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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. Have had my cards in case with al foil for past 4 years.....NOT A PROBLEM, yet !!!

    have had all my cards without a case and even without alu foil in a normal wallet in normal jeans for all my life ......NOT A PROBLEM,yet!!! lol biggrin.png

    Difference being....I KNOW I won't be scammed....You DON"T.

    do you want to buy a tinfoil hat ? i have one for sale .......

    • Like 1
  2. collection fee in pickup -1000 - OK

    new battery -2600 - It should be not more than 2000 thb bit bike battery prices vary brand to brand. There are a lot more expensive batteries on the market,.

    replaced coolant -640 - 100 thb max.(coolant might evaporate if bike sits for a time)

    cleaned fuel tank -640 - 640 thb for that?? It can be done easily

    cleaned injection system - 1000 - Again expensive to ask 1000 thb for this

    labour cost - 1000 - Honda Bigwing charges 300 thb for 2 hours work as labor.

    so give or take, these repairs must be round 4000 baht and maximum 5000 thb let say.

    Youre comparing apples with oranges

    its not a thai built honda bike ,its an imported suzuki made in japan for the jap and euro market

    that was never sold in thailand , its unlikley they have the service manual

    they can go to for advice on a bike they have likley never worked on before

    beside that ,anything sold at big wing would still be under warranty so theyre obliged to fix it

    il get a breakdown later anyway and post up the invoice details

    i am just stating the fact that the big service area with pro staff and dynos and all that equipment some trained in Japan charges 300 thb for 2 hours of work and your small shop is charging three times more.

    fair enough ,im not here to argue :)

    i just wanted to know if the rates were ''normalish " or too high for the work

    (its not a small soi shop btw ,if i wrote the name most here would know it )

    they specialise in big bikes ,often goldwings and harley davisions and litre bikes from japan although he has some ducattis at the moment too

  3. Today I went to order new handle grip, the stock ones are really bad, and some LED light.

    Still have to found some levers which look better and maybe nice mirrors.

    I also get a quote to cover the bike in Black and Carbon... could be nice!!

    Here is pic of the bikes....


    how much was the led lights if you can remember ?

  4. happens a lot more than you might think ,many people who never been on 2 wheels before think its perfectly fine to rent a 125 cc scooter and explore thailand

    with no riding exerience at all

    the shops are just as bad for renting it to them .....but i suppose they make more profit from the bikes that come back crashed than the ones that come back same as they

    went out ........TIT

  5. Many scammers have electron scaners to copy your credit card # without even

    taking them out of your wallet, however they must be in very close proximity

    to you for a few minutes....could be one of these scame

    even if its in your pocket ? im interested in this if it is actually going on lol

    sounds pretty hi tech but if there was such technology wouldnt everyone

    be a victim ?

    sit in any crowded public place you could scam everyones card if this were possible ??sm Yes

    Yes this happens to hundreds of people each day. Keep your credit cards in a

    plastic holder wrapped in aluminum foil, or buy small metal credit card holders

    designed for this purpose.

    why not just carry a lead safe strapped to your back and keep your cards in there for safety ? :D

    • Like 2
  6. collection fee in pickup -1000 - OK

    new battery -2600 - It should be not more than 2000 thb bit bike battery prices vary brand to brand. There are a lot more expensive batteries on the market,.

    replaced coolant -640 - 100 thb max.(coolant might evaporate if bike sits for a time)

    cleaned fuel tank -640 - 640 thb for that?? It can be done easily

    cleaned injection system - 1000 - Again expensive to ask 1000 thb for this

    labour cost - 1000 - Honda Bigwing charges 300 thb for 2 hours work as labor.

    so give or take, these repairs must be round 4000 baht and maximum 5000 thb let say.

    Youre comparing apples with oranges

    its not a thai built honda bike ,its an imported suzuki made in japan for the jap and euro market

    that was never sold in thailand , its unlikley they have the service manual

    they can go to for advice on a bike they have likley never worked on before

    beside that ,anything sold at big wing would still be under warranty so theyre obliged to fix it

    il get a breakdown later anyway and post up the invoice details

  7. The only drugs that you would make a profit on are prescription only in the West

    Try telling the fbi or dea or interpol that its '' legal in Thailand " which it isn't by the way

    Any pharmacy selling controlled meds is paying the police for that privilege so you will be chewed up and spat out by the legal system

    A few guys are doing 20 years in USA since the crackdown in 1995

    One of them has died in prison I believe

  8. Many scammers have electron scaners to copy your credit card # without even

    taking them out of your wallet, however they must be in very close proximity

    to you for a few minutes....could be one of these scame

    even if its in your pocket ? im interested in this if it is actually going on lol

    sounds pretty hi tech but if there was such technology wouldnt everyone

    be a victim ?

    sit in any crowded public place you could scam everyones card if this were possible ??

