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Everything posted by impulse

  1. What state of charge do you get in 30 minutes at a typical Thai CS? How many KM range does it add?
  2. Once they started driving, too many crashes from rubbernecking.
  3. That's why it's a little disconcerting to see a 250% increase in sales without a corresponding increase in charging stations. To be clear, if I owned 2 cars, the first would be an EV, charged at home, for 90% of my driving- which is around town. But for the other 10%, which are road trips, the EV just isn't practical. Yet. I still remember a holiday weekend trip to Koh Chang that took about 12 hours, with 4 of that waiting for the ferry. Never again. I can only imagine spending another 4 hours waiting for2-3 charging ports on the round trip.
  4. How are the queues? It's bad enough being 3rd in line at a gas station where it takes 5 minutes to top up. I can't imagine the queues on a holiday weekend, especially when the number of charging stations is a tiny percentage of the number of EV's sold.
  5. Except price, it's in a different price range altogether. Unfair to compare them. Like comparing the PCX to a Forza. Don't forget step-thru, which is really handy for us old farts who didn't ride growing up.
  6. He threw a "table tennis bomb" at them. They chased him and he crashed into a canal. They haven't yet determined the cause of death. The perps have denied using any bladed weapons, though they did have them in possession. It's all in the article... Before the execution, a trial would be a good idea.
  7. I'd suggest you get 2 bottles in any case (if it's in your budget). I always found myself bringing in a 1/3- 1/4 full bottle for refill just so I wouldn't have to stop in the middle of the next job to slog down to the gas vendor because I ran out of gas. I ended up buying a small bottle to set aside the big one. Which also made it easier to work on remote jobs with the small one. Of course, it depends on how often you expect to need a refill since the bottles aren't cheap... And in my neck of the woods, you paid a flat rate to refill the bottle, regardless of how empty it is. YMMV.
  8. With the cost of a bitcoin transaction being $100 of electricity, how can it not fail? If not today, how about when it's 100% subscribed, and they can't award new "coin" to compensate the "miners" who use their electricity and their computing resources to facilitate the blockchain transactions? At the very least, they'll have to issue more Bitcoin, diluting what's already out there. https://fortune.com/2021/10/26/bitcoin-electricity-consumption-carbon-footprin/ Remember when Bitcoin was held out as a new and zoomy way to buy your morning coffee? Imagine Starbucks at $105 instead of $5. And that's before soaring energy prices. I'd add that I had a lot of family that lost everything in the Enron debacle. So I'm wary of schemes that don't make business sense. And Bitcoin doesn't.
  9. It would be interesting to see the resort's occupancy rate before and after the video.
  10. I'm still waiting for tulip bulbs to come back so I can jump on them. I hope I get in on time... And, more importantly, get out on time.
  11. Tragic story, but a thought provoking cautionary tale. His riding skills didn't save him and neither did his helmet. Had he been in a 4 wheeler with seat belts fastened, the driver probably wouldn't have pulled out in front of him in the first place. And if she did, we'd be discussing who should pay for the damages if you rear end a car that cuts you off like that. And he'd be around to participate in the discussion. Riding a scooter is 20-40x as hazardous per km as driving a car, even with a helmet and skills.
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