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Everything posted by impulse

  1. Accusations of antisemitism have been tossed around at anyone who disagrees with anything Israel has ever done, like accusations of transphobia at anyone who thinks men shouldn't compete in women's sports, and accusations of racism are hurled at anyone who wants to see criminals taken off the streets. It's not a valid argument as much as a way to intimidate the other side of an argument to keep their big traps shut, or they're coming for you.
  2. Another good point. Mostly, I was pointing out an alternative to the typical indoor mobility scooters with 6" wheels that top out at a slow walking speed, don't navigate rough pavement and still have the same maintenance issues because they're not mass produced like Yamaha Finos. Not much fun tooling down to the local watering hole at 3km/hr and getting stuck in every pothole along the way. I'd suggest anyone needing components for a Chinese e-bike or e-scooter look around the north end of Khlong Thom market in BKK Chinatown where there's a few vendors selling parts and assembling units. Most parts (including control units) are pretty standard.
  3. Last month, I bought a Samsung A05s 6g/128g phone and so far, it's looking really favorable. Dual SIM, full HD screen and Samsung has always had a pretty flawless operating system. 5500 baht is the going price in BKK with no haggling. Came out in October. The A05 (no "S") has a lower resolution screen for a little less. One thing I miss is small size. My first smartphone was a Samsung S2 and it was the perfect (small) size, though a small shadow of what's available out there today in terms of spec's. I also liked that it had a replaceable battery, and have gone through several in 10+ years. Still works to this day, but I keep it in a box at home.
  4. When an adult walks into a room where 2 kids are stabbing each other, the appropriate thing to do is stop them from stabbing each other. Not to let one of the kids get in a few more stabs because they have it coming. Then you sort out the justice. Sadly, there aren't many adults in the big world, and anyone who suggests stopping the violence is denounced as anti-Semitic. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/04/us/washington-dc-ceasefire-protests-palestine/index.html BTW, I never did care for Idi Amin, but that didn't make me a racist, or somehow hate all Ugandans...
  5. Well over half the money that the U.S. spends each year on foreign military aid goes to Israel. Under a 10-year agreement that runs out next year, that country has been receiving more than $3 billion annually. https://www.npr.org/2016/05/11/477693525/as-10-year-deal-nears-end-israel-urges-u-s-to-provide-more-arms-aid
  6. I don't guess you think her patients should have any say in the whether they want to be treated by her, even preferentially in some cases? Especially with the NHS so flush with surplus doctors that there's no waiting time to see one...
  7. Did those investigations count on any input from the 51 intelligence people in the laptop story? Because we now know they'll lie through their teeth to cover for their side.
  8. Of course not. The shots are no longer free so people can't/won't pay. That explains reluctance on the part of a small population that's not covered by Medicare, Medicaid, private health insurance and a myriad of other gub'ment and private programs to take on the cost. But certainly not the vast majority who are staying away in droves. My forecast (and that's all it is) is that uptake will get to around 25-30%, and those will be the truly vulnerable age groups, and those who believe the risk of Covid exceeds the risk of known and unknown vaccine side effects. In other words, by personal choice- as opposed to threats of losing jobs, being barred from buildings and other coercive gub'ment policies.
  9. Looks like some folks disagree with the celebrities, and they're taking it out on The White House. https://dailycaller.com/2023/11/04/pro-palestinian-protesters-white-house-chanting-allahu-akbar/ Pretty sure Joe's at the beach so he won't be put out by this (dare I call it) attempted insurrection.
  10. There's $240,000 of checks that say you're wrong. But it's not time yet to pull the trigger on impeachment. Because the alternative today is worse than a crook.
  11. From the linked cidrap study: Researchers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst used Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines on COVID-19 prevention and treatment to define misinformation. Help me out here... Is that the same CDC whose new director is trying real hard to regain the people's trust? Because, apparently, they betrayed that trust. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/16/cdc-director-public-trust-00116348
  12. It reads like an advertorial, but I still found it interesting that that kind of facility is available in Thailand, along with a rough estimate of the cost.
  13. Don't know that it's any more irritating than a loud conversation. At least to me anyway... In fact, it's more like background noise.
