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Everything posted by impulse

  1. During the year of mourning Rama 9, I used to come home with my black shirts looking gray there was so much salt from sweating. Always wondered if I was getting enough sodium in my diet to compensate for the losses through excessive sweating in the heat and humidity. Not to mention, drinking about 2x the amount of water I'd drink in the Great White North every day. Seems like the WHO recommendation should take into account differences between the north and south, and the temperature and humidity.
  2. Not hard to believe that someone may miss that sausage recipe from back home that's not available in Thailand at any price.
  3. I'd cut her some slack on the lack of insurance. Coming from any of the nanny states, I can see where she may have assumed she was legal and insured, because you wouldn't be able to rent a vehicle back home unless you are. The bigger questions are how can someone rent out a vehicle without confirming the renter is licensed to legally operate the vehicle, and how is it that a vehicle with no insurance can be registered and rented out?
  4. How many baht do you figure you'll be all-in when you're finished?
  5. Assuming those numbers are correct, it's also possible that the people who chose to get more jabs were the ones at higher risk for dying anyway, ie. the "vulnerable". It would be interesting to see it cross correlated with other factors like age, economic conditions, co-morbidities, etc. Also, it would be interesting to know if those are all deaths, or some kind of selected sampling, like some other similar studies. That info may be in the links, and I haven't dug too deep.
  6. Best of luck to you.
  7. You've just described asymmetric warfare. But I'd revise your statement to read "the big guys follow the rules, the little guys can't afford to". History will decide who the good guys are, after all the killing is done. BTW, that's how Israel won statehood. Bombing and terrorism, until the Brits gave up and went home. But I say that not intending to open that line of discussion. That's history and we're discussing current events.
  8. And I find it hard to imagine anyone who still believes the MSM and so called fact checkers after they're been proven wrong again and again. Russian collusion, Hunter's laptop, $3.5 million from China, "no evidence of voter machine problems"... Need I go on? But I'm packing for my flight to BKK so I'll let you TDS'ers carry on without me for a day or so...
  9. Imagine the quandary that puts patients in... Do I get the diagnosis knowing that will lock me out of any life changes that may require me to change insurance providers?
  10. Insurance works on pretty much a cost plus model. They'll do okay once they jack up their rates. Big Pharma's going to make a killing.
  11. Why would he sign an order if Pelosi declined? From your link: While Trump was involved in discussions in the days prior to Jan. 6 about the National Guard response, he issued no such order before or during the rioting. The House sergeant at arms does sit on the Capitol Police Board, which also includes the Senate sergeant at arms and the architect of the Capitol. That board opted not to request the Guard ahead of the insurrection, but did eventually request assistance after the rioting had already begun. My claim is that he offered, and the offer was declined. I never claimed he ordered troops.
  12. Think of the $$ billions they'll make treating them that much longer. Years ago, I remember reading about a cancer diagnosis breakthrough that led to longer survival. Later studies showed that people died just as fast, they just knew about it longer. And the average treatment cost went from $10,000 to well over $250,000, simply because they were being treated for years instead of months. And that was decades ago, when healthcare was almost affordable. I hope this is meaningful for Parkinson's patients. But I'm skeptical.
  13. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Reminds me of the old saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) It's easier to cheat people than it is to convince them they've been cheated.
  14. I don't doubt that an electrical problem may have burnt up a Land Rover. They've been notorious for electrical problems since British Leyland. But they're claiming it was a diesel, and diesel doesn't just "explode". I kinda wonder if the driver was a military aged Middle Eastern man whose skin may still be pruned up from his long boat ride.
  15. No. I'm saying that if it were an insurrection, they wouldn't have left their guns back at home. And Trump wouldn't have offered National Guard protection if that was his plan.
  16. You mean like the "mostly peaceful" protests in 2016 after Trump won? All over the country. Protesting the deplorables. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/11/09/501513889/anti-trump-protests-break-out-in-cities-across-the-country https://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/12/us/protests-elections-trump/index.html At least the Trumpers limited their protests to the Capital, where Pelosi had declined Trump's offer of National Guard to protect the Capital building. Worst insurrection ever, when everyone forgot to bring their guns.
  17. Is she cute? Because that's how I usually pass judgment.
  18. Maybe, but if that's where your Mom and Dad live... I'm sure we'll never get the data, but in the interest of full transparency it would be interesting to know how many American citizens will be killed by Israeli bombs.
  19. You mean the ones whose doctors were not allowed to prescribe the human version for fear of losing their licenses to practice?
  20. You mean questioning the result, like Hillary and Gore and... and... And just about every MSM outlet after the 2016 election and the 2018 midterms questioned the hackability of the voting machines? And that's only half the discussion. RF Kennedy may be a whackjob, he may be a genius, or both. That's not for me to decide. It's for the voters. Or at least it should be. And listening to him talk about the barriers the DNC have erected to prevent his candidacy is pretty eye opening, even if you dismiss Trump. So the DNC refuses to let the voters decide, in spite of a huge number of their constituents that don't want another Biden run because of cognitive decline. (We won't mention corruption here...)
  21. The tragedy is that their gameplan is to not let the American people choose our next President.
  22. It was edited, for sure. Freely admitted by most of us. But Biden has built a very rich context over years of sniffing kiddies.
  23. If that's true, she's a perfect example of why someone long ago coined the phrase "Physician, heal thyself". That woman oozes crazy.
  24. Calling over 70 million strangers "redneck morons" says a lot about the one making the statement. None of it good.
  25. The fact that you even believe he recommended taking Lysol is testament to the effectiveness of the MSM to spin that narrative. Also, the oft repeated "Ivermectin is horse medicine" in spite of it being used in treating humans, for years and in billions of doses. But Trumpers are the gullible ones being fooled?
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