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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. At a gas station. A fair translation would be 'Piece of Sht Westerner'. biggrin.png

    Stopped at the pump. Got off my bike. Then 'Ai Farang' shouted loudly. Looked around and there were a few different groups of lads.

    Just laughed and told the attendent 'Awww, pbaak waan'. (sweet talker). They just looked all confudled at this. Cannot compute that sarcasm exits, never mind what it is, poor things.

    Funny ol' country. smile.png

    Just say "bpai loii, hum noi...!

    Piss off little dick! :)

  2. i prefer to find a car lightning shop that have brought these already

    That is what I will try next. I'll let you know what I find. I am not in any real hurry.

    i am also interested in brighter lights but i would have thought car ones would be too big for a bike

    if you find any that fit without too hassle i would take a couple of sets

  3. I believe quite a few criminals become monks after they leave jail, when nobody will give them a job.

    the rest end up driving mafia owned tuk tuks and taxis

    dont use the guys covered in tattoos ,particularly on the knuckles, hands ,face or neck etc

    they usually get them in prison

    a dot under the left eye like a tear drop etc signifies you have killed someone in jail tattoo speak .......

  4. just as an example

    a versys only has 59hp and its plenty fast for most people and its not even a cruiser ,but its tuned for torque and it pulls like a train

    a ninja 650 only has 65hp from the same engine ,a bit less torque but a bit more hp and higher top end speed

    the harley is lightweight cruiser (light in cruiser terms ,not sportbike terms :) ) so i suppose 50hp will do

    what its required to do .......

    horses for courses and all that , i dont suppose anyone will buy one for 'racing performance anyway '

  5. I hear what you're saying.

    When I first stated riding big bikes in LOS, I stopped every time. 200 Bt here, 200 Bt there. Riding in the right lane, loud pipes, speeding, tinted visor or whatever they thought of.

    It got so bad that on the occasions that I had to take the bike into the dealer at Thonglor, I would often pass 4 or 5 checkpoints and they got to be rather expensive trips.

    When I bought a more powerful bike, I decided to stop stopping for the police. And as I now ride with guys who are like-minded and in actuality more hard-core than I, I just go with the flow now.

    All protest-orientated checkpoints (and provincial ones) I've encountered lately just wave big bikes through.

    As for the CCTV cameras (do they actually work?) taking a pic of my license plate.

    Well, kind of difficult to take a pic of something that's not there. smile.png 55!

    When the dealer will eventually deliver it is anyone's guess.

    i dont have plate on my bandit 1250 either and only ever stop if they have enough men

    to block the entire road

    once they tried to catch me unsucessfully 4 times in a row on the way from pathum thani into bkk on viphawadi rangsit on a sunday afternoon

    the 3rd checkpoint threw a traffic cone at me and the 4th tried to run out and pull me off the bike but he wasnt quick enough to dodge between moving cars and and when he went to grab me i just took off

    until where?

    you runaway one time or two but one day, they will see you coming - as a 1250 cc Bandit is not a common bike around - and pull you off the bike or squeeze you to let you make an accident. You will get injured maybe seriously and bike gets screwed and legally they will claim you runaway from the checkpoint and nothing will happen to them. Also next time, they might follow you with a police car and crash to your bike - which they do. What will happen? They will walk away and you will be hospitalized and legally wrong.

    Really, i am riding here in Bangkok for 7 years. Stopped by the police rarely for the kms i make around and mostly pay 100 thb only on most of them so i dont have a reason or a problem with the police to runaway from them.

    I dont want to take any risk in my life that might result on not riding bikes in Thailand or elsewhere for a couple of hundred baht. Most importantly, if i run and if they catch me somehow, of course i will be protected but i need to call big guys to help me out and as a managing director it is not easy to explain this type of trouble i made and ask help for it - refer to term losing face, i am sure it is plain irresponsible in their eyes to runaway from police at age 36 and at my position!

    I dont have a plate now too and i never push Honda bigwing to be fast on thatbiggrin.png last time received it after 6 months which i had a chance to get it in a month or two if i pushed the guys at bigwinglaugh.png which is another thing.

    i dont do it to that extreme anymore ,that particular day i was late to meet a girl

    coming back from another girls house .........but thats a long story lol

    il still slip past if i can do it safely though ,and pretend i just didnt see them etc

    not advsing anyone to do the same but somedays the greedy pigs are everywhere and

    if you pulled over every time it would start to get expensive .....(getting worse recently ive noticed )

  6. I always buy my 17 inch laptops on net and Fedex them to me in Thailand, as cannot get what I want here - same like you.

    i could do that too but id be worried thai customs would hold it to ransom

    and make me pay triple its value etc after the crazy delivery fees ......

    did you save anything doing it that way or just do it to get a better laptop ?

  7. I hear what you're saying.

    When I first stated riding big bikes in LOS, I stopped every time. 200 Bt here, 200 Bt there. Riding in the right lane, loud pipes, speeding, tinted visor or whatever they thought of.

