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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. I was stopping for a fill yesterday and

    Occasionally I look at the prices

    I seen this e85 for only 25b a litre and was wondering what would happen if I filled my bike with it

    (would be near 25+% cheaper but I won't try it until I get the full info whether it suitable for bikes or not etc...

    Any feedback more then welcome :)

  2. A farang name on the box in English =100% customs attention

    Print your name and address in Thai and most items will skip through if the retailer agrees (it's a smsll risk for him too since if you took the item (stole it) he would have a much harder time in proving it was delivered etc if the address was in Thai but most shops will work with you to get the sale... Let us know what happened if you have time

    ... Best of luck :)

  3. Just wondering but

    Has anyone had a family member send a helmet from the USA?

    Were you hit with customs charges & if so how much? % wise

    Recently in the US saw a helmet I liked but they did not have the color I wanted

    & I was leaving the next day.

    So I was thinking of ordering one online & sending it to my daughter there & have her ship it to me.

    IF she writes gift as value will it likely go thru or still be subject to import charges?

    I have had mixed luck on smaller things all via USPS priority air which is what this will also go via

    But Helmets are not small boxes so I wanted to know at worst what to expect import tax wise if hit?

    Thanks for any info given

    Ime Singapore or Japan gets past customs

    A lot easier than USA or European countries

    Of course, don't have a farang name on the box if possible

    If the retailer agrees email him game and address in Thai and stick that to the box + low value declared = win

    (but tit so something that might work fine on Monday may be completely unacceptable on Tuesday lol)

    The luck of the draw I guess...

    • Like 1
  4. that is pretty cheap, is it first class?

    Yes, First Class. Collision, Comprehensive which includes Fire, Theft, Vandalism, Medical with private room.

    Bail assistance.

    5000 Baht deductible.

    MLG Consulting Service Pattaya

    Try AA Insurance also

    Do they insure bikes over 3yrs old?

    Do they pay up without delay if there's a wreckage?

    Variaya refused me insurance on a late 2009 ninja 650abs because it was " too old" in 2011/2012

    And that was at their hq in bkk..

  5. Shipping in parts will not help if you want to get it registered. It is extremely difficult to import used bikes. The only loophole which may be open to you is if the bike was in your wife's name and there may be a possibility that she can import it as a vehicle used while living overseas. However the process will be very complicated and drawn out. There are other members who will be able to better advise you and maybe you can get it imported but the time and cost involved probably won't be worth it. Ask your wife to check the Thai Customs website or email them about importing a vehicle used overseas. Forms will need to be submitted before you import it.

    In this case the OP clearly stated that he understands it would be impossible to register the bike, so the usual sermon does not apply.

    However, also shipping in parts would be very expensive and risky, and Thai customs would certainly smell the coffee and demand an hefty ransom at some point. Shipping the bike out would not be a problem.

    I don't think YOU read the post. Most likely does not mean impossible and how would shipping be expensive if he is bringing it in a container? Thai citizens are allowed to bring a vehicle into Thailand from overseas if it was used by them and then they have to keep it in their name for three years before selling it. However you can drive a bike without a green book provided you can show a customs receipt. If you can't you risk having the bike confiscated by the Police, so shipping in parts and then assembling a bike in Thailand is a no no.

    I am not sure you can legally drive a bike with just a customs receipt...

    Every vehicle on the road must have por ror bor 3rd party insurance and not displaying it is a crime

    How exactly do you get por ror bor for an unregistered bike?

    My friend has a lovely illegal imported ktm he cant even ride because the fixer hasn't been able to get him a book for it

    He would be very interested if there's some legal way he can use that bike without being open to huge liabilities?

    Whether the bike has had the import tax paid or not 1st class insurance can be purchased for the bike, this should include Por Ror Bor but not road tax, but Por Ror Bor is not necessary if he has 1st class insurance anyway. They just take the frame and engine no. and some pics. He maybe able to get a red plate from a friendly dealer, road tax is not required if you have a red plate. The fixer should surely be able to arrange a red plate. Then he won't get hassled. Job done until his green book arrives. If he can't produce a customs tax receipt and he rides without a red plate his bike could be confiscated.

    The issue is this is nearly avmillion baht worth of bike and it was brought in as low value "spare parts" only 6-7k taxes paid

    The fixer guy promised a green book and bkk plate for extra 80k about 2 years ago but he refund the 80k and said the whoever that used to make the books can't do it anymore so my friend has an expensive bike that can't be ridden except at night or with police friends on weekend trips

    I think you are getting PRB mixed up with Road Tax. You can't buy Road Tax without PRB. Get a red plate and 1st class insurance no Road Tax required with red plate.

