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  1. Find that strange, could you explain why?
  2. That doesn't really seem sensible to me now, and what if the seller is not acting in good faith? It won't be the first time and happened to me 25 years ago when I wanted to buy a condo in LOS.
  3. Most of us are cattle, on the plane then, outside I don't know. Only EVA AIR, for a small extra payment, has a better seat, even for the fat person among us. But because of a terrible airport, to which they fly (A'dam) I don't use that.
  4. In the Netherlands now, many bridges are in poor condition due to lack of maintenance, huge amounts are collected from road tax but this is spent on all sorts of nonsensical things.
  5. Last week, I mentioned something like this regarding the removal of a ring, but again on reflection, I prefer not to see it.
  6. Just wanted to start enjoying it, grabbed beer and chips, the movie has already ended.... But I console myself with the thought that there will be more videos coming soon. It's something with these ladyboys these days, they do stand their ground.
  7. Nuclear power is the most clean energy, everything els is surrogate.
  8. Just looking around my area, around Kaeng Krachan, every day, 7 days a week, here on the provincial road between 50 and 100 heavy trucks with trailers, sometimes you wonder if they are moving mountains? If that is with me, in how many other areas in the country does that also occur.
  9. In my experience, the coffee stands or falls with the coffee you use. Have had an espresso machine for years, but stopped making coffee because I can't find the right coffee. I'm back to instant coffee, unfortunately.
  10. It is not just concrete that the bridge is made of, but have you ever heard of concrete rot, the steal what used in concrete what can rust, especially in humid countries.
  11. I have been driving an SUV here for over 15 years, and the most important reason for that is that when you are getting older you want to have a higher entry level.
  12. Or maintenance....also possible in LOS. Even an bridge need that from time to time.
  13. sorry, you can not talk for yourself, I'm really sorry for you.
  14. Funny, it was for me exactly the same reason to switch to solarcell. Opposite where I live, across the road, is a car repair shop with a welding machine, and here too the voltage dropped to around 160 volts and also I bought an AVR of 20 KVA which is now needlessly standing. I don't have any trouble with that anymore, including power failure, which occured on average once a week.
  15. What would you think to keep the Suez Canal passable.
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