    It got so bad that on the occasions that I had to take the bike into the dealer at Thonglor, I would often pass 4 or 5 checkpoints and they got to be rather expensive trips.

    When I bought a more powerful bike, I decided to stop stopping for the police. And as I now ride with guys who are like-minded and in actuality more hard-core than I, I just go with the flow now.

    All protest-orientated checkpoints (and provincial ones) I've encountered lately just wave big bikes through.

    As for the CCTV cameras (do they actually work?) taking a pic of my license plate.

    Well, kind of difficult to take a pic of something that's not there. smile.png 55!

    When the dealer will eventually deliver it is anyone's guess.

    i dont have plate on my bandit 1250 either and only ever stop if they have enough men

    to block the entire road

    once they tried to catch me unsucessfully 4 times in a row on the way from pathum thani into bkk on viphawadi rangsit on a sunday afternoon

    the 3rd checkpoint threw a traffic cone at me and the 4th tried to run out and pull me off the bike but he wasnt quick enough to dodge between moving cars and and when he went to grab me i just took off

  8. If you think about it, the option of spending time as a monk should be attractive to the courts in borderline cases where they may see jail time as one possible sentence.

    If you only see the courts role as handing out punishments then it won't make any sense, but if the objective is to prevent a petty offender from becoming a habitual criminal then it could work very well.

    The re-conviction rate for prisoners released in Thailand is terrible, as it is in most of the world. Anything that could change the direction of an offenders lifestyle should be considered as an alternative to Jail. You may say it's a soft option, but for the offender it may be anything but a soft option.

    monkhood is not strict enough imo as they ahve iphones ,ipads ,free food and freedom to come and go as they please etc

    compare those conditions to a thai jail and i dont think anyone would call it "fair"

  9. Did you check out the shop in fortune on the third floor that sells used computer equipment called "Jinan" ?

    They had exactly what you want when I passed there a few days ago.. monster laptop with big screen and full number pad keyboard.

    i seen that one yesterday actually :) ,the only thing was on max volume you could barely hear it .....i know external speakers are cheap but i want less

    cables and clutter if i can help it

    seems to be hardly any 17"' screens in thailand for some reason but in the uk/usa theyre cheap as chips ..

  10. anyone know where to get these ? walked around yesterday in fortune and pantip and there were almost none bigger then 14 or 15.6"

    i know i could get a small one and buy a big monitor/tv and connect them but i travel a bit so that would be much hassle

    i saw a couple new for 40-60k but i dont need that kind of high spec latest ...........

    il only want it for basic tasks like reading ,ms office , the odd movie ,youtube etc i do now on my dell latitude thats 6-7 years old

    and still works fine .........

  11. as the title says ,only 3,xxx km ,jet black colour ,less than a year old ...5 year honda warranty and the book is in my name

    130k ono

    its too heavy for wife to ride so its got scratches on both sides as shes fallen over a couple of times because this bike is just too heavy for her

    we can change the fairings to brand new shiny ones at honda dealer for new owner (just dont want to change them yet because shes still using it

    everyday and theres a chance it could get scratched again lol )

    im going to get her a lightweight bike like a scoopy or a fino or something ...:)

    call or text me on 092-6645-255 or just send me a pm here



  12. i am OK to forget tollways if they allow bikes to go through underpasses and overpasses and forget the left lane rule!

    Two days in a row, caught right after underpasses, result 100 baht each!!! They take these serious nowadays i guess as both happened during morning rush hour traffic and for 7 years riding here, they never ever stopped me even once before 09:00!

    i know how you feel ...sad.png

    i got done for that yesterday afternnoon in huai kwang ar 15.23 (forgot its the school holidays so they can be anywhere they normally dont be

    ,they wanted 500 from everyone (even a young thai student in front of me on a fino had to pay 500 )

    i told them in thai thats too much and he said no ,and produced some documentation that said illegal underpass fine 1000 thb

    and said he was leting me off light with 500

    i only had 380 in wallet and 20 in loose coins so they accepted the 400 but i got an official ticket receipt

    lucky they didnt search me because i had 30k in another pocket lol

    400 is normal rule but at the police station they charge 200 thb if you negotiate.

    i do the usual; put my dumb statue mask, tell them that i no speak Thai and no speak Engrish. Never show my license. After waiting for some time, they mostly let me go and sometime pass with a 100 thb bill which is easier really.

    what country are you from ? :)

    do they always allow you to go without seeing any id ?

    its a nice trick ,it works for me sometimes because i can speak a bit of polish

    although a few years ago i called their bluff one day and told them i had no licence

    or the money on me i couldnt give them i was going to pay my daughters school to see what would happen .....:D

    they in turn called my bluff and radioed for a pick up to confiscate my bike so i could pick it up at the station without even telling me

    which station ..... :D

    but yeah ,usualy 100 -200 is fine but yesterday was abnormal

    the greedy vultures were stopping everyone and there is a new sign up in huai kwang

    that using that underpass will cost 1000k (i saw it last time when i was in reporting a lost walllet)

    they had more men than usual as well so it was impossible to slip past like you can sometimes when theyre preoccupied robbing someone else :)