    Sorry, your are right

    I thought per ror bor=road tax + 3rd party insurance

    So, with a unplated bike and no book but 1st class insurance cert from aa or whoever, what happens when the police decide to confiscate it?

    If insurance and tax isn't the same thing then legally are you not screwed anyway?

    (excluding bribes) any cop who takes a shine to your illegal bike can just take it off you??

    Or maybe im wrong and there a loophole?

    Ps: i have heard insurance companies will take your money gladly for any bike but if there's a crash they will weasel out of paying because the bike is illegal for numerous reasons etc..

  6. It's a pity Yamaha didn't introduce the Majesty this year. I don't mind 2 wheels and the new Majesty would be a step up from the PCX150.

    I know it's not a majesty or a t-max so not up to yamaha finest standards but the forza is exceptional value at 159k and surprisingly a good bike

    I would suggest anyone looking at big scooters to test one of these first before spending double or more on something a lil cooler but that's just me......

    Some people will still pay 300k+ for a vespa and that's fine too I suppose if cash if not a factor....

  7. A "lien"by definition means physical possession. Therefore, if the rental company is not holding the actual passport, there can be no lien, in which case the owner, having possession of his/her passport, is free to use it for travel.

    runnning away from a repair bill for a bike your "friend " crashed is a pretty shitty thing to do

    if it were me ,id do my best to settle with the company |(suggest a discount is my idea ) and if your not happy dont use them again

    you did crash their bike ,spare parts are almost NEVER in stock anywhere in thailand

    _+ costs incurred for lost rental and transport fees to the repair centre and back etc before they can rent it again ...

    i understand you think theyre charging too much based on repaior quotes alone but think of the ballaches they have to go through to

    get it fixed because of YOU (maybe a week or two wait on parts etc ) before you decide theyre robbing bar stewards .......

  8. Shipping in parts will not help if you want to get it registered. It is extremely difficult to import used bikes. The only loophole which may be open to you is if the bike was in your wife's name and there may be a possibility that she can import it as a vehicle used while living overseas. However the process will be very complicated and drawn out. There are other members who will be able to better advise you and maybe you can get it imported but the time and cost involved probably won't be worth it. Ask your wife to check the Thai Customs website or email them about importing a vehicle used overseas. Forms will need to be submitted before you import it.

    In this case the OP clearly stated that he understands it would be impossible to register the bike, so the usual sermon does not apply.

    However, also shipping in parts would be very expensive and risky, and Thai customs would certainly smell the coffee and demand an hefty ransom at some point. Shipping the bike out would not be a problem.

    I don't think YOU read the post. Most likely does not mean impossible and how would shipping be expensive if he is bringing it in a container? Thai citizens are allowed to bring a vehicle into Thailand from overseas if it was used by them and then they have to keep it in their name for three years before selling it. However you can drive a bike without a green book provided you can show a customs receipt. If you can't you risk having the bike confiscated by the Police, so shipping in parts and then assembling a bike in Thailand is a no no.

    I am not sure you can legally drive a bike with just a customs receipt...

    Every vehicle on the road must have por ror bor 3rd party insurance and not displaying it is a crime

    How exactly do you get por ror bor for an unregistered bike?

    My friend has a lovely illegal imported ktm he cant even ride because the fixer hasn't been able to get him a book for it

    He would be very interested if there's some legal way he can use that bike without being open to huge liabilities?

    Whether the bike has had the import tax paid or not 1st class insurance can be purchased for the bike, this should include Por Ror Bor but not road tax, but Por Ror Bor is not necessary if he has 1st class insurance anyway. They just take the frame and engine no. and some pics. He maybe able to get a red plate from a friendly dealer, road tax is not required if you have a red plate. The fixer should surely be able to arrange a red plate. Then he won't get hassled. Job done until his green book arrives. If he can't produce a customs tax receipt and he rides without a red plate his bike could be confiscated.

    The issue is this is nearly avmillion baht worth of bike and it was brought in as low value "spare parts" only 6-7k taxes paid

    The fixer guy promised a green book and bkk plate for extra 80k about 2 years ago but he refund the 80k and said the whoever that used to make the books can't do it anymore so my friend has an expensive bike that can't be ridden except at night or with police friends on weekend trips

  9. Shipping in parts will not help if you want to get it registered. It is extremely difficult to import used bikes. The only loophole which may be open to you is if the bike was in your wife's name and there may be a possibility that she can import it as a vehicle used while living overseas. However the process will be very complicated and drawn out. There are other members who will be able to better advise you and maybe you can get it imported but the time and cost involved probably won't be worth it. Ask your wife to check the Thai Customs website or email them about importing a vehicle used overseas. Forms will need to be submitted before you import it.

