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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. right, says the man who throws around nickels as if they were man hole covers. you should have just called me baby. you know I will always show a little courtesy and throw in a reach around for free. nothing like playing the double bass innit. abc.
  2. There is also a common term used these days; "Side Hustle". Used to describe a part time job/gig on the side to earn a bit of extra quick money. Often it can be an online job or something with a bit of an entrepreneurial twist, but some thing without the potential to turn into a full-time job or revenue stream.
  3. clever aren't you bobby-boy. always trying to steal it or get it for free rather than pay fair market rates. thought you were a big minted baller. turns out you are just a typical tight arse scott underneath it all innit. be careful with those lady boys though. one minute they might be willing to toss your bait and tackle for a mere fiverr, but next minute they are chasing after you down soi 6/1 for the rest of the dosh that you owe them with a smashed beer bottle coming for your noggin.
  4. 2 Million sounds like a lot. Too much in fact. That would be equivalent to about 3% of the Thai population. 300K also sounds too low. 750K sounds more credible. Maybe 250K Chinese. Perhaps 150K Japanese. 50K Indians. 100K Russians and the rest a broad mix.
  5. I've now tried some of both the Mother Gorilla and the Mimosa. I broke off half a gram of bud from each strain out of what my friend gave me. As I loaded each of them separately into the grinder, I could feel some stickiness on both, the Mimosa was even a bit stickier than the Mother Gorilla, which is a sign of some good resin, and that it's not too dried out. Terpenes were decent on both, Mimosa's terpenes a bit stronger. A bit of a fruity smell on both, but the strength of the terps wasn’t as strong as some of the higher grade stuff I usually use. After it was ground up I would say the ground up flower pretty much looked the same as ground up Grade-A weed in terms of texture and feel. That was a good sign of it being mostly flower without too many sugar leaves. When I vaped it I got a good light buzz straight away on both. But to really feel it on the Mother Gorilla, I had to consume about 50% more than I usually do than with higher grade stuff. And it took a bit longer for the high to hit me, but that's was no issue. Eventually the high got quite good on the Mother Gorilla. Nice happy relaxed feel, but I did feel a bit too amped up during the first half hour. Overall, very good value for the money though. It thoroughly does the job. The Minosa was a bit less impressive though. Stickiness and terps were a bit stronger than on the Mother Gorilla, but I vaped a total of half a gram and never really felt that high from it. I would say it's good for people who like to smoke a lot of weed and not get too high, but for me it didn't really do the job so well so I probably wouldn't use that one again. So many better options out there in my opinion. Royal Gorilla gets a good solid nod though. 👍🏼 What I would suggest, and what many people seem to do here already, is to order a couple of grams of about 5-6 of their various strains to start with. Then decide which one(s) you like and order another 20-30 grams a few days later. Out of 5-6 strains, hopefully you get one that you feel is a winner.
  6. Although it's nearly impossible to focus long enough to read through one of GG's batsh*t crazy posts, I finally figured out the basis of all his verbal rubbish. GG writes as if he's a 17 year old teenage girl whacked out on meth and making long entries into her daily diary.
  7. Sounds like a cognitive malfunction in your hardware. Check your wiring. If that doesn't work, try updating your firmware. You seem to be running an older version of the operating system which still has a number of known bugs in it. Please update to the latest version of the operating system for a more stable experience. Sorry, your firmware cannot be updated at this time. Please check your network connection and try again later. Also check your serial number, a number of models are being recalled to the factory for total reconditioning. If you require further support, please contact 1-800-GAY-4PAY Don't you have auto update enabled?
  8. bob i truly appreciate your social sensitivity by referring to trannies using their preferred pronoun. given your obvious expertise in the field of pillow biting, which in your opinion is the best lady boy bar hands down?
  9. You go girl! Says the kettle to the black.
  10. I don't really know the answer because in my village we only have one shared squat toilet, which is basically just a hut with a hole in the ground and half the time the water pump is broken anyway, so I don't have much experience with actual toilet seats. But the other day I was picking my nose and blood started coming out. Do you think maybe I was going a bit too hard and deep this time? Any advice would be much appreciated.
  11. I think my friend had some of the Fat Banana, but I didn’t get any from him because it didn’t look so wonderful to me. I think you’ve ordered that one a few times? Was it the same exact strain that you received each time you ordered it or was each order slightly different? I have already tried the Mother Gorilla and it was quite good. Better than I had expected. I haven’t tried the Mimosa yet though. But it feels good to the touch. Quite sticky. I’ll give a full review of both after I’ve tried that one too. I think my friend said he would be getting some of the Sherbet Queen too. I’ll double check with him.
  12. I think if you own a condo in your own name then you might be able to show the original title deed (Chanote) to present as verification of home address for a yellow book, but I'm not 100% sure.
  13. Oooo, such harsh words bobby-baby. You naught little trollop. I thought we were in love? 🥰
  14. I think you'll need to go to the Department of Consular Affairs. This building: https://maps.app.goo.gl/NiFx9V4ykg21mW9h8
  15. Understood, but in this case you'll need an official government translation. I am not really sure if it is the MFA that does it though. I had my passport translated once by a government office out at the CW complex as I mentioned. I recall they had two different fees for the service. An express fee of something like 1,000 Baht if you want to wait there for an hour or two for it. And only a few hundred Baht to get it by post in a few days.
  16. I thought the translations are done out in CW in the government complex in one of the many buildings out there. I was there once many years ago, but don't recall exactly which building it was.
  17. None of this ever happened. You got home after a heavy night on the piiss in Soi Tranny (Soi 6/1), then hit your head on the elevator door in your condo, and then, in your frustrated and drunken stooper, you decide to get on AN at 7 am in the morning to whinge and blame it all on some non-existent Thai guy before you passed out in your bed in your soiled boxers. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  18. Gate PTSD innit mate.
  19. I can accept your explanation of Bob being a fool, but to blame that on April, do you think that's fair? She prolly doesn't even know him.
  20. Imagine if bob the knob was stopped from posting all of his ridonculous yarns filled with layers of fictitious and pathetic buffoonery how suddenly all the trolls would go away, thus leaving the Mod's with half their usual daily workload? Oh, the bliss. Wait, do you think there is possibly an even better solution to the problem?
  21. Alas, we've finally gotten to the bottom of what triggered the gate kicker. bob's version of spoken Thai is something incoherent and indecipherable, a kin to something that sounds like a female goat in heat. Just the mere screeching sound of bob's high pitched voice trying to perpetuate a foreign language is sure to send any human (or animal) into a rabid frenzy.
  22. I wouldn't put up with it. Have you ever considered selling all your valuable assets and leaving the country for good? That should teach them a lesson.
  23. I never understand why these horrible things always happen to the nicest of people.
  24. He did, he sold everything and left last week. Ran off into the sunset a free man with a cool $800K cash in hand. The world is his oyster!
  25. So now you are also obsessed with the man's behind? Well, not the first time I guess.
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