    Line Attenuation : 12.0 13.8 db

    First you should rewire your house and if its too hard just try buying a new wire and connecting it directly to the source and check your stats. If it doesnt help you need a new wire outside. Its 3bb's crap thats f'in up.

  7. what kind of Line attenuation and DB margin are you getting? Damage to the line could of occurred during the storms. Mine is back to a strong connection but of course true should be better.. nobody ever complains with true. Cant wait untill they get here next month.

  8. never seen anyone having problems there.. even the 600pounds guy with his classy lady gets treated with respect.

    There serious most of the time but they're not racist. Only one that might give some attitude is the lesbian bigshot who has an inferiority complex.. the guys are carebears.

  9. just find a medium lawyer(theres 5 minimum per moobaan) get their card and when you need a signature drop by their gate with 300baht and a small gift and get as many signature as you want then leave 5mins later.

    But thanks to everyone about the gov office.. will be very useful knowledge very soon.

  10. Everyone on 3bb premium i suggest you look at your modem info page and check your line stats. I know 2 other people who had the same problem. Last few months i had 7mbit when im suppose to have 3mbit. They said its nothing to worry about because i was logged on my premium username so i just dealt with it. Everything international was so slow compared to what i was used.

    Finally today i had enough, my net was turned off again for some reason.. im back on 3500 linestats and international speeds are almost as fast as back home. is the webpage to access your modem. login should be admin pass: 3bb. They were making 1500 baht extra in their pockets per month with me and with a normal 5mbit premium they'd make even more. Good way for them to make an extra profit.

  11. You don't have to understand a woman. Be it Thai or Western.

    You have to understand how to handle them.

    Lots of mistakes here:

    1. Show her how to cook Western food, then she can make it herself next time.

    2. Never be upset about her behaviour. Big loss of face. Show some authority, then she will lose face and you'll get great sex later on.

    3. Two hours for preparing spaghetti? Learn some basics in cooking!


    A good spaghetti sauce takes 8hrs minimum.

  12. If they where in honest business, they would never enter your property. Goes for any public service and Police, if they enter your property without clearly being invited to do so, they are in breach of law, as civilians, as public employees, as retired "army"

    Similar guys knock on my front door on occasions, I tell my rottweiler to bark if he hasnt done so already

    those army guy must be a delight for him, chewy underfed thin meat and bones

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