    In this case the OP clearly stated that he understands it would be impossible to register the bike, so the usual sermon does not apply.

    However, also shipping in parts would be very expensive and risky, and Thai customs would certainly smell the coffee and demand an hefty ransom at some point. Shipping the bike out would not be a problem.

    I don't think YOU read the post. Most likely does not mean impossible and how would shipping be expensive if he is bringing it in a container? Thai citizens are allowed to bring a vehicle into Thailand from overseas if it was used by them and then they have to keep it in their name for three years before selling it. However you can drive a bike without a green book provided you can show a customs receipt. If you can't you risk having the bike confiscated by the Police, so shipping in parts and then assembling a bike in Thailand is a no no.

    I am not sure you can legally drive a bike with just a customs receipt...

    Every vehicle on the road must have por ror bor 3rd party insurance and not displaying it is a crime

    How exactly do you get por ror bor for an unregistered bike?

    My friend has a lovely illegal imported ktm he cant even ride because the fixer hasn't been able to get him a book for it

    He would be very interested if there's some legal way he can use that bike without being open to huge liabilities?

  10. its actually in ratchada soi 3 in bkk a few hundred metres in on the left side (not pattaya this time guys )

    i have a suspicious feeling it was a normal bulb painted blue because i think it said 150thb on the box :D

    and i know zenon ,hid and led kits are way more expensive than that ,even on ebay usa or uk where bikers

    kit is usually much cheaper than thai rates

    i just wanted to know if anyone had tried one or had some details ,i do want better headlights and also fog lamps

    on a couple of my bikes but im confused by the world of aftermarket bulbs and lighting kits .....

    i might buy one and let them install it just to see if its any good but if it uses over twice the voltage and it costs me

    a new battery or cant start my bike in a couple of weeks id be pissed off ........

    i believe theres also a heat problem with stronger bulbs melting through the plastic cover on your lights and i want to avoid that

    as well ........

  11. Yes I had seen that one before...

    Reminds me of those silver vans I always see flying into blind mountain turns in the wrong lane.

    A van is still a van so you have 1/2a chance of living if your belted in , doing it on a bike its probably over if you hit even a dog never mind anything bigger like Somchai racing in his pickup :o

  12. Got my indicators fixed with small led ones but the owner was trying to sell me a headlight bulb that's 300% brighter than stock (he says)

    He has them in clear and blue colour

    Anyone using any of these, would like to hear the pros and cons and maybe even what the police have to say about them if anyone knows because I'm pretty sure they are not legal to make your lights 300% brighter than everyone else's lol

  13. Ai Hia would be a major insult in Thai. Hia being a monitor lizard.

    I know that one. That is a major insult.

    My girlfriend always told me it was a nickname, she used to call me like that even in public.

    was it due to your tongue perhaps?

    I once read that monitor lixards have the largest penis in comparison with their bodysize from all living mammals coffee1.gif

    A lizard is not a mammal.... Where do you do your reading?

  14. Posted Today, 17:03

    as some will no im on my way back next week,,, anyway my wife has been getting uncle shugger to cut our lawn, so ive got her a lawn mower,,,lol,, ill tell you what she says when i get home,,

    It's rather scary, that's exactly what I bought my wife (at her request).


    That was the one and only time she drove it, guess who's driving now, should have got a ride-on sad.png

    That mower looks in better shape than the wife.... I know which one I'd trade in for a new ride on.....

  15. At a gas station. A fair translation would be 'Piece of Sht Westerner'. biggrin.png

    Stopped at the pump. Got off my bike. Then 'Ai Farang' shouted loudly. Looked around and there were a few different groups of lads.

    Just laughed and told the attendent 'Awww, pbaak waan'. (sweet talker). They just looked all confudled at this. Cannot compute that sarcasm exits, never mind what it is, poor things.

    Funny ol' country. smile.png

    Just say "bpai loii, hum noi...!

    Piss off little dick! :)

    Stunning grasp of the Thai language there. Stay in the bars you'll not last long on the outside

    Never been in a go go bar........ Yet

  16. That guy in the cherry picker is MUCH MAN! I would have been afraid that the serpent, once disentangled, in swinging free would have swung into the basket and done a reflexive coiling around the rescuer's body.

    A kind act, should get a making merit bonus for that one!

    I got told that it doesn't active squeeze you to death, it just tighten a bit everytime you breath out and next time you can't take in enough air.

    That means there would be time enough that some bystander helps. But still good and brave job.....

    Usually they kill like that using immense force around the ribcage, but what if it curled around your neck?? How long would you have then to get it off??

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