  9. So what battery was used ?

    sorry ,yesterday i didnt have the keys to take off the seat to check ,i was passing the shop on my other bike so called in to check the damage and it was roughly just shy of 7k

    il update the thread with battery model later when i can establish the facts in case it helps someone in future with similar issues

    (btw i dont expect to get the ebay/internet price for a battery ,even if they used a low grade generic one ,i was just using that as my research guideline and i think the old coolant would have been fine since its a pretty new bike but if theyve changed it its too late to change it back :) )

    thanks for all the input guys .........

  10. Why guess what battery was used. have a look at it and tell us the brand before slagging them off saying they ripped you.

    i didnt say they ripped me off and even if they did its an issue il take up with the shop owner anyway and how he deals with it

    will determine whether i bring any more bikes there to fix or advise friends to do same etc

    slagging him or his business off on the internet like a little bitch is not my style, i like the guy/shop and weve done business many times before

    over the years

    (If you care to read back i have purposely not mentioned the name of his shop so this is merely asking for other peoples opinions

    about the repairs cost to get a rough idea of the repair costs)-but thank you for your help anyway :)

  11. A bike battery for your Bandit could easily be 2600 baht in Thailand depended on the manufacturer- you can't compare a 1200cc Bandit to a Honda Click (and you bought it from a shop, not eBay- the price back home and the price in LOS won't be the same- note, though, that a Yuasa battery for my bike would be over 2700 baht- $85- in the US). If your bike sat for a year with gasohol without being started, the fuel system would need to be cleaned and flushed. Who knows about the coolant, but, again, if your bike fits for an extended period, changing the fluids is a good idea.

    You got a big bike worked on- that's going to be pricey compared to your corner scooter shop- if you found the work acceptable, I wouldn't fight about it too much- you might save 500 baht, but then you might also have to take your business elsewhere next time.

    I think your price is OK.

    Im guessing they used the cheapest battery they could get their hands on but anyone running a business would do the same unless specifically instructed to use a certain type of battery .........

    a generic battery for a Ninja 650cc costs 1400 from kawasaki so i could replace their battery with one of those but it may not be enough to consistantly start a bike with an engine twice as big ??

    for everyone who says scooter batteries are only 400thb ,i know that

    but this bike is just over 10 x times bigger than a 125cc scooter so its to be expected the battery will cost more ....

  12. I have to agree that I have not seen really good value at duty free, but I do not think comparing Thai whiskey in BKK is a good comparison. A comparison of an imported product may be a better representation.

    Agreed, but even there King Power fails. Most duty free shops the world over are rip-offs.

    except maybe ireland ,where the duty on alcohol and cigarettes is ridiculously high ..........

    but probably as many smoke as before ..........they just buy illegally imported ones from russia ,poland or ukraine

    from local 'gangsters"

    the government has slipped up and created a huge incentive to smuggle tobacco /cigaretes for organised criminal gangs

  13. i went in today and the bill seemed too high to me so i decided not to pay until i can negeotiate with the owner but today is holiday

    so hes off

    i didnt pay anything yet and let them keep the bike until after i can deal with the main man because the mechanics cannot change invoice etc

    also i agree with above poster ,it needed new coolant as well,why ??thats got nothing to do with starting the beast up

    also the battery seems v expensive ,possibly the injection system was blocked with but that that shouldnt cost 7k to sort ........

    the problem with getting a price in advance was nobody didnt know what the issue was so they cant give me a quote by phone until check the bike and the bandit 1250 is a very heavy bike so we needed their truck and ramp to get it there ..........

    il have a chat tomoroww and see what can be done when the boss is in and update the thread ........

    thanks for everyone who answered .:)

  14. my bike wouldnt start after being left alone in a garage for a year ,so i called a famous nearby garage

    and the came ,took it and fixed it (its a bandit 1255cc)

    the invoice says


    collection fee in pickup -1000

    new battery -2600

    replaced coolant -640

    cleaned fuel tank -640

    cleaned injection system - 1000

    labour cost - 1000

    bill total ; 6,880 thb

    is this price ok ? ( also should the battery be 2600thb ,ive seen them on ebay for 50usd ? )

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