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Everything posted by impulse

  1. Agree with them, disagree with them, it's nice to have a party where the members are free to vote their conscience and to benefit their constituents and not just the party line. What's good for Maine may not be good for Arizona. Dems, on the other hand... One of us. One of us... We won't even let you on the ballot if you disagree with the Party Elite, regardless of what your constituents want.
  2. I wonder what it's worth on EBay, and whether the family will get it back. Seems only fair.
  3. Lets hear them then. Going to bed with a stone fox and waking up with a ladyboy... In a holiday condo you're sharing with your college buddies.
  4. FWIW, looks like Israel is striking back... More detailed coverage is available, but those sites aren't "approved" for links. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6351206238112 Edit: My bad, wrong link... Corrected
  5. There's the tragedy. He's not going to let it happen during an election year. So it'll be more killing, more dying and no rebuilding.
  6. If he was trying to draw a line between her suicide and mental health and the abysmal state of the US healthcare system's availability/affordability of mental health care, I'd agree with him. If he's trying to draw a connecting line between her arrest and her suicide, not so much. Edit: I also question the reference to her as "farang", since she's not in Thailand.
  7. My suggestions to the new mgt: 1) Bring back non-anonymous emojis so we know who put up all those scrunchy faces. 2) In the poster reputation rankings, use AI to rate the positivity of the poster's contribution. And how many of each type emoji they used. Expose the downers, the trolls and the meanies. And the positive contributors. 3) Fix the ridiculous amount of full page ads on mobile platform.
  8. Not disagreeing, we all travel our own path and there's a lot of ways to do it right. That's what we discuss at meetings- the 12 steps and how we did them. What it was like, what happened, and what it's like now. A big part of "what happened" is working the steps, the struggles we had and how we got past them. Some people can work the steps right out of the book, but some (like me) do better listening to others at meetings. Bottom line, it's not just about not drinking. It's about being happy about not drinking. Meetings is where I learned how to do that, and to work the steps. And for me, a huge part of early recovery was having an alternative to the bars just for spending time. That meant a lot of meetings, meetings before the meetings, and meetings after the meetings. "Meetings before" were generally dinner, and the "meetings after" were generally pie and coffee. We also had sports teams, camping groups, biking groups, movie groups, (almost) monthly citywide or statewide get togethers, and weekend retreats (similar to the Pattaya Roundup). That's where I got to see people actually living the principles we talk about in the meetings. Warts and all, because there's always life getting in the way when a bunch of people get together.
  9. That should have been the first test of the merits of her case. If she (they) couldn't find an organization to fund the trial expenses, or an attorney that would take the case on a contingency, that should have ended it before it even started. Of course, there probably would have been financial backing in this particular case. No way they should have used taxpayer money to bring it to trial. Public funds should be limited to defending indigent defendants.
  10. The problem with horn honks and flashing brights is that they mean different things in different areas. Even between states in the USA, there are customs that can cause a wreck if you don't adhere to local practices. For example, in some places, flashing your brights means you're letting someone pull out in front of you. In other places, that's how you warn people that may not see you barreling through.
  11. From the whistleblower: “I viewed severe misalignments when the plane came together, which was remedied by using [an] unmeasured and unlimited amount of force to fit the misaligned holes and parts together. I literally saw people jumping on the pieces of the airplane to get them to align,” Salehpour said. I wonder where jumping up and down on the pieces would show up on the paperwork. They'd sure show up on a CCTV video. https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/boeing-whistleblower-salehpour-faa This whole case is about Boeing not following their own procedures. And the FAA letting them get away with it.
  12. Every time I take my vehicle in to have it inspected, I always find out if the horn works. Because I never use it. And not just in Thailand...
