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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. So what could this "mystery drug" be? :blink:

    I ain't buying it

    GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid) - http://www.google.co...kT0qanQBo5DhybQ

    I think most people have taken ghb in their youths and its just an excuse like when a woman says 'oh i blacked out because i had 3 large beers, i didnt mean to cheat). GHB isnt that strong by itself unless you take a shitload and then you're just unconcious. a good dose is like taking a few beers, not in shape to play a card game if you're a woman and definitely unable to get to a bank and withdraw money. People say that you become trusting on GHB, you really dont, you're just too out of it to move the penis out of your vagina once it goes in.

  2. How frickin stupid can some people be!!

    As stupid as you or I on GBH.

    GBH is colourless and tasteless and was clearly in the glass of water.

    It gives the victim total trust.

    It is often used in date rape.

    A friend of mine went shopping in Panthip plaza

    and emerged with his new ipod and laptop and other goodies

    in a large shopping bag.

    He was targeted by a tuk tuk driver who took him to his house.

    There he was also given a glass of water and did not remember much more

    except that he gambled and lost everything.

    He was not a gambling man.

    Yes and GBH is known to work over many days even years right?, the kind of time it takes to withdraw a few million baht.

  3. Seems like most in here dont know how hard a thai tries to screw you in accidents.. 1 or 2 exceptional tale of good heart thais doesn't make the rule.

    I had a thai hit me with a pickup that had vanity plates and he had the nerve to try to make me believe it was his boss car and he couldnt afford to ever pay any damage for months.. yet he has 3 pickups and a full 3 storey building to himself. After hitting me i followed and he went to get some more booze. That was one of the fun ones and its pretty standard.

  4. Cost of living here can be cheap only because the law/system allows it.

    Where in the west would houses with 3 inch thick walls, or no proper fire wall between terraced units, or lack of proper insulation be allowed? Thailand allows it and housing can be cheap.

    Where in the west would rat infested noodle shops with no proper sanitation be allowed? Thailand allows it and eating out can be cheap.

    You only get what you pay for...in Thailand you get little and pay little..You want western standard you can have it..at a price...often more than in the west because it is NOT the norm and NOT required.

    for the price of those dirty un filling noodles full of oil and msg you could get a very filling hotdog with salad, onions and pickled relish. even 2 at some places.

  5. 1000$ in america is a lot more than in thailand

    <deleted> you can buy a full HIGH GRADE tenderloin/striploin/rbieye for 25$. That's a lot of meals with some nice mashed potatoes and veggies.

    a 150k house in most states is 500-1mil in thailand unless in the sticks built with crappy standards.

    Hell i have a twin house here and my friends in america have twice the quality, twice the size and 6x the land and 1000x better infrastructure than me for the same price. They also have neighbors that are quiet at night, no rodents or dogs roaming, real garbage pickup, nonstop electricity.. Only negative is that they pay a lot more taxes.

  6. Ever seen people from brazil in thailand? Not much unless they were here to see temples. Same kind of climate and same kind of cheap prices and prostitution.

    Well why the hell would an honest nigerian come here? Cheap country, good tv, good food, lots of cheap ladies and cheap prices. If they need anything else they have the whole diversity of africa at their fingertip where people actually like them.

    there is absolutely no way, in a logic world, that more than 1% of the nigerian in this country are here for something else than scamming, drugs or murders.

  7. Low compared to what, North Korea? It's only low when you're low end, such as mediocre housing rental or dining out noodles on the street, but for anything of substance, such as quality food & wines, car imports, or mortgages and loans for vehicles, proper internet, it is the same, if not more, than the West. I agree with the post above yours, although those buying votes are clever as they know full well the masses are too stoopid to know what they're buying into.

    Eating noodles off the street makes it extremely cheap, but even eating in restaurants is relatively cheap. Ofcourse, if you're wanting to eat imported foods, then you have to pay for that, but that's mostly due to import taxes.

    I have proper internet here costing me 640 baht. It would cost me twice that in Aus.

    I ate out last night at a reasonable restaurant - 800 baht for 2 people, including some beers. You wouldn't get that in the west.

    you had thai fast food in a semi clean establishement.