  13. do a search for the yamaha elegance 135 ,there is loads of info

    it has the same 16' wheels and i got one dunlop on the front and an irc on the back (i ordered both 10mm wider than stock to get a bit more rubber on the ground )

    now it sticks to the road like superglue compared to those plastic stock tyres it came with ,i can lean way into corners

    braking distance greatly reduced too by having good tyres

    all the famous tyre places in chinatown in bkk will ship them to pattaya for very cheap by ems and ul likely get em the next day

  14. we want kawasaki zx6r 636!!!

    and we want it now kawa! not like 5 years later!

    this !!!!!

    we want ALL the bikes available in other regions ,and we want them NOW !

    and we DONT want to pay triple the american price either so find some way to manufacture 90%

    in japan and then put the wheels and fairings on in rayong and says its '' made in thailand " !!!!

    someone send this post to the CEO of kawa in japan because hes ignoring me .......:D

    • Like 2
  15. i was lost one nightwhen i was new in bkk ,comlpetely exhausted and my vision was getting blurry and i was drifting off to sleep while riding

    (id been awake for 2-3 days on coffee finishing a late project ) so i parked my bike outside an army base

    the next day i couldnt find it and arrived at the wrong army base (they were both on the same road/area ) soldier came out saluted me and asked me

    whats the problem ? i put him on the phone to my gf and she explained i parked outside the army base on that road and they told her theres another base

    in the area ,its probably that one

    i said thanks and asked for directions to it ,he said no no ,you stay here

    he ran inside and another older guy in military uniform came out on a honda wave and said jump on ,lets go

    in 5 min he took me to the other base and sure enough ,my bike was there

    he wouldnt even accept a tip either ,refused about 3 times until i practically forced him to have a drink on me

    ,theyre not all scumbags ...........

    • Like 2
  16. i am OK to forget tollways if they allow bikes to go through underpasses and overpasses and forget the left lane rule!

    Two days in a row, caught right after underpasses, result 100 baht each!!! They take these serious nowadays i guess as both happened during morning rush hour traffic and for 7 years riding here, they never ever stopped me even once before 09:00!

    i know how you feel ...:(

    i got done for that yesterday afternnoon in huai kwang ar 15.23 (forgot its the school holidays so they can be anywhere they normally dont be

    ,they wanted 500 from everyone (even a young thai student in front of me on a fino had to pay 500 )

    i told them in thai thats too much and he said no ,and produced some documentation that said illegal underpass fine 1000 thb

    and said he was leting me off light with 500

    i only had 380 in wallet and 20 in loose coins so they accepted the 400 but i got an official ticket receipt

    lucky they didnt search me because i had 30k in another pocket lol

    • Like 2
  17. With imported bikes iam happy to find a reliable and quaility garage pricing is 2nd priority here as cheap shops tend to deliver cheap jobs. Of course in the end the bill should be right without a feeling of being ripoff. But as others posted you should check prices and what to do BEFORE.

    Since the bike weights well over 500lbs it was immovable

    Without a truck and a bike ramp

    That's like ringing a hospital from your house and asking the doctor how much your treatment will cost...

    A shop can't diagnose the issue without taking things apart and seeing how bad is the damage etc... Im not a mechanics and even if u was I don't have any tools so I just tried a few simple things at home and when they didn't work I gave up and called people who do this for a living.....

  18. I bought a Harley size battery last year and was quoted 2900 - 4500....but I bought it wholesale and got it for less.

    If they charged you for labour.....why is the tank cleaning cost so high?

    Maybe you should have got a quote before hand. Somchai in his baht bus would have delivered it for 300! Plus 20 baht each for the moto sai guys for slinging it on the back.

    I'd rather it done by people who exclusively work on expensive bikes than the local somtam shop

    A ramp was needed anyway because it's a 260kg bike and the fairings would have to be ordered from abroad if they got scratched in transit so it's better to let professionals do the collection instead of a load of half drunk Street bums for 20thb each who don't really care if it gets damage for not...

    I tried lifting it myself with 2 lads info a truck but we had to cancel that idea because someone would have got hurt or the bike damaged or maybe both lol

    Tis a heavy big beast...

  19. I bought a Harley size battery last year and was quoted 2900 - 4500....but I bought it wholesale and got it for less.

    If they charged you for labour.....why is the tank cleaning cost so high?

    Maybe you should have got a quote before hand. Somchai in his baht bus would have delivered it for 300! Plus 20 baht each for the moto sai guys for slinging it on the back.

    I'd rather it done by people who exclusively work on expensive bikes than the local somtam shop

    A ramp was needed anyway because it's a 260kg bike and the fairings would have to be ordered from abroad if they got scratched in transit so it's better to let professionals do the collection instead of a load of half drunk Street bums for 20thb each who don't really care if it gets damage for not...

    I tried lifting it myself with 2 lads info a truck but we had to cancel that idea because someone would have got hurt or the bike damaged or maybe both lol

    Tis a heavy big beast...

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