  13. When the Boeing guy referred to 165,000 fatigue cycles, was he referring to a single test on a selected fuselage to test the design, or ongoing tests on production fuselages? I can't imagine it being the latter... Also, it would be interesting to see what they actually inspected when they claim to have found no fatigue on 689 of the 1100 in service, and how many hours and cycles those inspected planes had. Edit: I can think of a few dozen reasons it can't happen, but it would be interesting to have CCTV cameras in the Boeing assembly area streaming video for the public to see the planes being built. And I can't think of a single reason they shouldn't have CCTV's for the FAA to watch.
  14. So did I, for years. Post Covid, we got a phone call from the ISP on about my 3rd or 4th day back, saying someone on our network was using a VPN and that needed to stop. YMMV, but that was warning enough for me.
  15. Not meaning to call out the OP, but can someone chime in whether it's really practical to buy and register a car on visa exempt status? Possible, probably. (Especially with the help of an agent, and/or in certain areas) But is it really practical? And if so, what's the process? As I recall from buying and registering a pickup on a WP, it was pretty involved and took over a month to smooth over all the paperwork required to do the transfer and registration.
  16. That's a puzzler... The intervention was 2 days later?
  17. I don't recall Biden being elected chief cook and coffee cup washer. Just Commander in Chief, and in charge of the Executive Branch of the gub'ment. Which puts all those disasters right in his wheelhouse. But probably not your coffee cup. But I'm sure someone will be along soon to tell you why Trump is responsible for your broken coffee cup.
  18. And yet, Putin attacked nobody on Trump's watch (as opposed to Obama's and Biden's), Hamas left Israel alone, Iran was broke, there was no net illegal immigration in his last year, and WW3 wasn't in the air. Yet the lefties tie themselves into pretzels trying to blame it all on Trump, when there's a straight line between Biden and the messes around the world, in American cities, and at the border. But there were mean tweets, much worse than the threat of nuclear annihilation.
  19. 4% of the world's population, the most expensive health care in the world, and 75% of the world's Covid deaths last month. That says all you need to know about the CDC's credibility. 3,200 deaths in the USA of 4,230 in the entire world. Here's my link: https://data.who.int/dashboards/covid19/deaths
  20. If 8-10 different groups of right leaning protestors blocked traffic the same way on the same day in multiple cities across the country, they'd be filing RICO charges on them for coordinating.
  21. They could end the foolishness with 1/10 of the effort they put into chasing down right wing protestors. But they won't risk alienating the lefty voters, even the "Death to America" lefties. They track cell phones and infiltrate the right wing groups because they know they're not going to vote the right way anyway. No risk of losing those votes because they're already lost.
  22. I make it worse on myself because I wear shoes, long pants and a collared shirt whenever I go out in public in Thailand. I acclimate myself by not even turning on the A/C on the days I plan to be outside most of the day. More accurately, I set the A/C at about 28, just to knock out the humidity so the place (hotel nowadays) doesn't get musty. If hotel rooms had oscillating fans, that's what I'd use at night, but they usually don't. That's what I use to sleep at home, even in the heat of summer. It's amazing what you (I) can become acclimated to and find perfectly acceptable. Sitting inside all day in the A/C isn't on that list. I'd rather be out and about, even in the heat with my long pants. Getting acclimated is a lot like getting on an exercise program. It sucks for a day or so, but then I find myself happier when that gets to be the normal.
  23. Some of them need to be in prison. But others are only guilty of walking through doors held open by cops and security waving them in. In any non-dystopian world, that would be called entrapment. But not in the 92.1% Biden voting Washington DC, and by the Biden controlled DOJ. But that's not the point. The point is that if you are going to stand up for the 1st amendment rights on the left, it's hypocritical (but completely unsurprising) to then clamp down on free speech from the other side. Like Dem senators actually raising bail for BLM rioters who burned down city blocks, then demanding long prison sentences for gawkers walking through an open door into the Capitol. Also, if you're following the current Supreme Court case, there's some pointed questions being asked about the unequal application of the laws that they may or may not have violated in quite a few contemporary cases, including Trump cases and Jan6.
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