    If you were to go to a local fast food place in the west and get a few beers with a burgers and onion ring.. or even a pita with kebab(which is closer to the type of thai fastfood you had) it would of cost you around 600-1k baht as well.

    You'd see the difference if you understood that a decent restaurant in the west can only compare to a high quality royal thai cuisine restaurant. Thais mostly eat fast food even in those fake fancy places

  8. You have answerd your own question.Leave it to Thais.My replies are because im not very good at english,i left when a child.But i bow to all fortunate with a Secondry Modern English education.Plus i have a dislike of P.C. replies,that only try to show the posters superiority under the guise of a reply to the O.P.s question.And i dont creep around looking for suport from others.

    No not exactly I'm trying to make some conclusions - I have come to these by reading answers to my questions by OTHERS' posts.

    I might suggest that It is not so much your English that is poor, it is your ability to make a coherent post - this is down to your limited reasoning abilities and knowledge on the subject

    e.g. - what on earth do you now mean by referring to "PC"?

    i agree + the use of made up words makes most of it unreadable and frankly it is annoying.

  9. :rolleyes:

    I could do a book about this topic, but I won't.

    Basically it IS possible to live right now on 50,000 Baht a month...and I do it now.

    HOWEVER, it requires you to make certain lifestyle choices. And ONLY if you are comfortable with those choices will you be happy living in Bangkok (as I do now).

    Some people might not be happy with making such choices. That's fine, it's their choice. I'm happy with mine.

    First of all, look long and hard at your financial situation. Can you REALLY afford to retire? In my case, I continued working until I reached age 64. It was clear to me that the idea of retiring earlier was just wishful thinking, a nice dream but not really possible.

    Secondly, you need to look long and hard at your idea of working as a "consultant" while living in Thailand. It is not usually possible to simply come to Thailand and get a job. For one thing, why would a Thai company hire a foriegn consultant at a salary for which it could get 3 Thai employees to do the same job UNLESS that foriegner had unique and valuable talents that made hiring him/her a better idea than hiring 3 Thai employees? In short, you will have to prove yourself and be able to demostrate why you are worth more to that company than 3 Thai emplyees would be.

    Also, there are certain jobs in Thailand reserved for Thais and prohibited to foriegners. No matter how good you are at your job, you can't work in those prohibited professions...EVEN AS a consultant. You need to find out about that before you make your choice.

    Some people assume they can come to Thailand and "work" via the internet. Well, that's possible...but the Thai law on that point is outdated...pre-internet.... and it is very unclear as to whether or not that is legal, at least to the Thai tax authorities. The Thai tax people would probably take the postion that any effort made in Thailand, whether or not you were paid for that effort was considered WORK IN THAILAND and therefore you must pay Thai income tax on that effort. So you need to consider that very carefully before you make your decision.

    You should RENT if you do come here. Foriegners CAN NOT own land in Thailand. Yes, there are ways to lease a house...but the land it is on will never be yours. I won't go into the details, but just understand that basically you will never really OWN that land and the house on it.

    But, I promised to keep this short...so I will.

    Just be aware that there are many points you need to consider and learn about BEFORE you make your decision. So, think long and hard about it.


    P.S. Just to add...about rent. I chose some years ago to have my Thai wife buy an old Thai house in her name on the outskirts of Bangkok (at least when she bought it) and had it converted to my western standards. It means I pay effectively no rent...and cuts my monthly expenses down considerably. I don't necessarily recommend this, but it did work for me.


    guy said he'd work online with other countries..

    and no one can own land in Thailand, not even Thais. Government, mafia and other malicious people are always stealing land if they really want it, it doesn't look very hard so whats the problem? He's old. 30year lease is all he needs.

  10. There's 1 restaurant in phuket who provides thai wagyu. Extremely marbled and decent taste.. a little bit cheaper. No more info

    since you guys are fans of beef you might want to have a little laugh

  11. are you well off? You could go around koh yai they have a decent international school so that your kids dont become dumb and its far enough from civilization to still be sabai yet its still a "short' drive to bangkok/pattaya

    If you move to a major city, everything your wife said is true. The people that dont see it are often too poor or "out of it" to notice. Major metropolitan area are closer to new york before the cleanup than anything else in terms of safety and worse in dirtiness.

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