  14. Fluid Horsepower calculation in USA units is (GPM x Ft of head x SG of the fluid)/ 3960 10L/M = 2.65GPM, 30 PSI becomes 30/.433 = 69.3 Ft of head, SG of tap water is 1.0 (2.65 x 69.3 x 1.0)/3960 = .0465 HP, 0.0465 x 746 = 34.6 watts In the oilfield, where I was a downhole pump guy, the HP formula is (BFPDxFtxSG)/(135770 x efficiency). (Pump required HP is Fluid HP / the efficiency of the pump). BFPD is Barrels of fluid per day. Except in the metric world, they don't specify anything in Horsepower. They specify in kilowatts.
  15. I'd hope that the facility has someone on call or on staff that helps with immigration issues. The process would be pretty "cookie cutter" after they have it dialed in.
  16. Kudos to the guy. I hope he maintains the high quality and ethical standards (and doesn't sell out to some greedy corporation).
  17. Good info. I've always done my own repair work, but I can see where, since it's not a high volume business (like gas scooters) it may be hard to find parts and expertise locally. Several shops in Chinatown BKK work on them. Edit: BTW, I forgot to mention it has F-N-R and the bigger wheels make it do quite well on rough pavement (though I wouldn't call it an off road beast).
  18. When I first looked for rod in Thailand, I went to the mom and pop stores on Rama4. They had no 6013. They did have 4313, which is the metric equivalent spec (Japanese nomenclature, as I recall), and they did have J421, which is a Chinese equivalent of 6013. Later, I did find some welding specialty shops and Lazada where 6013 is available.
  19. I bought this for towing my kayak to the local lake, but if I ever get into a wheelchair, this is one of the first things I'd buy for mobility around the neighborhood. 48V, 20km+/hr, and goes over 10 km on a charge (never tested the range beyond 10 km- that's the distance between the dealer and my apartment in China). Easy to get on and off and fun. I've seen them in Thailand, a lot around Chinatown in BKK. Glad the guy's got resources so he can afford to modify his home and his lifestyle to suit the new reality. I've known 2 kinds of people who took to a wheelchair. Those who resigned themselves to their fate, and those that made the modifications to make the most of their new life. Guess who had more fun? Back home, there are consultants who make a living helping people modify their homes, with elevators, grab bars, wider doorways, etc. I'd hope the same exist in Thailand.
  20. That's because a significant segment of the population conflates "Stop the boats" with "No more freebies for anyone". Not hard to understand, since unfettered immigration comes from the same folks that brought us the perpetual welfare state. If you want the freebies to keep flowing, you gotta vote for guys who also want to let the immigrants keep rowing.
  21. And all of them can be converted to, and stated in terms of watts. It's a measure of any kind of energy (technically, the time rate of doing work, aka power), whether by electricity or any other means. Example: 1 Horsepower = 745.7 watts.
  22. Did they compare the favorability of a well run immigration program of vetting, visas, and favoring those with skills in demand, versus letting just anyone come floating across in a boat with no clue who they are, where they come from, or what they believe? I know very few people who don't favor immigration. On both sides of the Atlantic Pond. Just not the way it's being done.
  23. Had a friend in the '90s that raised ostriches and emus in Wyoming at their peak of popularity. Didn't last long as the market quickly became saturated, then collapsed. And that was with birds that cost him tens of thousands per breeding pair. At 18,000 baht a pair and as quickly as chickens domino, I forecast the market will be saturated and they'll be showing up on the roadside barbeque stands within a year or so. Just the nature of business in Thailand. Kudos to this guy. He's the innovator, next will be the imitators, then will come the idiots, driving out the profit for everyone.
  24. Yup, no conflict of interest there... I wonder how many of them expect they'll be plaintiffs when the class actions start flying.
  25. That's a bummer. Sounds like the bad old days, though I recall a few arrivals just before Covid where it was in the 2 hour range. I wonder if you're seeing the results of the new visa exempt policy for the Chinese and others. Arriving from China, I've always been pleased knowing the rest of the flight would be going into a different queue for their visa on arrival. Though I walk faster than most people, I'll walk even faster for my next arrival so I can pass most of my fellow passengers on the half km walk to immigration.
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